Running during hunting season (Read 907 times)

    Less likely to get shot running down the road than through the woods.
    You sure? I'd think the statistics of gunshot victims would not support this hypothesis.

    "Good-looking people have no spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we're smarter." - Lester Bangs



      Feeling the growl again

        Being a hunter myself (I always coincide my yearly running downtime with my favorite fall pasttime!), I hate to say it but there is a small but overly visible segment I will not even call hunters that scare me. While running near private land where hunting is occuring does not phase me, public hunting land does. This is because private land hunters are primarily family members or those trustworthy enough to get permission. Public land hunters are not so filtered and generally include the unsavory yahoos that no self-respecting property owner would let on their property. I would not run any wooded trails through hunting land. While I still rack my brain to imagine how these "I thought she was a bear/turkey/deer" incidents can even happen (you have to be pretty stupid and not verifying your target with any kind of reasonable, sane certainty!) the fact is a small number do happen each year and I would not want to be a statistic. Staying to the open roads is much safer.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


        Menace to Sobriety

          I figure the chances of me being shot on my treadmill are pretty low.
          Given the number of home invasions in the US, I wouldn't bet on it. MTA:Strictly statistcally speaking, I mean. Evil grin

          Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.


            I will run in town for next few weeks because I live in the woods a hot spot for hunters. MN has a terrible record of hunting accidents, I don't plan to be a part of one. AND if you're a hunter, please be careful, don't shoot unless you know it's a freaken deer.




              I will run in town for next few weeks because I live in the woods a hot spot for hunters. MN has a terrible record of hunting accidents, I don't plan to be a part of one.
              Yeah, the # is MI is pretty terrifying, too. And it's not all hunters hitting other hunters or even people actually IN the woods. Vehicles have been hit just driving down roads near towns. My community is a metropolis of 2k people. I'm pretty much going to have to run in circles in town and residential neighborhoods to avoid rural roads. Sure, the risk is slight...but still much higher than my risk of being shot when hunting season isn't in effect. And the last thing I need to encounter is a jerk with a gun who views me as someone openly trying to drive the deer away from his spot, even if his spot is right near a public road.

              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                   ~ Sarah Kay


                Yeah, the # is MI is pretty terrifying, too.
                What absolutely makes me ponder to scream or cry is the kids that killed. I know it will again this year. Somebody goes out with their kid, doesn't pay attention to where they are, see 'something' move and shoots. So easily preventable.



                  I am with you - I live in a big enough town - But usually run out of town - Not during Gun Deer season, but it only lasts 10 days. For small game / bird / Deer Bow / muzzle loading season - I do not alter my running route.

                  Long dead ... But my stench lingers !





                    Not during Gun Deer season, but it only lasts 10 days. For small game / bird / Deer Bow / muzzle loading season - I do not alter my running route.
                    Ditto. Only our rifle season is 16 days, which sucks. Bow and other gun seasons don't worry me, since bow requires that a hunter be a lot closer to the target and there's not nearly as many of them out there during the small game seasons or non-rifle seasons...they all tend to go way up North, too. Not much activity around here.

                    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                         ~ Sarah Kay


                      i live in florida so the hunting isnt all that big but there was a story a couple years back where a woman was running on a path near a canal or something of the sort and a alligator grabbed her, pulled her in, and killed her. pretty scary
                      Pompano High XC!

                      I fly.

                        Given the number of home invasions in the US, I wouldn't bet on it. MTA:Strictly statistcally speaking, I mean. Evil grin
                        Are you planning something? Should I be worried?

                        Bring it on.

                          If you run on public hunting land avoid wearing white if you are in white tailed deer country. even your gear like a fanny pack or a sport bottle. I'm serious. And many of us would be suprised what areas would be public hunting land. I went running on a trail system and was suprised to learn it was a public hunting area.





                          Menace to Sobriety

                            Are you planning something? Should I be worried?
                            Nah....I'm too lazy to commit crimes. Clowning around

                            Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

                              Yeah, the # is MI is pretty terrifying, too.
                              No kidding! My father-in-law was running along a paved sidewalk in a subdivision in Jackson, MI a few years ago. There was a deer in someone's front yard, when he got to within about 20 yards of it, somebody shot it from a golf course across the road... firing towards the house, IN TOWN. I'm a hunter and I still said WTF??? The backwoods cop in town got all over his case for being out running too... he kept saying "well, what were you doing out here so early in the morning!". My FIL is a 75 year-old respected physician in town... not some punk kid...
                                do you know if the guy got charged? you'd think reckless use of a firearm or something at least. the cop probably knew the hunter and was looking for someone else to blame for the situation. he probably spent the rest of the day telling some woman who was raped that she should not have been wearing such a purty dress.




