3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Sucker Punches (Read 1095 times)

Prince of Fatness

    I am 13 weeks pregnant


    I was not on here much over the weekend and am just seeing this now.  Congratulations!  I hope that everything progresses along smoothly and you and baby are happy and healthy.

    Not at it at all. 

    Prince of Fatness

      Since I am in here I might as well provide an update on my malaise.


      I got a shot in my hip 3 weeks ago for my torn labrum.  Results are 50 / 50.  There was noticeable relief around the joint but it did not do much for the sciatic nerve impingement that I have going on.  Yesterday I spoke with the hip guy and he seemed to think that surgery would help me.  I am giving it some thought and am leaning towards having it done.  I do not know if it will solve all of my problems but I do know that I have torn labrum that if left alone will bother me and limit my activity.  If I do have surgery it would happen this year, depending on when the shot wears off and fitting a week or two of down time in my schedule.


      In the meantime, I have starter running with more frequency.  Why not at this point.  I am going to focus on trying to get my piriformis to release.  I have some ideas for that.

      Not at it at all. 

      Feeling the growl again

        Since I am in here I might as well provide an update on my malaise.


        I got a shot in my hip 3 weeks ago for my torn labrum.  Results are 50 / 50.  There was noticeable relief around the joint but it did not do much for the sciatic nerve impingement that I have going on.  Yesterday I spoke with the hip guy and he seemed to think that surgery would help me.  I am giving it some thought and am leaning towards having it done.  I do not know if it will solve all of my problems but I do know that I have torn labrum that if left alone will bother me and limit my activity.  If I do have surgery it would happen this year, depending on when the shot wears off and fitting a week or two of down time in my schedule.


        In the meantime, I have starter running with more frequency.  Why not at this point.  I am going to focus on trying to get my piriformis to release.  I have some ideas for that.


        Best of luck.  You have been hoeing a long row with this one.


        Knock on wood, I think my pirformis finally did release.  I can only credit repeated massaging of the affected area over a period of a couple months.  Hope to get my mpw up soon (if the 5th plague doesn't strike my house next) and find out.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



          Well crap Finn. You've managed to stay patient through this whole thing. I think it served you well in that you've managed to eliminate most every option imaginable.Hopefully the surgery route will provide some long term relief.

          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


          Prince of Fatness

            Thanks.  I did ask the doctor if the torn labrum could be causing all of my muscles around the area to tighten up, as a protection mechanism.  He said that it is possible.  Could be issues with my back too, but my pain rarely goes more than halfway down the hamstring.  Rarely if ever does it go below the knee.  I also told him that sitting bothers me the most.  Go figure he said that that is a symptom of both a torn labrum and sciatica.


            I am still frustrated, and have had periods where I have given up for a while.  Now I am determined to push forward with this thing.


            As for the piriformis, I hate stretching and that is probably why it does not help me.  I do not hold my stretches long enough.  There is a stretch that is part of the yoga routine that I do occasionally.



            The plan is to do this daily 5 minutes a side.  For now.  We'll see if it helps.

            Not at it at all. 

            Feeling the growl again

              After all the time dealing with this I think that, even if piriformis is the issue, that can be different issues/solutions involved in that for different people.  For me, stretching did not help either.  And I tried a lot of it.  Each time I've had it required mechanical breakage of some adhesion...via fast sections of running several years ago, and when that didn't work this time, teeth-clenching painful massages to break it up.


              Surgery stinks.  But I am happy to see you so re-invigorated to solve this.  Fight on.




              As for the piriformis, I hate stretching and that is probably why it does not help me. 

              "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


              I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



              old woman w/hobby

                Since I am in here I might as well provide an update on my malaise.


                I got a shot in my hip 3 weeks ago for my torn labrum.  Results are 50 / 50.  There was noticeable relief around the joint but it did not do much for the sciatic nerve impingement that I have going on.  Yesterday I spoke with the hip guy and he seemed to think that surgery would help me.  I am giving it some thought and am leaning towards having it done.  I do not know if it will solve all of my problems but I do know that I have torn labrum that if left alone will bother me and limit my activity.  If I do have surgery it would happen this year, depending on when the shot wears off and fitting a week or two of down time in my schedule.


