3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

July Racing Thread -- Spaniel Farms Beer Mile July 16th (Read 1288 times)

    North Island XC - 2nd July. Goal - finish in top 5 Wellington women (to show them how wrong they were not to select me - grrrrr).  Real goal - 21mins


    Wellington XC - 9th July.  No time goal as they haven't set the course yet.  Aim is to do whatever it takes to get selected to represent Wellington at National XC 2 weeks later.

      I'm sure we won't get THAT stupid.  I plan to throw a good BBQ, the actual beer mile is only part of the event.


      I'm sure that will only happen after you break out the new batch of wine you just bottled.  I don't know how people switch back and forth between beer, wine or hard liquor.  I find it more enjoyable to just stick with one choice - and that's usually BEER.

      Feeling the growl again

          I don't know how people switch back and forth between beer, wine or hard liquor. 


        Show up and find out... Wink


        Although last year C-R brought so much good beer he put me on the floor before I got to anything harder.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


        Feeling the growl again

          Really?  These are the only races in July???

          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



            So I have some decisions to make



            Wife is calling a girls night out July 8th for a good friend of her's birthday.  She does not ask for much and puts up with too much of my stuff ... I have not paid for the DWD 50k.


            July 9th also is our running clubs "Beer Mile"


            July 9th is the neighbor's girls 7th B-Day party


            Choice # 1 - DW goes out - 10 yo and 6 yo stay home together and I drive to Baraboo and do DWD the next day - I might even make it back in time for the beer mile or neighbor's b-day.  This choice scores no points with DW and is actually a withdrawl from our emotional bacnk account.  I might break even if I come right home and go to neighbor girls B-day party.  But if I come home straight to the beer mile ... not so much.


            As much as I would love the 50k / beer mile double - I ... I ... ??? what to do.


            I could do 50K - Early heat of beer mile and still make most the B-Day party ...

            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



              Get up early, drive to Baraboo, run DWD50.  Return, take DW and girls to neighbor girl's 7th-birthday party.  Organize beer mile at party.


              (OK, the kids can run a soda "mile".  Who doesn't like to see Orange Crush coming out a little girl's nose?)

              "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

              -- Dick LeBeau


                Well I talked myself into the 50K / beer mile double


                Then on to the Birthday Party


                I solved the issue by having to hit the road by 2:30am to make the pre-race packet pickup.

                Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                  2:30am leave Neenah

                  DWD 50k starts @ 5:30

                  I think I can run @ 5 hours

                  10:30-11:15 - Socialize and clean up

                  11:15-1:30 - drive back

                  1:30-3:30 nap

                  4:00-5:00 - Beer Mile

                  5:30 - dark - Neighbor's B-Day party


                  It all makes sense now


                  7/9/2011 DoppleBock - Beer Mile < 8:30

                  Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                  Feeling the growl again

                    2:30am leave Neenah

                    DWD 50k starts @ 5:30

                    I think I can run @ 5 hours

                    10:30-11:15 - Socialize and clean up

                    11:15-1:30 - drive back

                    1:30-3:30 nap

                    4:00-5:00 - Beer Mile

                    5:30 - dark - Neighbor's B-Day party


                    It all makes sense now


                    7/9/2011 DoppleBock - Beer Mile < 8:30


                    Way to commit.  Though I think that should be a soft goal for you.

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                      By themselves ... each is a weak-fat-ass goal.


                      The 50k is truly a fun run - I am just guessing.  I am hoping to hit 160-170 miles next week, so that makes the goal a little more manly.  The beer mile ... After a 50k and all those miles, I am guessing I would not be able to break 6:15 in a no beer drinking mile.  So 8:30 is a still a little weak.  I am guessing I will run @ 7 minutes and take 20 seconds per beer to drink.  give or take.

                      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                      Feeling the growl again


                         I am hoping to hit 160-170 miles next week,


                        For fuck's sake....


                        Yes, context is important.

                        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                          7/16 Spaniel Farms Beer Mile, I have no idea what to put for a goal. Not puke, 12 min? My drinking skill is as bad as my running skill.


                          Um, isn't anyone going to present a reality check here?



                          Feeling the growl again

                            Um, isn't anyone going to present a reality check here?


                            I think all of the beer mile goals are on the soft side...it's hard if you've never done one. 

                            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                              I think all of the beer mile goals are on the soft side...it's hard if you've never done one. 




                              I meant that I thought it was a very ambitious goal. I mean, unless he can slam each beer in about 30-40 seconds.



                              Feeling the growl again



                                I meant that I thought it was a very ambitious goal. I mean, unless he can slam each beer in about 30-40 seconds.


                                His 5K PR is equivalent to roughly an 8:20 mile...so 3:40 left over...say 40sec slower for volume/breathing challenges related to drinking the beer...3min to drink the beer or 45sec each.  I think that is not unreasonable.


                                Last year I ran what, 6:53...probably around 5:10 running and only 1:43 for 4 beers or 25-26sec/beer...I had never before tried to chug a beer in my life.  This year I will probably run a little slower and try to drink a lot faster.


                                MTA:  A lot of it is how mentally dedicated you are to the task of forcing that beer down and disregarding the discomfort.  You have to focus or it is very hard to drink fast enough.

                                "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                                I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills