The Dinner Table--RA vs. (and? or? with?) CR (Read 1880 times)

    Actually, I haven't yet encountered anything good here and I've been looking pretty hard. The people are just ignorant and nasty. Yup, lousy site. Nothing to see here people, move along. OK that was all a lie to scare off the CR people, but it's probably useless. It takes about ten minutes to figure out that RA is the polar opposite of that description. I think acceptance of varying abilities and viewpoints is the most important positive. I can only think of one thread that I thought would turn nasty (although I can't even recall the topic or forum at the moment). It seemed to be veering toward the nastiness seen on other sites, then self-corrected almost immediately. Support and encouragement are a close second for me. I'd put these into two categories, direct and indirect. Direct is "nice job Jeff, way to HTFU", indirect is the general love of running found here. An example would be a great race report or thread has a positive impact on my running (or life in general) even though it was not created specifically for that purpose. I don't think I would have registered for my marathon without RA. As long as these key attributes survive, RA will continue to improve as an online community. Circling the wagons and criticizing the natural tendency to associate with those you know well probably won't help. If RAers just keep doing what RAers do, some (though probably not all) of those new walls will come down. Bring us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses that are SICK of hills.......

    Greater Lowell Road Runners
    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


      There is nothing to fear, but the bear itself. Chill and realize you are always really just in front of your computer, and there really is no "here." Just text on your computer screen. That being said, I like this place, and hopefully will be an outstanding member. The best way to ward off messageboard-evil is to ignore it and not give it power. So, if any of the evil side of CR comes over, don't look them in their textual eyes, and move on.They will wither in the darkness of inattention. Keep going! --Jimmy
        What I like about RA - great log (which originally attracted me to the site) and then the people kept me here. A community of runners at all levels. They are friendly, supportive and willing to offer their advice. I've never really witnessed trolls or discord amongst the members. My one concern is for Eric - if I remember right, he pays for the bandwidth out of his own pocket. So, if you really like the site, be sure to use the donate PayPal button.
        "If I control myself, I control my destiny."

        Lazy idiot

          G-String! Although I have a thing for tight shorts too... Shocked Big grin
          RacingThoughts... you may be Scout's new best friend. And you will fit in just fine in the 2k swamp should you be enough of an idiot to join. Big grin

          Tick tock

          madness baby

            Wow, Jeff, I almost want to hug you. Almost. But, I fear the dirty hippie bit. Anyway, as we sit down to this beautiful table full of home-cooked goodness, let's let everyone see who we are. So, take just a minute to make your profile (Options, in the top right corner, then Forum Preferences and Profile - click on "allow the world to see" please), and show us who you are, where you are, and what you'd like to have passed around this table. And, WELCOME! (Just tell us your names Wink)
              RacingThoughts... you may be Scout's new best friend. And you will fit in just fine in the 2k swamp should you be enough of an idiot to join. Big grin
              Is that the "2000 Miles of No Pants in Texas" group? I'm from Louisiana and like beer, close enough! Just joined. Wink

                I can't even remember if I have a profile, or what silly tripe I put in it. Kinda like my phone number. I never call myself, so why should I learn it?

                Lazy idiot

                  Is that the "2000 Miles of No Pants in Texas" group? I'm from Louisiana and like beer, close enough! Just joined. Wink
                  You got it, dude. The suffix of the name changes, sometimes multiple times per day, but the idiocy inside is a constant. Welcome to the jungle.

                  Tick tock

                    Coming recently from CR I think I can understand why groups are forming that are titles CR. It is not because we are keeping our CR identity. People in active are posting in their groups to leave for here (or any other place) and regroup. I feel the CR handle is just a way to reestablish groups from CR that had been around for a while. I am sure once the groups are together the CR stuff will stop. I for one have no interest keeping a CR identity and am happy to be part of RA. I never heard of this site before the fall of CR. Many of the CR trolls are still at CR. They are just complaining and whining about how bad things are. If it is so bad for them why do they not leave? Can someone pass the potatoes please... Mike
                      I can't even remember if I have a profile, or what silly tripe I put in it. Kinda like my phone number. I never call myself, so why should I learn it?
                      It fails to acknowledge that you are Kooky's favorite brother. An immediate update would seem to be in order. Smile

                      Greater Lowell Road Runners
                      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                      Lazy idiot

                        Here are the potatoes, Mike. *pass* I think another concern with some of the "CR" groups is that they duplicate existing groups. Hop on in to some of the existing groups that deal with the same subjects... we don't bite (except maybe kooky).

                        Tick tock


                          Updating it is akin to work, though.

                          Big Chicken!

                            BBBBBDawg~Just wanted to say I really like the signature line! That's partly why I run. I am now not a former-CR-er but a new RA-er. Can someone grab me a beer on the way back from the fridge? And not that Bud Light stuff either! Cool
                            Kris C Running away from the couch one mile at a time!
                              RA is a great community. Lots of great advice, lots of opinions, lots of laughs, lots of motivation.. I think the more the merrier, as long as we stay integrated. Like zoomie and most said the cliques aren't neccessary, however for now we have to expect it to happen until everyone gets to know what eachother is about. Introductions from former CR members are all over the board, maybe RA members should introduce themselves and give a little backround. Anyways welcome all... Good timing with 2008 right around the corner
                                Good job, hippie. You created your very own digital love fest. Break out the drums!!
                                I've got the Thubla right here.

                                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?