You know you've caught the running bug when... (Read 2175 times)

    You know you've caught the running bug when... a 25 km run isn't a big deal anymore.... Big grin
      *When you can talk seriously about 'nipple taping'. Blush *You try to set a new PB every week--for the coldest temp. you've run in shorts! *You feel like less of a man when you come back from a trail run...CLEAN. Sad TC

      "I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead..." J. Buffett There are two rules in life: 1.) Don't sweat the small stuff 2.) It's ALL small stuff

      Giants Fan

        1. When you run in 40mph wind, through 5 dogs that chase you (very big and very scary) and in rain and cold!! 2. When you look at 3 miles as a sprinting distance. 3. When you run through black toenails that are falling off. 4. When you start to think 26.2 miles isn't too far.....

        "I think I've discovered the secret of life- you just hang around until you get used to it."

        Charles Schulz


          When you're disappointed you only ran 126 miles in Febuary. When you know exactly what pair of shoes you wore for every race. When a PR in a 5K is better than the chocolate that will end up on your rear. When a rest day feels like your being punished. When you start taking ice baths instead of normal baths or showers.


            -You're embarrased by the your 5K PR because it's the first race you ever ran and didn't train for it. -Your family is annoyed that you only want running gear for presents - You take your family to Disney and all you can think is that if you can convince the kids to leave early you can get 3 miles in before bed. -After spending 2 days chasing the kids around Disney 3 miles before bed still seems like a good idea. -You stay up half the night to think up reasons you've caught the bug Wink

            My sport's your sport's punishment


            2012 goals


            100 Km month         150 K month      200K month

            5K run    10K run     20K run              30K run

            sub 30 min 5K         sub 55min 10K

            My legs are killing me

              When your sitting in the middle of a 50 minute mass at church and you think that if they put a treadmill in church you could run an easy 5 miles.

              Beatin' on the Rock

                When your sitting in the middle of a 50 minute mass at church and you think that if they put a treadmill in church you could run an easy 5 miles.
                Ooooh! You are BAD. Penance due.
                Be yourself. Those that matter, don't mind. Those that mind, don't matter.
                  When running 3 miles just doesn't seem like exercise - so you do 4, or 5.. And you know this pattern will continue. And you can't wait.
                    When driving anywhere hilly the first thing you think of is "wow, that would be an awesome workout hill!".



                      When driving anywhere hilly the first thing you think of is "wow, that would be an awesome workout hill!".
                      I was thinking more along the lines of "Wow, can you imagine if this was the 5K course for this weekend?"

                        <quote pid="1d8492a671344614aed2f05a5d608da1-after spending 2 days chasing the kids around disney 3 miles before bed still seems like a good idea. </quote> try saturday - chase the kids/carry the kids around disney (especially that one park where they have all the rope nets to climb on - maybe that was universal studios islands of adventure though) sunday morning - disney marathon sunday afternoon - walk around magic kingdom with 4 yr old on your shoulders. that's pretty much how my first marathon weekend went so i can definitely relate. pid=""></quote pid="1d8492a671344614aed2f05a5d608da1-after spending 2 days chasing the kids around disney 3 miles before bed still seems like a good idea. </quote> try saturday - chase the kids/carry the kids around disney (especially that one park where they have all the rope nets to climb on - maybe that was universal studios islands of adventure though) sunday morning - disney marathon sunday afternoon - walk around magic kingdom with 4 yr old on your shoulders. that's pretty much how my first marathon weekend went so i can definitely relate. >


                          When driving anywhere hilly the first thing you think of is "wow, that would be an awesome workout hill!".
                          I do this ALL the time! Most of our good hills are on areas with no good shoulder or going around curves on busy roads, so not safe to actually use. KILLS me! Cry

                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay

                            I was thinking more along the lines of "Wow, can you imagine if this was the 5K course for this weekend?"
                            Oh, I've had thoughts like that too and usually it comes with an outburst to the poor soul who is in the van with me, it goes something like this..."WOW, look at that hill, could you imagine running that!?!". The response is always Roll eyes "NO MOM."


                              how my first marathon weekend went so I can definitely relate.
                              A few days at Disney with a marathon to boot - now there's a workout and then some! People aren't kidding when they say wear comfortable shoes to Disney. Smile


                                ...I'm feeling a bit jealous of the runners I see while I'm driving around town during the weekend - even though I already did my 10+ mile long run earlier that morning! Clowning around