Dogs as children (Read 752 times)


    I don't have kids. I can't make any, and just never got around to adopting. I used to have cats. Then I got dogs. First, I rescued a little beagle. She's 8 now. Then, I rescued a little dachshund who had spent the first year of his life in a tiny bathroom. He's a sweet little boy, but he's quite headstrong and fearless. He's now 4. In the middle of the night, I had to take him to the emergency vet. Sometime later today, he has to have spinal surgery to relieve pressure from a herniated disk. Yikes. He's the closest thing I have to a little son. I don't know how you parent types do it. I'm mortified. Here's to you parents. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic


      I'm sorry to hear this!!! Sending lots of quick surgery and quick recovery for the little guy!!! (((Robert)))) Good luck and sending lots of positive vibes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MTA: they are both too cute!!

      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


      Good Bad & The Monkey

        Dude. Dog Karma!! good luck! Let us know how it goes.
          Good Luck! We had dachshunds growing up. One of ours also had to have a back surgery. He made it through just fine and lived quite a long time after. Here's hoping yours is the same!

            Dude. Dog Karma!! good luck! Let us know how it goes.
            I know you are wishing me good karma, which I appreciate. Now, I've always been a comes-around-goes-around and 'even steven' kind of guy. This little boy has certainly had his share of issues. His first year was pretty terrible. He once ate a six foot leash. He was throwing up and pooping leash pieces a full week later. He got giardia last year that went untreated for several days because the vet thought it was something else. He could use a little even-steven-ing Sad. Then again, he's always recovered like a champ. Hopefully this will go the same way. Maybe that's the positive side of his karmetic karmelized karma. BTW: this thread was a request for good dog vibes. It was ALSO a big cheer for parents of people-children. I don't want that piece to get lost.


            Run the race God set B4U

              He looks just like my "Dexter", I'm sorry to hear about this, keep us posted on how he is doing.
              5K's (11), Half Marathon (1), Relay Marathon (1), 15K's (2)
                Poor little guy. I hope this is fixed easily, and that this is the last of his problems.

                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews | lking@pobox.com


                  Oh no!! Poor fella. My nephews are 2 little doxies (my sister doesn't want kids, actually, me either). I know she'd be devastated if anything happened to them. Me too for that matter. What were his symptoms? Here's hoping recovery is speedy and as painless as possible.
                  Roses Revenge

                    Good vibes coming his (and your) way. We had an emergency vet visit with one of our cat children earlier this year and I'll be paying off vet bills for months to come. Our regular vet is giving us a frequest visit discount since we've spent so much on three of the kids this year. Of course, we've also been visiting the same vet office for over 40 years so they know us well by now and know what we will do when any of the kids get sick. I have home or cell phone numbers for most of the staff.

                    Marathon Maniac #991 Half Fanatic #58 Double Agent #22  It's a perfect day and I feel great!

                      Poor little guy! I know how you feel. Like you, my pets are my children. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way and hoping for a speedy recovery!

                      Half Fanatic #36

                        Robert, I only have kids at the moment, 3, but for many years I only had cats and I still have a major soft spot for pets in general . Best wishes to the little guy and you too. Francesca

                          Hope everything is okay!


                          MM #2929



                            Hope little Tobias comes through his surgery OK! Good luck to both of you. I know how you feel - I have one human kid and two canine kids, and they're all family.

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              {{{good get well vibes>>>srlopez's doggy boy<good get well vibes}}} get="" well="" vibes}}}=""></good get well vibes}}} >


                              Runners run

                                I have kids - Son 17 (biological) and daughter 15 (foreign adoption)..... SrLopez --- if you want to consider a trade, I'm sure we can work something out....my kids for your dogs..... Big grin Big grin Think about it..... Good luck to the little guy.....hope it all works out.....Good Dog VIBES to you.......

                                Champions are made when no one is watching
