50 and over 5k and beyond


Dicey December (Read 10 times)


Runs in the rain

    Di - I usually compose my posts offline in Notepad because sometimes you do lose them when you write them directly as a post. I don't care for the dreary days, but I enjoy sunny winter days with the white snow and crisp air. Mostly I wuss out on the runs in the rain, or even just when it's damp, cold and dreary, but I sort of enjoyed the ones I just did, happy I was able to get motivated and it is a change from the usual. Landscapes look mysterious in the fog.  Different exercises use the muscles differently. So walking, cycling, running and other activities would each produce different strains on the joints and ligaments. Even a variation in your stride would change the way you use your muscles, so some runners will change their form during a long run to avoid fatigue. Surprised your DH is going for a new house, seems like a hassle, but shows he cares about you and your problems with getting to the center. I like the saying people are like porcupines, you want to gather together closely for warmth, but then the quills prick you!

    Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
    Get up, get out, get out of the door!

    Art in AZ

      Still taking it easy with just the morning warm-up walk. Probably will try more Saturday.


      AZ - We're entering that time of year when we usually get the colder weather. Cheer up! It will get warmer in a few months.  I can imagine your Maui friend being cold considering what she is used to and glad to be back home. Nice you enjoyed your runs. No trips planned yet.


      Di - Real estate is a finicky thing. Some reports think prices will go down because the markets seem to be changing. But they then hedge their bets by saying it depends on the market. Big news flash there.  Good luck on finding something close. If it is different muscles pulling, I wonder why it's happening now and never before.


      Altair - Your pictures capture the dreariness of winter with the clouds and mist.

      Art in AZ

      Mesa, AZ


      Runs in the rain

        Art - Smart to slowly ease back into longer distances when you don't know the cause of the hip pain. This time of year full sunlight become a rare event. Have to wait until Tuesday before we get another sunny day!


        Overcast and slightly colder at 45 degrees today. I went for a six mile run.
        The names of the farms can be amusing! This sign says the farm is "Devonian Park", a takeoff on the Jurassic Park movies. The wing like drawing is a brachiopod shell, fossils of which can easily be found in local shale formations. I've looked for trilobite fossils too, but never found one. The Devonian period lasted from 420 to 360 million years ago and was also known as the Age of Fishes.

        Overcast, but a faint pink glows along the horizon.

        Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
        Get up, get out, get out of the door!


        Runs in the rain

          Some light snow early this morning, but ground is too wet and warm for any accumulation. Still overcast and 34 degrees at 10 am, when I did a 5 mile run. As I passed by some cars parked in front of a farm an elderly man came out from a car with a fishing pole and said to me "You still can git." I was not sure what that meant, but then he asked me how old I was and when I said 72 he replied "Bless your heart". I suppose I might be an old as him, although I don't like to think I'm elderly.


          The white spots in this photo are probably snowflakes, a few fell during the run.

          Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
          Get up, get out, get out of the door!



            Happy New Year to everyone.  No plans here.  Probably in bed by 10 like normal.  For the most part it's just another day.
