Is It Okay To Run In A Cemetary? (Read 2197 times)

    I've seen lots of walkers in our cemetary so I don't see why running would be a problem. Just stick to the roads, that should be fine. Zoomie you're so funny Big grin
    Ginny 'Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there' Will Rogers

    I've got a fever...

      For HS X-country, we often ran repeat loops in a hilly cemetery near the house of our coach. Like folks above have said, as long as you stay on the paths and are respectful, no big deal. Our cemetery workouts were usually pretty hard, so I will say that I sure felt like dying when I was there.

      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

        The most salient point made was that most cemeteries are private property, and might have and/or post rules on the very question. When in doubt look for posted signs, check the website, or call the office and ask.
        This depends on the cemetery and maybe even what state/country you live in. Most cemeteries in my area are public property (for example, city cemeteries)...the grave spaces themselves are quasi-private property, though. But, the paved roads and mowed rows in many cemeteries in my area are public property.

        "Life is short... running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen


          This is really just an issue of private/public property, not one of it being a cemetary. Ed Whitlock does nearly all of his running in a cemetary. Most cemetaries up this way (Toronto) are pretty abundant with runners, even the popular beltline running/cycling trail goes straight through Mount Pleasant Cemetary.

          I fly.

            I ran a race on Memorial day that ended with its last 3/4 miles in a cemetery.
            I've run this race too. I thought it was very strange - I think it's weird to run in a cemetery. But it is one of my favorite T-shirts from any race ever.

            Bring it on.

              This seems silly to me. Unless you run right through the middle of a service I can't understand being offended.






                i myself would never run in a cemetary: i've recently lost both my parents and when i visit them there it is still an emotional experience and i need my space frankly the last thing i need to see is someone jogging by; i don't think i'm the only visitor that feels that way and i tend to think there must be more appropriate places to run i would'nt make an issue of it just putting my 2 cents in
                Go Daddy

                  Can't think of a better place to celebrate life. Just be respectful of the residents and their visitors.

                  Menace to Sobriety

                    Hey, and if some zombies should erupt from the ground you will likely have one helluva tempo run! Evil grin
                    Nah, unless they're the new generation of zombies, like 28 Days Later and the latest Dawn of the Dead, they generally amble about pretty slow. An easy jog should do it.

                    Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

                      I ran a Thanksgiving Day 4 mile race last year with over half of the course through a cemetary. It never crossed my mind as being disrespectful.


                        I think purdy has the right of it; see if there any signs or rules listed on a website with what is and isn't allowed at the one you want to run at, or else call and ask. I don't spend a lot of times running in cemetaries, but I have run through quite a few. They tend to be safe, low trafficked, well maintained parks if they are large enough to bother running through. In college, it was one of the better places to go for hill repeats. On easy runs it can be fun to stop and look at the different family plots and read headstones. One day I'd like to visit somewhere with a nice large cemetary like this (1 minute in):

                        Run to Win
                        25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)


                        I've got a fever...

                          Nah, unless they're the new generation of zombies, like 28 Days Later and the latest Dawn of the Dead, they generally amble about pretty slow. An easy jog should do it.
                          28 Days Later zombies are one of my speedwork visualizations.

                          On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                            I find it disrespectful. There is a time and a place and when somone is mourning over a lost loved one the last thing you need to do is go zooming by them.
                            Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

                              Nah, unless they're the new generation of zombies, like 28 Days Later and the latest Dawn of the Dead, they generally amble about pretty slow. An easy jog should do it.
                              I dont know - even with the easy jog if you ever watch those old horror movies the zombies still seem to catch up to these people that are sprinting. I think it is more the sheer numbers that they have rather than their speed that is the issue with the pokey-zombies.


                                Nah, unless they're the new generation of zombies, like 28 Days Later and the latest Dawn of the Dead, they generally amble about pretty slow. An easy jog should do it.
                                Hmmm...good point. Though the undead in the 28 series are not technically "zombies" but "infected." I'd be SOL around the infected--I'm too slow. Blush Dead

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay