Cool Running...Just Left! (Read 3219 times)


    Another CR refugee here. I'm glad to have another option. I was finally able to locate my log and I'm so relieved. Thanks to everyone here for the welcome. I'm looking forward to a new home.

    One day at a time

      I just got an e-mail from CR about the training logs. In case someone didn't see it, here it is: Greetings Cool Runners, As everyone is aware, earlier this week we completed the integration of the Cool Running login system, forums and training logs with The Active Network. During this process we encountered several problems with the training log data transfer and also received plenty of feedback and questions about training log functionality. This email is meant to specifically address the confusion and concern around the training log integration. First of all, let us apologize for any problems the integration has caused! That was never our intention and we hear you concerns loud and clear. Most of us working at Active & Cool Running are runners ourselves and we understand the importance of the data in your logs. Let us assure you that NO TRAINING LOG DATA HAS BEEN LOST. All data is safely stored as a backup in the Active database. In the coming days and weeks, we will make all efforts to reconnect all users with their training data. ISSUE #1 – Data Transfer In the initial transfer, we matched data as follows: - Workout type, distance, duration and pace we transferred directly over - Any comments, Avg HR and Max HR were inserted into the workout notes section in Active Trainer - You weight data was imported into the Daily Vitals section in Active Trainer - Shoe data was automatically populate into the Shoe Tracker, including all mileage information logged to date One piece of data we did not bring over was the custom activity type and this has caused several concerns with users. Our Solution: Beginning in the next 3 days, our system will start running an update script to insert your custom activity names for all transferred workouts. So, if you had a Yoga workout on Cool Running, this will appear as a Cross Training workout in Active Trainer with the activity set to Yoga. All other data will be imported as shown above. This update script will be run automatically if you have already claimed your log. No action is required on your part. Again, we ask for patience as there is a large amount of data is dig through. We are 100% dedicated to getting your data set up correctly! ISSUE #2 – Questions about Active Trainer Functionality We have received numerous questions about Active Trainer functionality. First, let us say we value all feedback and requests for Active Trainer functionality. It is our goal to make this tool as useful as can be for all our users. Below is a list of some of the most frequent questions and the correct answer to each: 1. It looks like I can only add distance and weight in US units. What about the metric system? Active Trainer is compatible with both US and Metric units for distance. For example, you may track a Running workout by miles or km and a swim workout in yards or meters. Unfortunately, we currently only support Lbs for weight measures. However, we will be adding grams and kilograms next year. 2. How do I track my shoe distances on Active Trainer? Do I have to pay for this? The Shoe tracker is completely FREE to all users. Furthermore, all shoes from your Cool Running log have been transferred into Active Trainer along with the mileage logged to each pair. Moving forward, when logging a workout in your calendar you can select a pair of shoes from the drop down to add the mileage. Additionally, Active Trainer lets you run a mileage log for each pair of shoes you have in the system, showing you the exact dates and workouts you have recorded to each pair. 3. Can I load routes into Active Trainer? All users have the ability to create, edit, and save routes. You may store as many routes in your Active Trainer account as your wish. Active Trainer is integrated with Google Maps. You simply type in a start location and then point and click on screen to build your route. Our system will automatically calculate the distance. Look for some additional features on routes in the coming year, such as emailing routes to friends. 4. I can’t see a weekly, monthly or annual mileage total in the training log This has been a big request and unfortunately Active Trainer does not currently have this function. However, it is very apparent from your feedback that it’s a hot feature and we are moving it to the front of the list for development in the New Year. 5. Can I generate a report or graph of WEEKLY mileage? Yes, Active Trainer can do this! Click on the report link in the top navigation and then to go Training Stats. This report will let you generate a graph of total mileage by workout type (for example, running vs walking) over any time period that you choose. You may also run total mileage reports from the Shoe Tracker. 6. I can’t run a search/sort my log to instantly look up all my times over a set distance or course This is actually the first time we’ve had this feature request and it’s come up from several people this week. Great feedback! This will also be going to the top of the pile for features going out in the next few months. 7. The different types of sub-training divisions are gone. For example, in Cool Running I had the option of choosing road bike, tri bike, mountain bike or spin bike for a cycling workout. The Active Trainer structure does have this flexibility and we are leveraging it in certain workout types, such as strength training. However, there is additional work planned about this feature. We are currently exploring opening up the Activity level and allowing users to data enter their activity types they want to use. This is actually already a feature we have for our coaches; it has just not been included in the athlete version. More to come on this very soon! 8. I can't edit runs after they've been logged Good catch! Again, this is something that is in the queue to add as a feature. Active Trainer does have the ability to clear a logged workout, allowing the user to make changes and then re-log. However, we have a feature planned that will make this process much quicker and more user-friendly. 9. I can't set my training week to start on Monday This is also a known issue that we are already working on addressing. A solution should be in place early in 2008. 10. Do I have to pay for Active Trainer? NO! Active Trainer is 100% free, including the Shoe Tracker. We understand it takes some time to get used to a new training log system. No doubt there will be some differences that seem strange at first, but hopefully you will find Active Trainer a useful tool in your training. And if there’s something you’d like to see, drop us a line and let us know. If you have any questions or concerns that were not covered in this email, please let us know at or check out the support documents at:
        waiit, i got that email too! but you left out the most important part!!!!! at the bottom of the page there is an "unsubscribe" button. hit it and you won't get email from active anymore. no more lies and promises about fixing the running log, or getting those old threads back online. break the chains...
          Y'all should start a Cool Runners Refugees group... Off hand, I wonder how many transplants we're actually getting here.
          Count me as one of them also.... Hate what they tried to do to make the site better..... It is costing them alot of members I fear.... Happy to be here, and Thanks for letting us into your world here. Looks like a great new home for the Misfits of CR. Clowning around Cheffy

