1500 Miles So Go Run


2022 May - Warmer weather coming? (Read 5 times)


    Still getting colder mornings here in the Northeast - waiting for the days I can get up and have a consistent temperature in the 50s.


    So what does everyone have planned for May?  Any races?  I have a 5K in early June that I am prepping for starting today.


      I'm signed up for a 10K on May 22 which should give me some idea where I'm currently at. This link should show the course profile. Anyway, I'm training as best I can, but want/need to put more into it. Ongoing yard and garden cleanup can really do me in and that has affected my running.   My iron is also low again (ongoing saga) and has been impacting my go-power. It's getting better though - I could lift my usual weights this week that felt impossible for the last few weeks. So perhaps my upcoming interval sessions will improve too.


      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


        Ouch, my hips.  Not sure what happened.  I did some interval training yesterday (5x400 at about a 6:40 pace) and my hips, really just the front of my hips are SO tight right now.  They were like this after I finished work yesterday.  I know I had a busy day and didn't really get up from my chair much during the day so maybe all the time sitting after the hard workout did it.  But I tried stretching this morning and can't seem to relieve the tightness.


          What I've read is that if the front of the hips flares up like that from a run workout, then the glutes weren't pulling their weight, so to speak. Do you do glute activation exercises as part of your run warmup? (ha ha - neither do I, most of the time - but it sure makes a difference when I do!)  So your hip flexors are now overworked and tired. Let them recover - gentle stretches, maybe some heat, a couple days of easy so it doesn't turn into something more.

          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


            Sorry Jeff, I have no idea on the hip other than what happyfeat said ... wait for em to get better.  Maybe for future try kneeling in front of your computer instead of sitting, or one knee only.  Stretch the front of the hips.  I do that probably half the time I'm in front of the computer.

            Happyfeat, your 10K.looks miserably fun!


            Races ... I have a flat fast 5K this Saturday that I'm hoping to be close to 21 minutes.  Unfortunately, I just got back from 7 day vacay in Madrid and ran not a single step (well not really, I did run some in the airport trying to make a connection🏃🏻).  I brought running gear with me, just never was up for it.  Either I'll do great cuz I'm 'well-rested' or fail miserably.  Should be interesting.

            Also, my running streak ends at 117 days.  Time for a new one.


              ooh kcam I'm putting my money on your "fresh legs" giving you a good time on Saturday! Go for it!  What was Madrid like? What kinds of things did you do there?

              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                Fresh legs did not carry the day - very 'poor' race!  I ran 22:17.  I really slowed on the third mile.  I ran an 8K race two weeks ago at a faster overall pace than this 5K (7:05 vst 7:06 today).  Still, beautiful day to run and race.  They screwed up my timing somehow.  My gun time was 22:20 and my chip time was 27:38 (how does that even happen?!).  I think it was about 3 seconds to get past the starting mat so I believe my real chip time was 22:17.


                Madrid was awesome.  This was our 20th wedding anniversary trip.  My wife is a huge tennis fan and there's a 1000pt (big tournament) event in Madrid this time of year.  I bought two 4 day passes to it so we'd tour around Madrid in the mornings and late evenings and watch tennis mid-day.  We ate Tapas, Jamon, Paella ... food was EXCELLENT and very, very inexpensive compared to here (I live in California).  Drank beer too.  We saw a lot of local sites and had an AirBNB in the center of town, next to Plaza Mayor.  We used the Metro and Renfre trains to get around exclusively with a lot of walking throw in as well.

                Plaza Mayor, this place would get PACKED in the evenings with dining all along the perimiter.  Very fun place.

                Plaza Mayor


                Misinformation Officer

                  Wow! Looks amazing.

                  I ran a small local 5k this AM. Our weather has been all over the place, with highs ranging from low 70s to 90. Hard to heat acclimate when it gets cool again the next day.

                  Runs like a dj mixing songs while wearing festive outfits.
                  5k PR 5/31/21 24:21 

                  10k PR 5/23 54:43

                  HM PR 1/2024 1:59:10


                    Fun to read about your Madrid vacation, kcam! Sounds like such a great time!

                    So bizarre about your race and the gun time being FASTER than the chip time -- def something not right there. Well, congrats on your 22:17. That is super fast in my book.


                    Congrats on your 5k, Re-Run. Excellent time!


                    I had planned to get back out on the trails today (first time since last Fall) with two friends who cancelled last minute. Worked in my favor because I'm dealing with day 3 of a back spasm. I ran 7 slow miles on the paved bike trail instead and the back pain was unrelenting. So much for "quality" training.

                    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                      They did correct my chip time, was a 22:16 which was enough for 4th in the 50-99 Age Group.  Never seen age groups that wide before, LOL!  Guess they're cutting costs on AG awards which is fine by me.  This race only cost $25 to enter.


                      My club puts on a Mile on The Track twice a year and last Saturday was one of them.  I ran 6:27 (3 sec, 1:37, 1:38, 1:39, 1:30).  That was a good one for me as I thought I'd be fortunate to get 6:30.