                In the meantime, I have starter running with more frequency.  Why not at this point.  I am going to focus on trying to get my piriformis to release.  I have some ideas for that.


                I'm very sorry, Finn.  But hopefully the surgery will be just the ticket.




                  Sarah! Again congratulations!!!   Sending lots of happy and healthy vibes to you and the baby! BTW I had HORRIBLE HORRIBLE morning sickness for the first trimester with my oldest 3 boys!



                  Tim, If you do go with surgery I really hope it is the answer and that your down time is as short as possible!!!



                  Andy, I hope the sickness that is at your house is gone ASAP!!!




                  I've got an update on myself. I had a sleep study done a couple weeks ago and I just heard back yesterday. Apparently I have some form of sleep apnea (hopefully will get the details when I see my regular doctor tomorrow)  and my MSLT test which was the day time sleep test was abnormal. I go back on March 3rd to have another sleep study done with Cpap. I'm assuming since I"m not obese that my spinal injury may be the cause of this since it was in my cervical spine.  I see a neurologist that specializes in sleep disorders in April to go over everything.  What a long process this has been and I'm hoping that this is the answer to everything. I'm beginning to understand that my spinal cord injury was a lot more severe and may have done more permanent damage than I had thought. So right now I'm concentrating on making my body strong and as far as running, I get out when I can which isn't much so I've pulled out of the monthly challenge for now

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                  Feeling the growl again

                     I'm hoping that this is the answer to everything.


                    I think I can say I speak for many when I say, we do as well.  Fingers crossed for you.


                    I must have a short memory.  What was the injury to your spine?

                    "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                    I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                      I think I can say I speak for many when I say, we do as well.  Fingers crossed for you.


                      I must have a short memory.  What was the injury to your spine?


                      Thanks Andy!


                      I had a spinal cord compression injury in 2001 ( a kid used my back to stop himself while he was snowboarding and I was skiing).  I had it in check until I fell during the night at an Ultra in middle of July  of 2012 (the time I ran over 20 miles with a rock in my chin from the fall). Apparently one of my discs slipped and ended up compressing the spinal cord yet again but this time the spinal cord ended up with fluid on it

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                      old woman w/hobby

                        Yes, hope that this the answer!  Good luck, Pam.




                          Thanks all.  I like the thought of getting faster and not slower...Just need to find a way to get the training in once life changes (and hope that Mr Hoppity is able to cover me a bit so I can both run and work).


                          MrFinn, sorry to hear about the ongoing battle.  Keep pushing forward.


                          Pam, thinking of you.  I hope it's the answer too, I'm pleased you are getting looked and at answers are coming to you.

                           "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                            This isn't for facebook, but I am okay sharing it here, but I am 13 weeks pregnant, and it's taking a lot more out of me than I anticipated as the fatigue and nausea are quite unrelenting (and being pregnant was quite unexpected so I didn't understand why I felt so rubbish for the first 6 weeks).


                            A little late to the game here but let me at least say CONGRATS!  Awesome news for you and Mr. Hops.  Best of luck during the pregnancy and keep the miles rolling (walking or running - they're both good).

                            Prince of Fatness

                              Yesterday I spoke with the hip guy and he seemed to think that surgery would help me.  I am giving it some thought and am leaning towards having it done.  I do not know if it will solve all of my problems but I do know that I have torn labrum that if left alone will bother me and limit my activity.  If I do have surgery it would happen this year, depending on when the shot wears off and fitting a week or two of down time in my schedule.


                              I have decided to get the surgery.  Looking back at my log, I actually ran 16 days in February and kind of liked being back into it.  Thing is that they were all short runs.  The hip hurts when sitting and I am convinced right or wrong that if I do not get this labrum repaired that I won't be able to sustain running on a regular basis.  Not that I will with the surgery but what will happen without the surgery is more of a certainty and I don't like that course.


                              So there you go.  Will try to get everything scheduled next week.

                              Not at it at all. 


                                Tough call Finn but seems the one with the best long term success. Good luck.

                                "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                                "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel
