Strange food jags... (Read 807 times)

    I'll go through phases where I want cereal every night for dinner. I crave it during the day. Right now I am off cereal and on PB&J sandwiches. I had one for dinner last night Wink For breakfast I love regular oatmeal with cinnamon, splenda and fat free plain yogurt mixed in. It's delicious. Gwin
    2007 Races: 5K: 25 minutes, 10 seconds 10K: 50 minutes, 31 seconds 2008 Races: Half Marathon: 1:55:45 (ZOOMA, Annapolis, MD) 10-Mile Race: 1:25:24 (Piney Point, MD) 2009 Races: Marathon: 4:44:22 (Piney Point, MD)

    Good Bad & The Monkey

      I crave whatever fruit or veggie is in season. I am pounding mangos right now like there is no tomorrow. A couple weeks ago it was strawberries. Before that it was oranges.

      One day at a time

        I crave whatever fruit or veggie is in season. I am pounding mangos right now like there is no tomorrow. A couple weeks ago it was strawberries. Before that it was oranges.
        Wow, I wish I did that. I have to make myself eat fruit and veggies. Too much junk food as a kid, I think.

        SMART Approach

          Chicken for me!
          I eat so damn much chicken that I occasionally "squawk". Never get sick of it!

          Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

          Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

          Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique

            Squash. Out of the blue I'll crave it big time for a week or so.



            Chicago RnR 1/2 Marathon

              Garlic shrimp. I always have the ingredients on hand. Dinner on the table in 10 minutes!
                I crave whatever fruit or veggie is in season. I am pounding mangos right now like there is no tomorrow. A couple weeks ago it was strawberries. Before that it was oranges.
                I hear ya! I just did my recipe tour for Cinco De Mayo and did a Fresh Avocado and Mango Salsa.... Delicious! Super Wal Mart had Mangos for 38 cents each yesterday.... I am now the proud owner of an entire basket of them.... I think Mango Sorbet sounds great..... Wink Smile

                Life Goal- Stay Cancer Free, Live my Best Life

                 " Choose Joy, Today and ALWAYS" 

                Think Whirled Peas

                  Really, REALLY salty food. It'll hit me like a freight train about 8pm or so. And god help you if you're in my way when I'm "in need". I haven't figured out what triggers it, but it can be bad. I've been desparate enough to just take the salt shaker and dump some in my hand to quell the need. Black eye Blush

                  Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


                  Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>

                    When I'm being really good calorie counting I crave milk. I like milk anyhow, but I want it constantly sometimes. Lately it's been eggs and bananas.
                    Ginny 'Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there' Will Rogers
                      I have been on a month long raw carrot craving. I am just afraid to eat too many! I am limiting myself to 3 handfulls of baby carrots a day.

                      Good Bad & The Monkey

                        Super Wal Mart had Mangos for 38 cents each yesterday.... I am now the proud owner of an entire basket of them.... I think Mango Sorbet sounds great.....
                        I have friends in Florida who talk about mangoes piled up on the sides of streets, that so many just fall and rot from the numerous mango trees there. I am still waiting from some to come my way...
                          I've never had a mango. Confused Sounds like I'm missing out on something really good.



                          Good Bad & The Monkey

                            I've never had a mango. Confused Sounds like I'm missing out on something really good.
                            Yes. And we are entering mango season right now. They can be green or orange, should have slight give when you press (i.e., not be rock hard and not be gooshy soft). There is a big disc pit in the middle that you have to cut around, and the flesh can be a touch fibrous. The flavor is fantastic and unique.

                            The Greatest of All Time

                              Cereal here too. But good cereal, i.e. Grape Nuts, Kashi, Fiber One, etc. For breakfast this week I have had in one bowl: 2 packets of sugar free maple & brown sugar instant oatmeal (so add hot water and stir), the some Kashi Go Lean crunch, and some Fiber One Caramel flavored squares..topped off with skim milk. Total calories is probably close to 650 or so and about 25 grams of fiber. Shocked I could eat that 3 times per day. I could eat oatmeal everyday for the rest of my life and wouldn't complain at all. About every 2 or 3 months I will get peanut butter cravings which takes one jar to cure. And about twice a year I get Pop Tart cravings and I never ate them as a child.
                              all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                              Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


                                I crave whatever fruit or veggie is in season. I am pounding mangos right now like there is no tomorrow. A couple weeks ago it was strawberries. Before that it was oranges.
                                You need to come to MI when blueberries are in season. We eat a TON of them, then. Good for antioxidants and blue poop! Big grin I also struggle to eat veggies, like Teresa. I like most fruits--especially berries, but a lot of veggies I have to make myself eat. I used to LOVE broccoli and summer squash, but got kind of burned-out on them. I've never liked carrots, peas, or corn (which isn't even a veggie). Marcus, cool to see that I'm not the only one who loves Grape Nuts. I'm a healthy cereal junky, too. Grew up on Grape Nuts, Cream of Wheat, Wheatena, Special K. I really like the Kashi Go Lean cereals, too. About the only sugared cereal I like is PB Capn' Crunch.

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay