Run: AT Previous Next


10 mi


5:23 mi


Great tempo run. Tons of positive to take out of it.

[2:35, 2:43] 5:19

[2:41, 2:37] 5:18

[2:39, 2:36] 5:15

[2:35, 2:47] 5:12

[2:32, 2:46] 5:18

[2:40, 2:31] 5:11

[2:48, 2:46] 5:32

[2:50, 2:47] 5:37

[2:40, 2:40] 5:20

[2:35, 2:47] 5:22

Felt great. I really feel like backing down the first half to 5:40 pace will allow me to crush the last half of this race. Really on the fence about what to do tonight with slightly sore foot. Could add 6 to get more mileage. Hard to say.
