Illinois Marathon-Anyone Running This? (Read 653 times)



    Did anyone see Kerry? We're visiting my MIL in the town where Kerry lives, so she and I are planning to go celebrate her race this evening. I hope you all had a great day. The weather here in the Midwest is GORGEOUS! Big grin

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay


      I met several newly minted maniacs, I talked to Dick Beardsley for awhile, and I ran many miles with a guy from Perth Australia... but I didn't see any RA folks (or if I did, I didn't know it).



      Master of the Side Eye

        I made it through the half marathon and am thrilled with the results - 2:29:11...Just under a 20 minute PR. Was a blast! Perfect weather. Now getting ready to go have Mexican with Zoomy!






          schneidr was there--he came in 3rd with a big PR.

          Runners run

            3:13... not too bad considering the lack of training... I was on pace for sub-3 until mile 20 when the concrete streets finally finished off my legs. Great race experience; well ran, organized, volunteers everywhere, but they could have avoided the concrete I think almost 70% was on concrete.
              This was a very well done event: well-staffed with volunteers, plenty of aid stations and a great spread of food at the end. I agree with my brother on the decision to take us on so much concrete; there was too much of it including a long stretch through a preserve. I finished the half-marathon in 1:42:57, a couple minutes below my goal of 1:45 so all-in-all a good day. Congrats to schneidr on the third-place finish!
                Well, I'm the other brother of markb457 and favre3xmvp...It was a great course and well planned. After a 6 year hiatus from marathoning I jumped back in. I had anticipated on a 3:15 but had to settle for a 3:57. After I took on a couple blisters on my feet coupled with all the pounding on the concrete it took its toll on the rest of me. As for the race itself, the organizers did an awesome job with everything just needed to choose streets that are asphalt insteadSmile Congrats to all the finishers of this race.

                De-slacking in progress

                  Just talked to my sister in law who lives in Champain - she says all the marathoners owe her money- she was 1/2 hr late for work. I told her she should probably read the newspaper or watch TV once in awhile- she got stuck in the halted traffic on her way to work. If she was informed she would had avoided it. She did says their news had big TV coverage of the race and there seemed to be large crowds where she was driving through.

                  started running @ age 48 [lost 70#+, quit a 30 year pack/day habit>> ran HM]  Ran a few years then quit. Gained 70#+ back and smoking like before. Time to get healthy again @ 52 years over with the C25K program and beyond again. RE-start date 1-13-14

                  Was it all a dream?

                    3:13... not too bad considering the lack of training... I was on pace for sub-3 until mile 20 when the concrete streets finally finished off my legs. Great race experience; well ran, organized, volunteers everywhere, but they could have avoided the concrete I think almost 70% was on concrete.
                    Yes, way too much concrete! But considering it was an inaugural race, I'd say it was pretty well organized and executed.
                      schneidr congrats on the 3rd place finish and the huge PR. Keep up the good work!

                        The local newspaper has a couple photo galleries of the race on its website. One gallery has 120ish photos, one has 140ish. Check it out and see if you find yourselves! I found one of me: http://www.news-gazette.com/scene/gallery/862/?photoID=118 And a couple pictures of the banana chick. Those of you running 3:20-3:40 pace may remember the gal in the full-length banana costume early on. She was pretty fast for that get-up. Anyway, she was a halfer.


                          I'll be there. It'll be my 50th state. (code for "I've run a marathon in 49 states previously, and this is my missing one") WOOHOO FOR PINK!
                          Robert, I wasn't aware that this was number 50 for you. congratulations on notching another great goal on your marathoning belt.

                            Thanks, Dane!

