Nobby's Sick - The Get Well Thread. (Read 1508 times)


    He's coughing his lungs out. Let's cheer him up and get as many people to past and wish him well. Nobby, You need to drink hot lemon water, lots and lots of it. GET BETTER SOON NOBBY!




      Get well soon!
      Nobby, You need to drink hot lemon water, lots and lots of it. GET BETTER SOON NOBBY!
      Try adding a little honey to hot lemon water. Mmm...coats the throat too!

      PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

      Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


      2022 Goals

      Back to 10k


      Queen of 3rd Place

        Try adding a little bourbon. Get well soon!

        Ex runner

        A Saucy Wench

          Try adding... oh I have no idea. Oh...fresh ginger. Makes it spicy and loosens the phlegm or something. GET BETTER SOON!

          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7



            Mmm...great excuse for a hot toddy! Hope you feel better, man. This is not the time of year to be sick...the best running weather of the year is upon us!

            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                 ~ Sarah Kay

            Prince of Fatness

              Go out and run, Nobby. I heard that makes you feel better.

              Not at it at all. 



                Try adding a little bourbon. Get well soon!
                Or just drinking the bourbon. Alcohol kills germs, yes? Evil grin

                PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

                Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


                2022 Goals

                Back to 10k




                    I think we should pass the hat and send a visiting nurse. Hang in there Nobby, help is on the way.

                    Greater Lowell Road Runners
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        I think we should pass the hat and send a visiting nurse. Hang in there Nobby, help is on the way.
                        "Try adding a little honey to hot lemon water. Mmm...coats the throat too!" I can't resist ... if her name is "Honey" ... then it seems like those are more than lemons. Hope you feel better.

                        2012= under-goaled

                        Mitch & Pete's Mom

                          Get better soon Nobby. BTW, there are some nasty bugs going around out there. I'm on a antibotics and strict orders from the Dr. not to run or cross train until Saturday.
                          Carlsbad 1/2 marathon 1/26.

                            Get well soon Nobby Speedy recovery

                            Certifiably Insane

                              I'm grey instead of green, and have a whole lot less hair, but that's definitely me in the morning...(tea, no coffee) Hope you're feeling better soon, Nobby. I always love reading your wisdom!
                              On the road since 1978! "To be good is not enough when you dream of being great." I am not obsessed! I'm just INTENSE! "Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool." Why? Because race results stay on Google forever! (Reasonably recent) PR's: 5K - 16:40 10K - 35:04 HM - 1:18:30
                                Wow... Thanks guys, and thank, Bugs! ;o) Yeah, this was the worst I felt in the last, I'd say, 6 or 7 years. Lorraine Moller suggested me to take this liquid mineral and I absolutely swear by it--the only time I got sick during this time was when I ran out and didn't get the new one quick enough. But I guess it didn't help this time... Actually I really thought this was because Bugs pushed me so hard last Saturday, running together... Good run, Bugs! Actually, did someone mentioned ginger? I just had ground ginger with honey in hot water tonight and I think it really helped (or was it just about the time to feel better...???). I got this recipe from this Japanese book and you're supposed to ground it with skin on. Try it next time you guys get sick (hopefully won't happen too often...) So, BadDawg, when would I expect this visiting nurse? ;o) (maybe this is why some people might think, when they read the title, well, "Nobby's sick!")