Post Your Small, or Big, Victory For The Day! (Read 5844 times)

    BTW, congratulations Smaty!

      Say Liam, is your last name Mycroft?


      Edited to add: yes, yes it is.  It always helps to click on the profile before asking dumb questions.


      Hi Liam.  I am Maniac #111, the dude who runs the maniac calendar. 


      As you say - It is Smile


      Maniac #854 here, and hoping to add a few more notches to the belt... May have to ask you to add a couple more planned South american adventures to the list, and as I said before, if you fancy a trip down this way, we will always find you a floor to sleep on (at least ),....

        Ran my second 10K with a new PR. Time: 42:13. This is 1:41 faster than my first 10K race 3 months ago. Running at the track is paying off,


          I'm thinking possibly new pr for me but not 100% sure:  17th straight day running with 2 doubles added & another double planned today.  2nd straight 150+ mth.  may have beat both these back in the late 70's or early 80's.  don't have log from back then.   Interesting, feeling about the same as when I had 2 days/week off.  6 training wks left to goal race.  Seattle winter weather this yr has been perfect for running, unlike last yr!


            My goal this morn. was to run sub 50 10k race...

            Ran a 10k PR :  47:45     Yay!


              I ran more miles this month than ever before...and it's February!

                Ran 12 miles today, making February to my first 100+ mile month.  Actually, 120 miles.  First run using a GU and it didn't make me sick.  On top of that, first mowing of the lawn for the season.  I do need to move this activity to the day where I don't do my long run!

                Consistently Slow

                  14.6 miles of hills today. Looking good for the half on the 21st.

                  Run until the trail runs out.

                   SCHEDULE 2016--

                   The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                  unsolicited chatter



                    I ran more miles this month than ever before...and it's February!

                     That is impressive considering where you live!  ^5


                    My big victory for the week is my patellar is finally starting to heal.    Did a long run yesterday and felt great the entire time. 

                    Just a dude.

                      Yay... longest run for me yet today... 13.7 miles...  (2:09:32)

                      When I started, I was hoping to finish a 10k without stopping by the end of March... I just did 2 of em...


                      Getting back in shape... Just need it to be a skinnier shape... 

                      I look my best blurry!

                        Yay... longest run for me yet today... 13.7 miles...  (2:09:32)

                        When I started, I was hoping to finish a 10k without stopping by the end of March... I just did 2 of em...


                         NOT TOO SHABBY!  That must feel great.  Good for you!

                          Yay... longest run for me yet today... 13.7 miles...  (2:09:32)

                          When I started, I was hoping to finish a 10k without stopping by the end of March... I just did 2 of em...


                           Nice going, man.

                          "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                            Longest run for me this year - at just under 12 miles.  I cant remember the last time I ran over 10 miles at one time.  It felt good.  Most of my runs lately have been at lunch so I havent been able to get in more than 5-6 miles (and that is pushing it, getting back to work kind of late).  I really miss running in the morning.


                            Hoping to be able to get at least one of these in each week from here on out.  time to start building up the mileage for my Fall marathon.


                              Longest run for me this year - at just under 12 miles.  I cant remember the last time I ran over 10 miles at one time.  It felt good.  Most of my runs lately have been at lunch so I havent been able to get in more than 5-6 miles (and that is pushing it, getting back to work kind of late).  I really miss running in the morning.


                              Hoping to be able to get at least one of these in each week from here on out.  time to start building up the mileage for my Fall marathon.


                              I'm calling out another big victory for you.


                              I just saw you have a running streak of 803 days!!!


                              WOWZA!  Just awesome! 

                                Ran 61 miles at Delano 12 Hour today (for 10th place overall- male and female)!  The furthest I've ever gone before today was 31 miles.  My PR for 50K is 6:44, but I got to 31 by 5:32 today!  Granted, today was a lot flatter than all the 50Ks I've done.