Do you share running with your significant other? (Read 1317 times)

Just Happy to Run

    There is another thread going on about online dating that got me thinking and wondering. Now that I find myself back in the dating world, that thread had me thinking about couples that both run for activity (at the same time or not), or those where only one is a runner (my ex isn't). I wouldn't make running a criteria for dating, but it just had me wondering about other people's experiences here. Chime in if you like...

    2010 Goals
    • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles

    Run the race God set B4U

      My husband is just now jumping on the band wagon with running. After he watched me do the half marathon in Little Rock (March 15) he was very impressed, not by me, but the dedication to running in general. He has seen how it helps me stay healthy, determined, dedicated and he is very proud of me. He is running his first 5K with me in a couple of weeks and signing up for his first half in September with me. I am proud of him and this is something we can do together Smile
      5K's (11), Half Marathon (1), Relay Marathon (1), 15K's (2)
        My wife started running just after we met. We trained quite a bit and she ran in a few races (this was 20+ years ago) -- IT WAS GREAT and I loved it. Now she doesn't run and cant figure out why I do.......recently she told me that she only ran because I did, so she thought she would try it..... I was really disappointed cause I thought she had at least liked it at one time... I have to be honest --- If I were out there looking again for a date or a mate, I dont think running would be a criteria for a date, but it would be for a mate (I wouldn't have to explain why I need new running shoes every 4th month if i were married to a runner).... Kind of like the olden days when I would consider going out with a smoker, but would never ever consider marrying one....

        Champions are made when no one is watching



          My partner of almost seven years hates running. I started C25K the day he moved 2,000 miles to live with me, which was good timing--running was always a factor in our home life. That being said, it is lucky we are both independednt and communicate well, or running would have destroyed us. As I stretched my running from an hour a week to between 5 and 7 hours a week, he started feeling neglected. We've added tennis (a sport he enjoys) to our schedule and plan to start lifting together 3x a week (his exercise passion) once I recover from Marathon training. I think we'll always be negotiating, especially since I'd like to see my 5-7 hours go to 10 or so a week and add in swimming 3x a week. He wants to do RAGBRAI (a bike ride across Iowa), so I think my cycle and I will become good friends and my partner and I can train for something together. Darn shame he hates running. MTA-- fixed spelling errors. dyslexia sucks.

          PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

          Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


          2022 Goals

          Back to 10k



            There is another thread going on about online dating that got me thinking and wondering. Now that I find myself back in the dating world, that thread had me thinking about couples that both run for activity (at the same time or not), or those where only one is a runner (my ex isn't). I wouldn't make running a criteria for dating, but it just had me wondering about other people's experiences here. Chime in if you like...
            My wife has been a competitive runner for most of her life. I've played other sports seriously and started running consistently only in the last few months. We don't run together often because she is much, much too fast for me. Sometimes we'll start a trail run together because we plan to be out for the same time but before long will want to pick up the pace and do a different workout. Smile One day ... A great benefit of having a spouse runner is that she's very supportive of the time commitment required, recognizes all the positives, and shrugs off any negatives.

            The process is the goal.

            Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

            Menace to Sobriety

              My wife runs for fitness and will run an occasional 5K, but she doesn't have a competitive bone in her body. We have different schedules, and we run at way different paces, so we rarely run together. It would be nice to have an SO that was close in pace, even if my slow days were her faster work outs or vice versa, but it ain't a deal breaker.

              Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.


              One day at a time

                My husband runs once or twice a week, but not as far as I do. But he's much faster, so we can't run together. He tells me constantly that he considers running my #1 priority, even before the work I need to do for our home business. I think he wants to make sure I don't regain the 30 pounds I lost after I started running!

                Reproduction Specialist

                  My wife did the C25k starting last Spring. She started it to lose weight and I also told her that after she finished the C25k and one 5k race she would get a new Ipod and new running clothes. She finished the race and now this year she is talking about doing a half marathon in the future. She is signed up for 3 - 5k's this summer and plans on doing a few others. I honestly never thought she would have finished the program because she hated running. But it's nice that she finished it because she understands the feelings of finishing new distances, the need for good shoes, and the time that is needed to put the miles in.

                  Jazz hands!

                    My BF runs for fitness, a couple miles 2-3 times a week. He's done two 5k's so far, a combo of running and walking I think. I might see if I can talk him into a 10k in the future Evil grin We don't run together because neither of us particularly want to. I like being alone in my running head-space when I run and so does he, so it works for everyone.
                    run run run AHHHHHH run run run

                    A Saucy Wench

                      My husband used to run but at the time I only ran a little bit - although we did run together at lunch fairly often when we worked together. Unfortunately he hurt his knee playing basketball 8 years ago and had knee surgery and now he only runs short distances. But on the other hand if we ran together who would watch the kids, not exactly the date night I am looking for. He is a cyclist and so we are both active, but rarely at the same time. HOWEVER..were I single right now (well if I were also child free - in my mythical totally single life), since running is such a part of my life, I would probably do a lot more running with the various running clubs around town . I am a big fan of the do what makes you happy and maybe you'll meet someone doing the same thing. A lot of the people at the group runs are single because of the awkward totally eats into family time schedule of many of the group runs - especially the midweek ones.

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                      Best Present Ever

                        My husband has recently taken up running, and I'm very proud of him. He doesn't run with me, though. He's nonetheless extraordinarily supportive of me running. He takes the kids to their saturday am stuff (soccer or swimming, depending on the season) alone while I meet folks for my long run (the other parents think we're divorced since the only time I'm at kid sports are when he's out of town for something), doesn't ever suggest that I shouldn't buy running shoes, never complains about the cost or time to run races. Whatever I need in terms of running, he does, cheerfully. Shoot, he even patiently listens to me kvetch about running (I can't find time to run enough! I'll never be as fast as I'd like!) I'm awfully lucky.
                          But on the other hand if we ran together who would watch the kids.
                          Same here - my DH has always been a runner, although never raced until I started running and "racing" (racing is a bit of an overstatement for me) quite recently. We'd really like to run together some of the time but with a small child, one of us always has to stay home - sometimes we take turns to run around the park while the other one hangs out with DS in the playground.

                            My husband just started running mainly because he wants to get more fit (and faster) for his weekly soccer games. I wish he had a more consistent routine but I am just so happy that he gets out there at all! Big grin


                            MM #2929

                            Mitch & Pete's Mom

                              Ahhh, I sometimes long for the days when DH and I would meet at a La Jolla cove after work. He would take off in one direction for his swim and I would take off in another to go for my run. We'd get back to the nice grassy patch and talk about our day and have a little bite to eat. Now the exchange is more like: Me: I'm running on Sat with the girls in the 6:30 am, does that work for you? DH: Okay, then we have T-ball for Pete at the Y 9:00, can you come straight from the park? I'll meet you there, then I can get my laps in while you watch the boys. Me: That works. I think the big thing is to have someone who understands the time and commitment and wants to make the effort. Sheesh, I don't think I'm just talking about running anymore.
                              Carlsbad 1/2 marathon 1/26.
                                I'd say he has full custody right now.

