The COVID-19 Wild West Thread (Read 602 times)


    I found this to be a useful explainer on how to reduce the risk of transmission indoors. In summary: a multi-layered approach of masks, safe spacing, ventilation, and reducing the time of exposure. Not that I'm going to an indoor bar until this is over but good to know.


    Runners run

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      Locally my elected officials said COVID 19 is here to stay even with a vaccine and it's about managing the health care system being overwhelmed. So it looks like we'll be wearing masks and quarantining forever. 70,000 people contract this virus every day according to him and that's more than the number of people that can fit in the new Raiders stadium in Vegas. daily. It's too dangerous to go outside and the best way to limit your exposure is to stay home and stay safe. It's the safest spacing and with trick or treating all but canceled (somehow this is discourage, but able to occur without spreading COVID 19) I don't see how society functions other than not caring about the spread of COVID 19 anymore. I can't wait for Joe Biden to fix this. 100 days of him in office and we'll be back to normal. If Trump wins America is screwed.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

      SMART Approach

        I found this to be a useful explainer on how to reduce the risk of transmission indoors. In summary: a multi-layered approach of masks, safe spacing, ventilation, and reducing the time of exposure. Not that I'm going to an indoor bar until this is over but good to know.



        This is the best explanation I have seen thus far and will share with friends and family who don't understand. My wife still wants me to take my shoes off at door and wash my hands and wash hands when food delivered. Not a big deal but my shoes and hands are not how she will get it Covid if I was exposed.


        How about when running or walking outside and and people have masks on with no one around them? No risk. Or when I run by someone they pull their face mask up when they see me coming. I don't really care and stay 6 feet + away when running by but THIS IS NOT HOW YOU GET IT 99.9% of the time. We all need to stay educated and cautious.

        Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

        Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

        Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


        RIP Milkman

          Good post mikeymike and Tchuck. I think the people who are still crazy cautious either haven't paid attention to the latest news, or are just anxious people in general. I still see folks walking around outside with surgical gloves on. I want to go up and ask them how they think that prevents COVID, but I have a feeling even getting within 15 feet of these people will cause them to cower in a corner.

          5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




          not bad for mile 25

            I found this to be a useful explainer on how to reduce the risk of transmission indoors. In summary: a multi-layered approach of masks, safe spacing, ventilation, and reducing the time of exposure. Not that I'm going to an indoor bar until this is over but good to know.




            Nicely done page.


            One day at a time

              I'm really worried about Thanksgiving.  I have online friends who are giving in to spouses who insist on getting together with big families.  Sad  The pull of seeing elderly relatives is too strong.  I wish they could see that they are endangering those people.


              Mother of Cats

                Good post mikeymike and Tchuck. I think the people who are still crazy cautious either haven't paid attention to the latest news, or are just anxious people in general. I still see folks walking around outside with surgical gloves on. I want to go up and ask them how they think that prevents COVID, but I have a feeling even getting within 15 feet of these people will cause them to cower in a corner.


                Humans like talismans.  We like to be able to point to something and do it or touch it compulsively and believe if we just keep doing that, everything will be OK.


                We like believing we have more control over our lives then we actually do.


                But...funny thing regarding the surgical gloves...I regularly use latex gloves as running gloves when it's rainy - they work far better than anything else.  And I always get stares when I wear them.  But the stares have evolved from the pre-pandemic "what the heck is she wearing" to the pandemic-era "oh she's one of those..."  With a healthy dose of "why would you wear latex gloves but not a mask when the virus is transmitted via breathing..."

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                Mother of Cats

                  I'm really worried about Thanksgiving.  I have online friends who are giving in to spouses who insist on getting together with big families.  Sad  The pull of seeing elderly relatives is too strong.  I wish they could see that they are endangering those people.


                  It's hard.   My parents are aging and every holiday is precious.


                  For Thanksgiving this year we've settled on a two hour visit by me, with N95s worn the whole time by all (we have a few).  No eating/drinking - we'll do Thanksgiving without a meal.  It's a bit unorthodox, but it's the best compromise I can think of.

                  Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                  And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    Good post mikeymike and Tchuck. I think the people who are still crazy cautious either haven't paid attention to the latest news, or are just anxious people in general. I still see folks walking around outside with surgical gloves on. I want to go up and ask them how they think that prevents COVID, but I have a feeling even getting within 15 feet of these people will cause them to cower in a corner.


                    • Respiratory droplets can also land on surfaces and objects. It is possible that a person could get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes.

                    It might not be common to get it from surfaces. I don’t want to catch it. It’s killing people and I don’t want to help kill more people. Why is protecting yourself from COVID 19 considered crazy and why would you want to question people doing it at this point? Didn’t your governor say it lives on surfaces for three weeks and now zip codes are being forced to quarantine because it keeps spreading? People aren’t staying quarantined and that’s how it spreads. Surfaces. Air. It’s everywhere.


                    I don’t see how anyone can justify getting together. I’m looking forward to more forced lockdown so we can reduce the numbers because if summer has shown anything, it’s shown how little people care about COVID 19. Every holiday has caused a spike. If it was important to see the elderly or other family members they don’t see weekly people would have prioritized it and found a way to make it happen last month.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                      Through no fault of my own I have an autoimmune disease....I'm not overweight, never have been.  Don't smoke, rarely drink and I do not want to die just because some dumbass thinks mask don't help.  I call those people Typhoid Mary's...virus vectors because that's what they are.  Because of them I'm stuck inside.  I wear a mask every where but if the others don't then yes they don't help.

                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        Through no fault of my own I have an autoimmune disease....I'm not overweight, never have been.  Don't smoke, rarely drink and I do not want to die just because some dumbass thinks mask don't help.  I call those people Typhoid Mary's...virus vectors because that's what they are.  Because of them I'm stuck inside.  I wear a mask every where but if the others don't then yes they don't help.


                        Exactly. Dumbasses all around. Go ahead and get together with family even though it has preceeded an increase in COVID 19 cases all year long. It's been a while since you've seen those people and "it's (insert holiday here)" because viruses take the holidays off. Hopefully a national lockdown comes in January or February. It's going to be the ONLY way people take COVID 19 seriously enough to get cases to drop.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          I'm really worried about Thanksgiving.  I have online friends who are giving in to spouses who insist on getting together with big families.  Sad  The pull of seeing elderly relatives is too strong.  I wish they could see that they are endangering those people.


                          We need to get through Halloween first. I've seen too much in my area that it HAS to be business as usual because the kids have suffered too much already. So I expect parties and such this weekend.


                          One day at a time


                            We need to get through Halloween first. I've seen too much in my area that it HAS to be business as usual because the kids have suffered too much already. So I expect parties and such this weekend.


                            That word "suffered" slays me.  Americans are such wusses.



                              That word "suffered" slays me.  Americans are such wusses.


                              What, you don’t think the kids have been working 14-hour days in the coal mines and sweatshops?



                              One day at a time


                                What, you don’t think the kids have been working 14-hour days in the coal mines and sweatshops?


                                Uh, maybe not so much.  And they aren't having to endure blackout restrictions like they had in London during WWII, either.


                                I'm not minimizing what kids are going through, because I know how tough it's been on my 22-year-old daughter.  But she is the first to state she knows it's necessary in order to keep people healthy.