3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

March 2013 Racing Thread (Read 183 times)



    I have downgraded to the 5k at this event.  And my goal is 26:00


    3/23  - Ileneforward - El Segundo Run for Education 5k    26:00


    Yeah, when they said it was hilly I should have realized they were understating it.  That was the hardest 5k ever.  My bum hamstring didn't help.   Huge race over 2000 runners and lots of turns and hills (I counted 7)  29:01 (OMG)  but I did get 1st in my AG and won a month of yoga at YogaWorks of El Segundo


    Runners run


    old woman w/hobby


      Yeah, when they said it was hilly I should have realized they were understating it.  That was the hardest 5k ever.  My bum hamstring didn't help.   Huge race over 2000 runners and lots of turns and hills (I counted 7)  29:01 (OMG)  but I did get 1st in my AG and won a month of yoga at YogaWorks of El Segundo


      Congrats on the AG fighting hills and crowds!  A month of yoga, nice!





      old woman w/hobby

        Sam Costa this morning (no I didn't see the little bastard from last year but I was looking for him) in perfect conditions (34 and light wind)


        My Timex said 1:30:00 on the friggin nose. No clue what actual time will be but I thought that was pretty cool. Oh and check my goal for the race. Heh.


        Getting fitter. That's 8 minutes less than last month's HM. Not sure I can keep up that pace of improvement for April.



        Mta - 1:29:56 offiial

        Congrats, CR.  Working hard!





          Illeneforward - Congrats on battling hills and hamstring for a 1AG!


          I ran my 5K this morning in 18:23.  I didn't run very well and though the course was very flat and conditions were perfect there were a lot of 90 deg turns (10 to be exact) to disrupt any rhythm I could get.  Still I'm just not comfortable at 5:45 pace and it showed.  Very, very Meh.  I did finish 5th OA and 1st in 50-54.  Maybe one of these days I'll hit one of my Hurtlocker race goals.  I'm starting to feel pretty wimpy around here!

            Ken: under-promise, over-deliver.


            Nice racing, C-R and Ilene!

            "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

            -- Dick LeBeau


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              A month of free yoga to make up for having to see 29:01 on athlinks next to your name Smile

              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                3/24- JLC - Masan 10k - Masan, Korea - <34:30


                I'm gonna take another run at my previous goal of 34:30. Might be one of those, "keep bashing myself 'til I get it" things.


                But this race is a pancake flat out and back and only 3 miles from my house. And even better than that is the Krispy Kreme store located another mile or so down the road. The call of the warm glazed recovery donut should do wonders for my closing kick. Smile


                35:41 for 4th place.


                This wasn't quite a "bomb" as I managed a fourth place on a windy day with the remnants of a cold, but it wasn't an altogether stellar performance either.


                Think it's time I stop making time goals until I get my racing sorted out a bit more. Yikes! On to April!


                  Lots of good reports on here. Great work. Looks like March was a pretty good month for the group!.


                    A month of free yoga to make up for having to see 29:01 on athlinks next to your name Smile


                    Big grin  Yeah, but I don't picture me driving to El Segundo after work every week.


                    Runners run


                      3/23  -- bhearn -- Dizzy Days 12-hour -- Seattle, WA -- goal: 70 miles


                      Ran 73.6, 2nd OA (tied for distance, 2nd on time). Mini-report here.

                         under-promise, over-deliver.

                        Sounds like sandbagging. Last I checked, the hurtlocker will call you out for sandbagging.

                          Great job Gville! 12% grade makes me feel a little like throwing up just reading about it. Good place to test your max heart rate! Congrats!

                            Wow Norm! sub-1:30, 8 minutes faster in less than a month! Congratulations!

                              Awesome job Ilene! Congratulations!


                              Yeah, when they said it was hilly I should have realized they were understating it.  That was the hardest 5k ever.  My bum hamstring didn't help.   Huge race over 2000 runners and lots of turns and hills (I counted 7)  29:01 (OMG)  but I did get 1st in my AG and won a month of yoga at YogaWorks of El Segundo

                                Dang man... 73.6 miles. No comprende'. I have trouble pacing an 800 on the track. Great job! Congratulations!



                                Ran 73.6, 2nd OA (tied for distance, 2nd on time). Mini-report here.