ultimate runner's test...... (Read 4097 times)



    Posting for Scout

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay


      Way to get behind the winning team!


        Way to get behind the winning team!
        I don't know if we're "winning," but we do seem to be the most organized, so that can't hurt. Plus we have the better looking uniforms. And osterguserduckbaken.

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay

          Wow what an awesome thread! I wasn't able to take all 40(!) pages so my apologies if this has already been posted but pretty sure I found the Sportjester (i.e. Robert).... http://wweek.com/editorial/2807/2279/
          coming on this site is a daily affirmation to me of two things. 1) No matter how fast I get I am always humbled by how much faster other runners are. 2) No matter how insane I get I will always be humbled by how absolutely freakin' bonkers some people are. And I thank you for the link. My favorite quote was from the mother-in-law. But there were so many excellent parts of that article that I am a little overwhelmed right now. I did not think it was possible to out-do Jim's link about naked skating groups by Sandy Snarkenberg. I was wrong. Oh so wrong.





            "I told them with my son, I just bit him on the ear," he says. "That's how lions and other cats discipline their young. You've got total control, and you can whisper to them while you're biting".
              well... a female praying mantis eats her mate after sex. but that doesn't mean I'm interested in that behavior on the part of a future girlfriend. nature is full of freaky shit. I don't quite agree we should always emulate nature. I'm not living in a burrow or rolling in my own skat either.





              Feeling the growl again

                Two words: WHACK JOB. Ever notice how these self-proclaimed geniuses are so smart yet they can't seem to succeed at anything in life? Self-delusion is such an interesting psychological concept...

                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                Self anointed title

                  Deja vu anyone? http://www.coolrunning.com/forums/Forum5/HTML/002648-7.shtml I have no doubt that Robert Vervloet has some sort of high intelligence. However, part of me thinks that he may suffer from Aspergers syndrome - of course I have never met him and have no real reason for this deduction - it just seems to fit. He has some difficulty in putting his arguments forward logically or in a format that others can follow, he may well have problems interacting with others and maintaining relationships. This may sometimes lead to him being labelled "crazy" or "nut job" etc. Again, I do not know enough to assert this, it is just an idea. Perhaps one which may make us think again before trashing him. Robert - if I have this totally wrong then I'm sorry.




                    well... a female praying mantis eats her mate after sex. but that doesn't mean I'm interested in that behavior on the part of a future girlfriend. nature is full of freaky shit. I don't quite agree we should always emulate nature. I'm not living in a burrow or rolling in my own skat either.
                    Robert/SJ overlooks that fact that animals such as cheetahs have tremendous strength and a power/weight ration far in excess of humans. They can get away with things we can't.

                    Feeling the growl again

                      Deja vu anyone? http://www.coolrunning.com/forums/Forum5/HTML/002648-7.shtml I have no doubt that Robert Vervloet has some sort of high intelligence. However, part of me thinks that he may suffer from Aspergers syndrome - of course I have never met him and have no real reason for this deduction - it just seems to fit. He has some difficulty in putting his arguments forward logically or in a format that others can follow, he may well have problems interacting with others and maintaining relationships. This may sometimes lead to him being labelled "crazy" or "nut job" etc. Again, I do not know enough to assert this, it is just an idea. Perhaps one which may make us think again before trashing him. Robert - if I have this totally wrong then I'm sorry.
                      This may well be true, but there are a number of very smart people reading this and noone is recognizing genius here. The ability to let go of reality and think in ways other people don't consider (because they apply rational logic) is not what genius is. It's pretty common to see those who don't feel understood claiming it is just because everyone else is too dumb to understand them. The only one calling genius here is the supposed genius himself, which is what raised the red flag so high.

                      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                      Why is it sideways?

                          And to think I took my shoes off for him! I feel so used.

                          Hold the Mayo

                            well... a female praying mantis eats her mate after sex. but that doesn't mean I'm interested in that behavior on the part of a future girlfriend. nature is full of freaky shit. I don't quite agree we should always emulate nature. I'm not living in a burrow or rolling in my own skat either.
                            I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will fall frozen dead from its bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.
                              you my friend don't speak bird.







                                This seems just so naughty...Tongue

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay