Blood donation (Read 966 times)

    For those who have donated blood- how long before you feel back to normal. It's been a few weeks for me and I have been experiencing less stamina. Any experience with this? Just curious.


      I took a couple of easy days after donating, but felt fine when I finished so I probably didn't need to.

      Run to Win
      25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)

      Gotta TRI

        I was going to give blood the other day until I found out it would take 6 weeks to recover the red blood cells lost through donation. Considering this is what carries the oxygen through your body if you arer running "a pint low" then your running on that much lees O2. Or something to that effect. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv. I'm sure if you googled the subject you'd get a much better explaination.
        2010 Dec. California International Marathon 2011 Jan. Disney Marathon

        A Saucy Wench

          my dh takes a little extra iron after blood donation for a few days and says it seems to cut the recovery time about in half. Not a lot extra..on a normal day he takes a basic multivitamin which is 18 mg and he would take my prenatal instead which was 27mg. But I dont know if it really helps.

          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


            If you drink a lot, then you'll be back before you know it. I take a day off after donating, and then feel sluggish for a day, but after that, I feel as good as new.
              I started a similar thread a while back, Running after blood donation? and got some good feedback. I felt a bit sluggish for a run or two, but fine after that. Hope you're feeling 100% soon.

              Greater Lowell Road Runners
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              May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                At this stage, I would not think the bllod donation (unless it was the double red cell donation mentioned in the other thread) should be affecting you. I only had one blood donation that really floored me. It was my first time and my arm was burning the whole time, plus the blood was dripping out really slowly.I'd have several vials of blood taken for tests before that didn't hurt like that. I asked several times for them to look at my arm and they just kept saying the first time hurts a little more and it's different than drwing blood for a test.. I fainted right after, and was woozy for two days. Didn't give blood for three years. The second time, I explained how bad my first experience was to the red cross nurse. She immediately said they'd missed inserting the needle correctly. She very gently inserted the needle and I was fine. I donated about 12 pints after that (regularly every two months.) I didn't run at the time, but went off and swam 50 lengths the next morning with no bother. They wouldn't take my blood though any more. I come from Northern Ireland and they are worried about Mad Cow Disease. I asked if they could label it just for UK ex-pats but no, that would be too complicated to keep track of, and they can't use any of the constituant parts either. I liked the feeling of helping someone out and contributing to the bank if I needed it.
                  Okay, it's probably not the blood donation. Any other good excuses I could use?

                  running buddies

                    I love this site. Big grin The Red Cross has been calling me, asking me to donate, and I've been wondering how it would affect my running, and here is all this great info. I have been turned away several times in the past because of borderline levels - good enough for living, not high enough to give away - and I know I usually feel really tired for a couple weeks after I donate. The vampires like my kind of blood, though, so I think I'm just going to try to fit it in after my up-and-coming first 5K. I'm trying to remember to take my multivitamin with iron so I'm tanked up before I donate.
                    "Be patient and tough. Someday this pain will be useful to you." Ovid 2009 Goals 1. Don't get injured 2. Run 3-4x/week for at least 30 minutes 3. participate in at least one run or tri (maybe 2) "And remember, Dead Freakin' Last is better than Did Not Finish which is way better than Did Not Start" (Allison)

                    A Saucy Wench

                      They wouldn't take my blood though any more. I come from Northern Ireland and they are worried about Mad Cow Disease. I asked if they could label it just for UK ex-pats but no, that would be too complicated to keep track of, and they can't use any of the constituant parts either. I liked the feeling of helping someone out and contributing to the bank if I needed it.
                      Ticks off my friend that they wont take hers. She is from the UK, but she is 42 now and she has been vegetarian since she was 13. Roll eyes

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                        Well, we didn't actually have infected cows in Northern Ireland but it is part of the UK and as such I'm excluded. I always brought meat from local source butchers. But, if I was a bred and born US citizen and I or my kid got sickand I suspected donated blood, I can see where saying we allowed vegetarians and some other exceptions from the UK give blood would infuriate me. Interestingly, my husband is a vegetarian and we eat no meat at home. Our iron levels are always very high when we give blood (or when I did give blood.)

                        One day at a time

                          The Red Cross gave up on me, because I have tiny, "squiggly" veins. I tried one last time a couple of years ago. I warned them what they were up against, and they assured me they had someone who could do it. Uh, no. Kind of frustrating after answering a million questions!

                          Good Bad & The Monkey

                            Ticks off my friend that they wont take hers. She is from the UK, but she is 42 now and she has been vegetarian since she was 13. Roll eyes
                            I am in the same boat. I have not eaten meat for 21 years, but spent 9 months in France about 15 years ago. So they won't take my blood.


                              I spent 4 months in the UK in '93 and they don't want my blood, either. Whatevs...don't whine to me when there's a blood shortage. I'm sure someone in desperate need of a pint would rather have my blood that could on a very rare chance have Mad Cow vs. no blood at all....

                              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                   ~ Sarah Kay

                                i can't donate blood over here either - same reason.