The Dinner Table--RA vs. (and? or? with?) CR (Read 1880 times)

    Being both a new runner and a new RA member (okay...refugee..) can I just say that I love the attitude and friendliness on this board. I can tell you guys have worked hard to maintain an amazing atmosphere and I hope that us CRers can only add to that. On that note, I can't cook at all, so.... *brings the store bought rolls*
    He taught me to run high on my toes. I will always remember his words: run proud and remember you are alive.
      I didn't post on CR forums, but I may be more active here. I'm grateful to have found the site. RA sounds really cool, like my old running club, Burnham Joggers. There were 4-minute milers, 2:20 marathoners, 9-minute milers, 6-hour marathoners and 60-year-old beginners. I hope I've found a home. Blush

      Lazy idiot

        Shana and Margot, welcome to RA. Glad to have you. Big grin

        Tick tock

        Sine Metu

          Sorry I'm late to dinner, I was out running. Good to see nobody is throwing food yet (but, my bet is on Trent being the first to do so). Welcome, to all the newcomers. As many have said before me, please make your logs and profiles public so that we can get to know you better. Oh, and take your shoes off at the door. This place gets dirty enough with all the sweaty running clothes strewn all over the place. Can somebody pass the buffalo wings and ranch dressing? (Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas isn't here quite yet, so I don't know why you're all eating all this fancy stuff.)

          A lot of pressure in the middle of those shoulders / And we ain't gettin nothing but older / Ain't nothing change but the day we run from / But nobody knows that better than you,huh

          Lazy idiot

            Good to see nobody is throwing food yet (but, my bet is on Trent being the first to do so).
            Monkeys fling food, too? Evil grin

            Tick tock

            this space for rent

              *tenative knock on the door - enters holding a glass baking dish* Hi everyone. I'm not technically a refugee, as I've never used the CR boards - I just mooched off the log there. My primary running home is the Dead Runners Society. Regardless, there's a really nice vibe here, and I love the message board interface, so I'm going to stick around for a while. In the meantime, here's some of my mom's astoundingly good Apple Crisp Smile
                Wow. With all this food we will all have to run extra miles to work off the calories!!


                  *tenative knock on the door - enters holding a glass baking dish* Hi everyone. I'm not technically a refugee, as I've never used the CR boards - I just mooched off the log there. My primary running home is the Dead Runners Society. Regardless, there's a really nice vibe here, and I love the message board interface, so I'm going to stick around for a while. In the meantime, here's some of my mom's astoundingly good Apple Crisp Smile
                  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Apple Crisp. VERY GOOD!!!!!!! Welcome to RA! LOVE your Avi!!

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                  ...And I do.

                    Could somebody please come to my house and save me from all this crap! I've got: 3 boxes of Sees candy, persimmon bread, Christmas cookies, coffee cake, smoked turkey, honey baked ham, rocky road candy and the UPS guy just delivered a box of chocolate covered pretzels! COME ON ENOUGH ALREADY!!! I'm serious -- You're all invited over for a delectable food orgy...just bring the beer!

                      Could somebody please come to my house and save me from all this crap! I've got: 3 boxes of Sees candy, persimmon bread, Christmas cookies, coffee cake, smoked turkey, honey baked ham, rocky road candy and the UPS guy just delivered a box of chocolate covered pretzels! COME ON ENOUGH ALREADY!!! I'm serious -- You're all invited over for a delectable food orgy...just bring the beer!
                      If I thought I could get a flight out of Regan today I would be on your doorstep for dessert.....but it is a holiday weekend after all!!! Yummy on all of it....

                      Trails Rock!

                      Where's my coffee?

                        Hi, I'm another "refugee" and darn glad to be here. The RA folks have been warm and welcoming. I hope that the culture of RA remains intact. . . I am not a fan of cliques or running snobs. Here, we are all runners whether we're elite or clydesdale or somewhere in between. We have to stick together and uplift one another. That way when the non-runners tell us we're wacky for what we do at least we can know we're in wacky good company! Now, pass the Mexican spoon bread, please!
                        My sport is your sport's punishment!

                        Another Passion

                          You know rvelich, I know of one marathon where the RD personally home bakes loads of pumpkin pies for the runners and volunteers.
                          Hmmm... you're hittin' my weak spot, Trent... food! Heh! I don't even know if I could walk, let alone run, your little roller coaster marathon down there. I live, and subsequently run, in what was flat swamp lands after the ice age until we invented asphalt. I think the only way I could run your marathon is if I did it in "Heelies" so I could coast on the downhills and then crawl up the hills. Guess I'd need some kneepads and padded gloves as well. Big grin I suppose I could always volunteer though for a piece of home baked pumpkin pie.

                          "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                          "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                            It is so nice to meet you all. Smile Can I start clearing some of these dishes? Would any one like some coffee?


                            Runners run

                            Another Passion

                              It is so nice to meet you all. Smile Can I start clearing some of these dishes? Would any one like some coffee?
                              Let me help you with those, Ilene. Big grin Mississippi... you change avatars more than i change my underwear! And, that includes on running days! Blush

                              "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                              "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                                Mississippi... you change avatars more than i change my underwear! And, that includes on running days! Blush
                                Yeah, I know. I have a short attention span. Blush On that note. I think I'm due for at least one more before Christmas. Roll eyes
