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10.5 mi

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Easy warmup of 3 miles. Then I did 2 X 3200 meters between HM and 10K pace. My goal was to run the first one in 10:40 and the second one around 10:20. The results were slightly different but over not bad.

10:34- Faster than planned on the first one. Got out decent and then kept pushing. It was hotter today than it has been lately and I definitely felt the accumulation of miles from the last few weeks.

10:27--Number two was good. Just as steady throughout and I managed to close out the last 400 in 75, which was unfortunately my top end right now. I would consider ramping up some 200s soon if it feels like my limited speed is an overall hinderance to my performance, but right now I don't know that it is. The 800s on Tuesday will be an indicator of where I'm at.

3+ mile cooldown.
