Help me make my Wii fun (Read 1168 times)

My legs are killing me

    The baseball is a lot of fun. I enjoy playing that with the kids.

      Personally not much of a WII fan and still look at it as gimmicky. I'd rather have a PS3 or xbox360. Even better option I think is buying an HDTV and connecting it to an computer with a bunch of emulators (MAME, N64, PSX, SNES, NES, Genesis, Atari, etc), ROMS, and CD images.
      Yup, I can understand this. I picked up the Wii specifically because of the controller gimmick-ery Smile. I worked on the original xbox (tangentially, nothing really important) so I have a whole lot of background there. Because of that, I don't get as into the experience as much as I could. I've been through my share of the rom emulators too... tis fun to play the old stuff once you get controls that also reasonably emulate. (pacman with WASD keys for direction is yuck). I hadn't thought about the game cube connection. Thanks!


      Carl A

        Mario Galaxy has gotten thumbs up from several folks elsewhere... anyone here played it?
        My boys love Super Mario Galaxy. They're into puzzles, and this game has a bunch of worlds with weird challenges to get through each one. They're way better at it than I am, even though we only let them play the Wii on rainy days and some weekend nights. I'd also recommend Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, which will probably be cheaper now that the Olympics are over. It's fun to play, and is an intro to some of the great sports that are out there.

        Speed my steps along your path, according to your will.


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          Dumb question: shouldn't a bleeding edge entertainment device that ultimately costs >$200 be innately fun to use?

            Dumb question: shouldn't a bleeding edge entertainment device that ultimately costs >$200 be innately fun to use?
            Yes, although the Wii isn't bleeding edge by any measure *except* regarding its controls. I specifically bought it out of curiosity regarding the controls and whether that made it innately fun to use. It really comes down to how the controls are used by the games... and so that's why I started the thread. Not sure what games are fun and don't have endless cash to blow. It's funny. When 360 was being readied and PS3 details were becoming clearer, it was rather obvious that these two systems contained a whole lot of mumbo jumbo and stuff way beyond gaming. That was the wave of the future. As details of the upcoming Wii came out, it wasn't really taken seriously by some in the industry. Much lower quality video. More closed system. Wasn't going to do nearly as much. Much smaller online presence. And weirdo controls. Fast forward. My, how things have changed. Anyway, the Wii is not bleeding edge from most technical perspectives. But we've learned that this may not matter, especially if it is 1) easy to use, and 2) fun. Which apparently it is, though I haven't quite gotten there yet Smile.



            Good Bad & The Monkey

              Cool. Yeah, I meant bleeding edge from the perspective of the handheld device.
                Are you aware of the Wii virtual console which gives you access to old gaming content (NES, SNES, N64, Master System, Genesis, Neo Geo, and T16)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Console http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Virtual_Console_games_(North_America) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google searches I have yet to do......... Wii controller electronics + body modification Clowning around Did you ever play The New Tetris (Nintendo N64)? The game modes are spirit, marathon, and ultra so I'm thinking a runner designed it. Cool




                  It's funny. When 360 was being readied and PS3 details were becoming clearer, it was rather obvious that these two systems contained a whole lot of mumbo jumbo and stuff way beyond gaming. That was the wave of the future. As details of the upcoming Wii came out, it wasn't really taken seriously by some in the industry. Much lower quality video. More closed system. Wasn't going to do nearly as much. Much smaller online presence. And weirdo controls. Fast forward. My, how things have changed.
                  PS3 is really the choice for a blu-ray player apparently. The games on that system are a different kind that the Wii; Wii is geared more to families and kids which going into a tight economic time is not a bad thing.

                  Half Fanatic #9292. 

                  Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

                  The voice of mile 18

                    maybe i'm old school (or maybe just old) but games are so complicated nowadaysw/ plots and subplots. i prefer the wii turn it on and just play a game. no thinking involved just entertainment. ok off be grumpy somewhere else Tongue

                     Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 



                      maybe i'm old school (or maybe just old) but games are so complicated nowadaysw/ plots and subplots. i prefer the wii turn it on and just play a game. no thinking involved just entertainment. ok off be grumpy somewhere else Tongue
                      Yup...I'm with ya' (wherever it is you are going). I love getting my butt handed to me by my not-quite-8-year-old on the Wii, too. Big grin

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay



                        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                             ~ Sarah Kay


                          Oh ho! My Wii seems to have a built-in wireless knuder switch. I didn't know that... thought I had to buy an extra piece. wam bam kablooey, I'm connected to my network downloading system updates. That was spiffy. "It just worked".



                            Well, based on 1) cranking BP home runs, 2) chucking spares, and 3) returning tennis serves, my Wii fit age is 52. Huh. I have no idea what that means except that in some perverse world, I'm 10 years older than I should be. The only thing I have any natural skill for is video game bowling.


                            Outside Lane

                              Get the Wii Browser (Opera) for $5.00 (500 Will points). You can watch Youtube on your big tube - and even log runs at RA....

                              See how they run...
