End of the world in 4 years (Read 656 times)

Imminent Catastrophe

    December 21, 2012, according to the Mayan Long Count calendar Roll eyes. Plan accordingly.

    "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

     "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

    "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


    √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

    Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

    Western States 100 June 2016


    One day at a time

      Well, at least then we'd only have to pay for 5 semesters of college rather than 24 (3 kids).

      Hey, nice marmot!

        Morning or afternoon? The afternoon of the 21st is packed for me. I could squeeze it in early morning though. To be honest, the 19th will work so much better for me. Would you consider moving it up?



        "The world is my country, science is my religion."-- Christiaan Huygens

        My legs are killing me

          I guess I can stop contributing to my 401k.

            Good thing I'm shooting for BQ in 2010. SO I best not miss. I guess I'll have to put in some extra miles early in the year to get to 2000 in 2012 or will someone adjust the pace bunny accordingly.

            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel




              So if I want to do the Monkey before I die I only have a few more shots.

              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                   ~ Sarah Kay

                This gives me a few years to get my running where I want it.......I ultimately want to get my 5K time to <21:00 and get a marathon in 3:15..........(i'm 56 so i think these are hard but doable goals)....... if i dont accomplish these goals by the dec 21st 2012, can we talk to the mayans and ask them to put off the end of the world for a little longer until i get my running goals accomplsihed......if the end of the world comes, i want to make sure that i go to running heaven.... :d ;) and="" get="" a="" marathon="" in="" 3:15..........(i'm="" 56="" so="" i="" think="" these="" are="" hard="" but="" doable="" goals).......="" if="" i="" dont="" accomplish="" these="" goals="" by="" the="" dec="" 21st="" 2012,="" can="" we="" talk="" to="" the="" mayans="" and="" ask="" them="" to="" put="" off="" the="" end="" of="" the="" world="" for="" a="" little="" longer="" until="" i="" get="" my="" running="" goals="" accomplsihed......if="" the="" end="" of="" the="" world="" comes,="" i="" want="" to="" make="" sure="" that="" i="" go="" to="" running="" heaven....="" :d=""></21:00 and get a marathon in 3:15..........(i'm 56 so i think these are hard but doable goals)....... if i dont accomplish these goals by the dec 21st 2012, can we talk to the mayans and ask them to put off the end of the world for a little longer until i get my running goals accomplsihed......if the end of the world comes, i want to make sure that i go to running heaven.... :d ;)>

                Champions are made when no one is watching


                Good Bad & The Monkey


                  The end of the line for the Mayans happened a really long time ago. I call this 'extrapolation'. Why, they could be off plus or minus a few years. Hopefully not minus.


                    I guess that'll put a damper on the holidays. What with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth...
                    Do bears bear? Do bees be?

                    I've got a fever...

                      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                        I guess I'll have to put in some extra miles early in the year to get to 2000 in 2012 or will someone adjust the pace bunny accordingly.
                        I would be willing to bet the Great and Powerful Eric is already working on the code. Big grin

                        Greater Lowell Road Runners
                        Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                        May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                          I hearby commence my 5-year plan designed to save the world from this impending doom.