                      Started a new streak which is now at 11 days.  Yay.


                      PS - HappyFeat, re the back spasms, do you have a Theragun?  I used to suffer grievously from back problems when I was much younger (weird, I don't have back problems anymore) and I think a Theragun or other percussive massager would be heavenly.  I don't have a Theragun as they are like $300 or more and I was reluctant to buy one but I was at Costco the other day and they had these Infinity brand percussive massagers for $149.  They were beckoning to me so I bought one.  Oh-My-God!  So worth it!  It feels so good on my hamstrings and calves.  My wife who is a tennis player likes it too.  If it holds up it will have been a great buy.


                        No I don't have a TheraGun. I've thought about getting one; but there's a multitude of brands and price ranges out there and it hasn't been important enough to figure out what to buy - yet.  I do have a variety of massage balls and foam rollers and a slew of yoga poses and stretches to work out any kinks I might have, but it can be a slow process. I sped this one up by going to a massage therapist a couple days later and she did the trick. I got the exact same spasm last Fall the week before my 20-mile trail race. I couldn't lift my knee without it triggering the spasm (same as this time) - no way could I have done the race. This gal who I'd never been to before had a last minute opening and got me tuned up to run.


                        Congrats on your official 22:16 time and the AG, kcam. Very satisfying, I'm sure. And ALSO your amazing 6:27 last weekend! Keep up the good work!


                        JeffD - how is your hip issue? Hoping it didn't linger.


                        My buildup to next Sunday's 10K has not looked like any of my prior training. I almost don't recognize the runner I've become. I remind myself that I'm in a low iron slump and that's hampering my "comeback," but I've never done a race where I didn't have high expectations of myself. I'm not a "just run it for fun" type of participant, never have been. I always have a time goal or a pace goal. At this point, I just hope to feel strong on the day and run hard. Stay tuned.

                        Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                        Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                          I actually picked up a massage gun for like $40 bucks - cheap brand and the battery doesnt hold a charge for long but even that really helped.  I also think because the motor probably isnt as powerful as an official theragun that I had to turn up the power to like a 5 before it did much but even so for $40 bucks it was totally worth it.


                          Sorry to hear you're still having issues and that you're not feeling great for the 10K.  I have the same feeling right now for a 5K I have in two weeks.  It's sponsored by my company so I kind of have to do it but I am also not a "run it for fun" kind of racer.  When I do a race I like to race it, and while I don't expect a PR every time I am not sure what kind of 5K shape I am in right now.


                          Thanks for asking - hip has been better. I rested for a few days and did some foam rolling, ice and ibuprofen and it healed up pretty well.  Last week was kind of a down week for me anyway since I spent the first few days of the week picking up my son from school and all the driving took a dent in my mileage and speedwork for the week (meaning no speedwork at all).  But I was able to get back on track so far thsi week and did some 400s this morning that felt okay.


                          No I don't have a TheraGun. I've thought about getting one; but there's a multitude of brands and price ranges out there and it hasn't been important enough to figure out what to buy - yet.  I do have a variety of massage balls and foam rollers and a slew of yoga poses and stretches to work out any kinks I might have, but it can be a slow process. I sped this one up by going to a massage therapist a couple days later and she did the trick. I got the exact same spasm last Fall the week before my 20-mile trail race. I couldn't lift my knee without it triggering the spasm (same as this time) - no way could I have done the race. This gal who I'd never been to before had a last minute opening and got me tuned up to run.


                          Congrats on your official 22:16 time and the AG, kcam. Very satisfying, I'm sure. And ALSO your amazing 6:27 last weekend! Keep up the good work!


                          JeffD - how is your hip issue? Hoping it didn't linger.


                          My buildup to next Sunday's 10K has not looked like any of my prior training. I almost don't recognize the runner I've become. I remind myself that I'm in a low iron slump and that's hampering my "comeback," but I've never done a race where I didn't have high expectations of myself. I'm not a "just run it for fun" type of participant, never have been. I always have a time goal or a pace goal. At this point, I just hope to feel strong on the day and run hard. Stay tuned.


                            So the instructions for my upcoming 10K say this:





                            Seriously?!? If you run with your arms bent at the elbows, it seems like the wrist watch will naturally be "near the bib".   If the chip reader is that sensitive to outside interference, I think there will be a lot of missing results, right? Crazy!


                            I think I've lost a little respect for this event. They are not having a post-race award ceremony or gathering due to covid. HOWEVER, they are directing people to 4 different local beer/wine establishments as "after-party locations."  My county has had some of its worst outbreaks connected with bars and we're in the "extremely high" range these days. This race is in the county next door and not as bad, but I can't believe they're directing people to indoor establishments rather than have their traditional outdoor post-race gathering.

                            Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                            Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                              I imagine hundreds of people all crossing the start line and finish lines with their arms raised above their heads.


                                Your avatar picture shows the absurdity of it perfectly!