          Life Goal- Stay Cancer Free, Live my Best Life

           " Choose Joy, Today and ALWAYS" 

            another CR refugee! mostly a lurker, but was around nonetheless thanks to everyone here at the new board who are so welcoming with the surge of us new people
            He taught me to run high on my toes. I will always remember his words: run proud and remember you are alive.

              Another CR refugee/immigrant/emigre/new guy to RA. I'm here for the running log. I used to be Better than yesterday but BTY is all that would fit in the field. So glad to see a welcoming group. Of course not everyone will be happy to see the influx and that's understandable. I see Econo, and Pro, and mc, and arla, and R2Farm... BTY

                Another one here. I've been watching to see what would happen and even predicted that baaad things are going to happen when the transition hit. Unfortunately, I was proven right. Luckily, timing wise but not for me, I'm nursing a strained calf muscle and haven't been able to run since Sunday. I now have a place to post my workouts!! Thanks Eric!! I'll be buying a shirt and donating after the new year.

                  Yet another CR transfer..... This looks like a pretty good place, and the transfer of data was great (and speedy!) I think the biggest disappointment with the whole CR/Active thing was they kept touting it as an "upgrade" when it really was just another log (and a poorer one at that).
                    Hi everyone! I was an active participant in the half marathon thread, which has continued pretty much intact, very nice group of people but with my limited skills I have not been able to log in! I must be one of few who didn't mind the changes since I didn't use the log or other advanced features. Perhaps this is a sign that it is time for a change? I have introduced myself on the "Boomers" forum, but in case you aren't in that category..... I am 56 and a new runner, about 15 months now. Enjoying the health benefits, I am 6ft tall and about 168lbs, down from over 190(!), more energy etc. I am mostly interested in improving my times at the shorter distances, 10k, 10 miles and the half; gunning for a 48 minute 10k this spring. Not such a hot time for some of you guys, but for a fat old guy who last ran in 1968 its a challenge! Simon.

                    PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                        10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                      "Somewhere, somehow, Some corporation must have kicked you around some. Tell me why you wanna lay there and revel in your abandon." Yeah, another fugee. Kickin' the tires...looking around. Thanks for letting us in.

                      Be safe. Be kind.


                        For what it's worth, the CR Refugee group now has 76 members and counting. Increased by about 30 since this morning. Big grin

                        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                        go Care Bear go!

                          I'm an immigrant!!!! So happy to have found this place. I haven't read all the posts but will when I get some time. I did see LRNick is here and that made me happy! Smile I hope some of my tri peeps from the CR MS board find us cause I really dig those guys. I know I wouldn't be where I am without the support, encouragement, inspiration and laughs I got from all my very real "imaginary" friends at CR. RunningAhead seems comfortable right off the bat. I really tried to deal with Active but it was just taking way too much time and energy. What a disaster. To the RA natives...Thanks for the warm welcome!

                            Wow! I see some familiar names posting here. I was Bruce Braucher in the Boomer area. Just posted on Saw the links to this site. OMG this was so much easier. Think I'll keep my running log here or Should I say lack of running at the moment due to an injury.
                              I left CR too. What an ingrate I am to leave those nice people at when they tried so hard, and worked around the clock. The log was the deal breaker. I hated the Active log because it was so hard to use. I lost a lot of my data from 2001. This is a shame because that was such a pivotal year for me. I was training for the Marine Corp Marathon and then I banged my leg on my desk at work and wound up not going. I woke up in the middle of the night in agony! And also that was the year that the World Trade Center fell down. I still have memories of running the 5th Avenue Mile in September. There was gray ash on the surface of the water in the cups at the finish line. They cancelled the Yonkers Marathon that year too. It was quite a year! Hopefully I will find a new home here for a while. -Jonathan
                              I'm condemned by a society that demands success when all I can offer is failure. -Max Bialystock
                                It's nice to see some familiar names, I was wondering where everyone went. I hung around the "new improved" CoolRunning site for a while. After posting there for the last eight years it was kind of hard to go, but I've unfortunately come to the conclusion that will never recover from this botched transition. In addition, the running log is unusable and the site itself impossible to navigate. I've since become a member over at Kick and at Iontach's suggestion, found my way over here. Both sites look very promising, especially since Kick is working hard on a running log. It'll be interesting to see where everyone finally ends up. Tom