2014 Holiday Running Streak (Read 554 times)

    Switched up my schedule this week. Tomorrow is calling for freezing rain, so rather than do 4 miles tomorrow, I ran that today and will suffer a mile in yucky weather tomorrow. It's quite amazing what this streak mentality does to a person.



    2015 Goals:

    Sub 30 5K

    Sub 60 10K

      Today would normally be a rest day, so I did the minimum mile on the treadmill.  Tomorrow I shall have go brave whatever this storm throws at me...  Just looked at the weather and noon tomorrow will be sunny and 37F.  Excellent!


      Return To Racing

        7 Days...30 miles.



          5.5 miles - intervals at 4:45 this morning, with 19 other runners - our regular Wednesday morning speed work.


          Streak at day 7 of 35.

          December mileage at 13.5 of 105.

            Ran 4.1 miles on the trails at lake wedington with my dog Junior Bonner. That is him in recovery mode on my avatar. I would run trails every day if I lived closer.


              5m yesterday, 10m today. Both on the mill due to crappy weather.







                day 7.  59 miles.


                Long run tomorrow.  Might be interesting.

                2018 Goals

                Figure out the achilles thing...... and THEN try to get running regularly again.

                No racing goals 



                  day 7.  59 miles.


                  Long run tomorrow.  Might be interesting.


                  Damn. In my book 59 miles is already a long run. Can't wait to see what you do today.

                    Ashamed to post "one and done" after seeing Rick Stone's post. Just balancing out the spectrum. 



                    2015 Goals:

                    Sub 30 5K

                    Sub 60 10K


                      Day 15 of my streak!


                        Day 8 today.  30 miles.

                        - Joe

                        We are fragile creatures on collision with our judgment day.


                        Wind is not my friend.

                          These are some long days.  Doing later evening runs now with night-school yesterday and parent conferences tonight.  ugh.


                          Still rolling though....day 9 today....hoping to put in 5 or 6 but will settle for 4 if needed after doing 7 yesterday

                          "Current" PRs

                          5K - 18:00 (4/19)   |   HM - 1:19:28 (4/22)

                          Next Race: A 5K of some sort (Goal: Sub 17:30)


                            Five out of the last six days just over 8 miles. This 240 is going to be hard. But doable.

                            I should probably get some longer runs in to take the pressure off.

                            Joann Y

                              So far 53 miles in 8 days. Feeling fine. My 9 year old son has recently started to reference time in relation to my run. Like, 'oh, after your run we can do this', etc. So cute.


                                Ashamed to post "one and done" after seeing Rick Stone's post. Just balancing out the spectrum. 

                                Don't be ashamed Kathleen, his running streak is really only 3 days and 25.2 miles.  We all just do the best we can. This is about personal momentum.  You're doing fine.

                                We are the music makers,

                                    And we are the dreamers of dreams,

                                Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

                                    And sitting by desolate streams; 

                                World-losers and world-forsakers,

                                    On whom the pale moon gleams:

                                Yet we are the movers and shakers

                                    Of the world for ever, it seems.