3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

May Racing Thread (Read 1824 times)

Feeling the growl again

     Whoops. I keep doing that. 


    NaderAlfie -- 5/21 -- West Essex 5K -- PR


    Now see, if I was such a bad guy I'd have called you on that.  Wink

    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



      Winner was 6:27, I was 1 hour and 20 minutes behind or  21% slower than the winner - Enough said.



      I think the beer total impresses me the most...I have no frame of reference for a 50-miler however.

      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



        I know it's a 5k, but humor me.  I'm still learning.  How do you feel your way to a PR on a course like this:



        "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

        Ostrich runner

          Well, I'm in for Geist HM. Goal...fitness test. I am 10lbs heavier but I think stronger than last year. Last year was 1:43. 


          Prince of Fatness

            I know it's a 5k, but humor me.  I'm still learning.  How do you feel your way to a PR on a course like this:




            Beta link.  Ah, the memories that brings back!

            Not at it at all. 

              "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                Things like the cramping happen in those long races....sounds like you gutted it out and gave it your best shot anyways.  And swimming upstream in a tri?  WTF?  I can't swim downstream.


                When I got out of college I had not figured out that I could be a much better runner yet so I thought I'd do tri's instead....until I did one....and got kicked, clawed, pummeled, bruised, swam over, and generally molested on the swim.  Seriously, one guy grabbed my ankle with one hand, planted his hand in my back as his next came around, and purposefully, pushed me as far under water as he could to get by (over) me.


                I've thrown a few elbows in races before, but it turns out swimming is like the internet....since you can't see faces you'll do things to people you would never do if you'd have to face up to them.  Besides me being a lousy swimmer that was enough to detract my interest.


                Thanks Spaniel. Swimming is by far the toughest part for me, both physically and mentally.  Before my first open water triathlon, I was so nervous I was dry heaving before the race.  That's what you call an irrational fear, LOL! It's getting better, but I'm always incredibly happy to come out of the water and head for the bike.

                  I laughed out loud.


                  I did tris for a summer in 2008. Turns out im terrified of cycling. Otherwise, I was okay.


                  Sorry you didn't meet your goal Tony, but it sounds like you gave it a really good go. Cramping sucks.


                  Thanks Candice.  I was lucky the weather wasn't hot.  It could have been a lot worse.


                  My first tri was Cedars of Lebanon in 2008, and you were at that one.  It's funny to think how nervous I was about the pool swim, but I was.  So far cycling hasn't scared me that much, although on one of the descents in Sunday's tri, I swung out wider than I wanted to.  Feeling like you're not in control of the bike at ~ 40 mph is pretty scary.

                  Feeling the growl again

                      That's what you call an irrational fear, LOL! 


                    Irrational my ass, I thought they were going to drown me!  Wink

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                      Another May Race:


                      GJCC Sprint Triathlon (200m swim/8.5 mile bike/2 mile run) - goal < 48 minutes

                        Irrational my ass, I thought they were going to drown me!  Wink


                        LOL! No, that's perfectly rational. I was talking about me, BEFORE the race, just imaging bad things that could happen.

                          Race day today.  Vosseler Shield (hilly 5k XC race).  28:07 last year.  Initial hopes were for 26mins this year but I've woken up to find its been raining hard overnight which is likely to add a bit on.  


                          Options,Account, Forums

                            Thanks Candice.  I was lucky the weather wasn't hot.  It could have been a lot worse.


                            My first tri was Cedars of Lebanon in 2008, and you were at that one.  It's funny to think how nervous I was about the pool swim, but I was.  So far cycling hasn't scared me that much, although on one of the descents in Sunday's tri, I swung out wider than I wanted to.  Feeling like you're not in control of the bike at ~ 40 mph is pretty scary.


                            Yeah, I'm about done with letting it fly down hills; I'm too old for that; I'm ready for using the brakes and to hell with time.

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                              I know it's a 5k, but humor me.  I'm still learning.  How do you feel your way to a PR on a course like this:



                               I dunno, dude.  I think it would help to do more hill work.  You see - now bear with me, because this gets complex - it will make you stronger on hilly courses.  That's a freebie for ya. 

                              "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                                West Essex Foundation for Education 5k

                                goal: PR

                                 20:37, 4OA, 1AG

                                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus