Girl Scout Cookies (Read 790 times)


One day at a time

    Trent, thanks for confirming cookies=medicine.
    Yes, now I don't have to feel guilty for eating them!
      Those vile young ladies are swarmin' all over outside The Hub's place of work. The Devil's henchmen (or would that be henchgirls) in cute uniforms, that's what they are. Evil grin However, I have heretofore resisted. I am woman! I am strong! . . . . . .. okay, I didn't have any $$ on me at the time. Blush

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


      Buffalo Gal Rides Again

        frozen thin mint cookies!
        Frozen Thin Mints is one reason why we run. Where can I get my hands on some THIS MINUTE?
        March: Irish Jig 5K (DONE), Kent City Ridge Run 5K (DONE) April: Iron Girl 5K (DONE), Kentucky Derby Half May: 5/3 (10K) July: Cherry Festival 15K August: Chicago Rock N Roll Half, Crim Festival of Races (10 miler) October: Grand Rapids Marathon (Half-Hometown Gig)

          Alas, 'sleeve' is not a good measure. Them sleeves be smaller this year. Girl Scouts.... (Homer Simpson shudder)




            Frozen Caramel Delights/Samoas are the best cookie on the planet...frozen...oh, word. I remember we'd freeze them to add some extra will-power factor. But they are even better frozen, so that backfired.

            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                 ~ Sarah Kay

            Jazz hands!

              WAHOOOO!!! I'm baking stuff in the kitchen, and boyfriend comes in, gets tea or whatever, and as I'm trying to remember where I put stuff last time, he says, "Oh, I may have gotten treats today." And then he makes me look for them, and in an upper cabinet there are thin mints (meh) and Tagalongs (YESSSS)! By the way, I highly recommend dating someone insane who doesn't like peanut butter. Then it is ALL YOURS.
              run run run AHHHHHH run run run

                I love peanut butter. Hands off, peanut butter lovin girls.


                Buffalo Gal Rides Again

                  I love peanut butter. Hands off, peanut butter lovin girls.
                  Peanut butter is one of the basic food groups. My fave is Cherry Republic's Cherry Vanilla Peanut Butter. Best not get between me and my peanut butter.
                  March: Irish Jig 5K (DONE), Kent City Ridge Run 5K (DONE) April: Iron Girl 5K (DONE), Kentucky Derby Half May: 5/3 (10K) July: Cherry Festival 15K August: Chicago Rock N Roll Half, Crim Festival of Races (10 miler) October: Grand Rapids Marathon (Half-Hometown Gig)


                    Peanut butter is one of the basic food groups. My fave is Cherry Republic's Cherry Vanilla Peanut Butter. Best not get between me and my peanut butter.
                    Ben & Jerry's PB Cup ice cream is my favorite...ever. And I didn't even like PB all that much as a kid. It's something I developed a liking for in college.

                    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                         ~ Sarah Kay

                    Top 'O the World!

                      Frozen Caramel Delights/Samoas .
                      .....swimmming in ice cream!! OOOOHHHH!! Evil grin dammmee
                      Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                      Buffalo Gal Rides Again

                        Ben & Jerry's PB Cup ice cream is my favorite...ever. And I didn't even like PB all that much as a kid. It's something I developed a liking for in college.
                        OMG. That is IT. I'm going scavenging right this minute. Glad I runned today.
                        March: Irish Jig 5K (DONE), Kent City Ridge Run 5K (DONE) April: Iron Girl 5K (DONE), Kentucky Derby Half May: 5/3 (10K) July: Cherry Festival 15K August: Chicago Rock N Roll Half, Crim Festival of Races (10 miler) October: Grand Rapids Marathon (Half-Hometown Gig)


                          .....swimmming in ice cream!! OOOOHHHH!! Evil grin dammmee
                          *fingers in ears* lalalalalalala...I can't hear you...lalalalalalala....

                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay

                            When a person arrives in the Emergency Department in hypoglycemic shock, we rescue them by giving a huge shot of glucose. They can go from near-dead appearing to full of life. That is a load of sugar. Same number of calories in the shot as in 2 thin mints. Just sayin.
                            This actually SLIGHTLY turns me off to thin mints... Can you compare something like this to Qdoba burritos also?

                            "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." -- Leonard Bernstein



                              Can you compare something like this to Qdoba burritos also?
                              I had my first Qdoba burrito last Friday. BAD. Then I discovered that there is one within a half hour of us...MORE BAD! Damn, those are tasty!

                              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                   ~ Sarah Kay

                                Isn't it horrible?!?!?! Here's a game me and my friends play... Qdoba Nutritional Calculator. http://www.qdoba.com/Calculate.aspx "Ok ok ok.... so what if I ordered JUST a tortilla....? 330 calories?! 8 g of fat?!"

                                "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." -- Leonard Bernstein
