Is it all just a marketing Sham? (Read 1698 times)

    My 2cents: Your body uses both. There is never 100% fat burning and/or 100% glycogen burning. When you are sleeping, you probably use 50-50. When you run slow, you use 50-50. When you run fast, you use 90-95% glycogen and 5-10% fat. You need a source of carbohydrate to burn fat. Fat doesn't burn without a carbohydrate flame. If you run out of glycogen, your body cannibalizes the protien in your muscles and turns it into glucose.

      I give up.
      I should have started with this. I feel dumber for having participated in this conversation. To the OP: you've done a grand total of one 26 mile training run in which you ran at 110 seconds per mile slower than your recent 10k pace. That should be a very easy pace for you. Had you been running about a minute per mile faster and taken in only those fluids and calories that you listed in your first post, you would have almost certainly come to know the wall. You've had many, many more experienced runners--some faster than you, some not--assure you that the wall exists and what's more, science is on our side. There's not a whole lot else we can do. You had a good training run and you didn't bonk. Good for you. Lots of first time marathoners (and not first timers for that matter) would do well to take as conservative approach. If you go slow enough, you'll never hit the wall. But if you're actually interested in finding your limits and finding out how fast you can really race a marathon, you're going to have to risk stepping over the line--and if and when you do, the wall will be waiting.

      Runners run

        When sleeping and at basal, you burn both fat and glycogen. Much of this discussion, though, is about the energy sources used for the incremental calorie expenditure that occurs during running.
        I understand when sleeping I can burn uo to 30% of my glycogen. When I run slowly I burn mostly fat and minmal Glycogen makes sense to me Wink

        "The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling." - Lucretius


          LMAO - Some people like to know what they are getting into, so they ask all kinds of silly questions before they are in a mess. Like What if? What happens? Is it posssible? and then some people have to experience problems first and then wonder what happened Clowning around Tongue. Which are you Jake Wink
          Asking questions - good. Knowing everything before you experience it - less good. Truly, I surrender. But promise to revive this thread after your third or fourth marathon. Your new perspective will be interesting. And I'm sadly the latter. I had to learn on my third marathon - when I turned an attempted 4:00 marathon into a 4:53 and almost a trip to the hospital cuz I thought I already knew it all. During my 1:20 last 10-k, I came to realize that science occasionally works.



          Good Bad & The Monkey

            My 2cents: Your body uses both.
            Did I ever suggest otherwise? In fact, your conclusion that glycogen usage as a percentage of total calorie expenditure increases with effort appears very clearly in my tome.
            But promise to revive this thread after your third or fourth marathon while searching for the word, "pervert".
            This thread now contains the word, "pervert" twice. It is sure to show up in such a search. Good luck!
              Trent, I didn't read the previous 6 pages of ridiculous comments until now. Yes, you did say that. Pervert

                This thread now contains the word, "pervert" twice. It is sure to show up in such a search. Good luck!
                You're en fuego today.




                  This thread now contains the word, "pervert" twice. It is sure to show up in such a search. Good luck!
                  Wasn't it it "Boobie Horn" that used to be the top Google search phrase that brought people to RA? Evil grin

                  Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                  remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                       ~ Sarah Kay


                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Wasn't it it "Boobie Horn" that used to be the top Google search phrase that brought people to RA? Evil grin
                    Yeah, but those google searches really only reveal ass traffic.

                      Wasn't it it "Boobie Horn" that used to be the top Google search phrase that brought people to RA? Evil grin
                      You realize I now have to go Google "boobie horn." Again. MTA: Sad. Not even first page. However:



                        Yeah, but those google searches really only reveal ass traffic.
                        En. Fuego.


                          I should have started with this. I feel dumber for having participated in this conversation.
                          How do you think I feel, I'm also done with this one. Anyone got a grenade? Black eye

                          "The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling." - Lucretius



                            Yeah, but those google searches really only reveal ass traffic.

                            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                 ~ Sarah Kay

                              I've read the purpose of the long run is to run slow. Which I did up until the last 5km, when I tried to spend all I had.
                              The purpose of the long run is to build your endurance aerobic system, and it words differently for different people. Some people need more of one thing or another, I would ask how you felt after the run and the following days ahead. They want lower HR's so you can be comfortable, for the majority, it means running slow, but it might not be the thing for everyone.

                                Okay... I actually have a serious question about bonking, and perhaps this isn't the best thread for it, but here goes. The winter of my senior year, my 4x800 team was the second seed by a fraction of a second in the state meet. I was anchoring, and my team was behind when I got the baton. I caught up to the runner in first place, and went by him. I was way over the line, but I needed a decent split for my team to win and break the state record. Everything was going well, and then with 25m to go, I just lost control. Of everything. My arms and legs were literally all over, they felt like they were going in circles. I remember about a second of that, and then I remember seeing the other runner go by me as I fell over the line, and then I remember being past the finish line, lying on my back with my coach looking down at me. The weird thing is that the other runner never passed me, despite the fact that I remember seeing him go by me (maybe a hallucination?). What the heck happened here? Is this bonking, or something more (or less) sinister?