50 and over 5k and beyond

January runs & workouts (Read 20 times)

NH Runner

    Chantilly...and here you were telling us Pamela Anderson would beat you in a marathon... 


      3 on the treadmill, 1.5 on the indoor track = 4.5 miles for the day.  We got some snow this morning, not much but enough to coat the ground white once again.  After Friday it looks like the temperatures will be taking a nose dive ... single digits by midweek!

      Crazy Diamond

        Chantilly-I've heard about the FANS24, do they still run it around Lake Harriet?

        Dan-Nice TM run.  Your garden tractor/snow mover is getting a real work-out this winter.

        adkkev-Consecutive gloomy days are one of the toughest thing about winter.  Hang in there.

        Ray-7.2 is the magic mileage number for you!  Your weather sounds wonderful. Too bad about the drought, though.

        Rich-Great workout even with the wind challenge!

        Fletch-Congrats on the 6.4 miles!  Those mileage milestones are sweet.  Hope the orthopedic helps.

        AZ-Awesome mileage, and you are enjoying every minute of it!


        Yesterday, 5 miles.  Tonight, 7 miles at the track. Due to my schedule, I've been running at the end of the day lately.  Tonight was a tough one, just had to put one foot in front of the other.   I'm hoping all this running on tired legs will make them stronger.


        Run strong friends!

        Quo Vadis?


          Az - I got winded just reading about the elevations where you are running!  Nice work.

          Rich - Good, consistent workout in the yaktrax on the trail.  Sounds like fun!

          Adkkev - Sounds like the treadmill is going to be your close friend for a little while.  Hang in there...SPRING is coming!

          Chantilly - looked at the website for the FANS24.  Sounds like a great event!  You mentioned needing MN as one of your states...you may have talked about that before I joined the group...is this a quest to run a race in all (or certain particular) states?  How far along are you?

          Debra - Way to hang in there for the evening run.  Sounds like you typically run in the mornings, and that works better for you?


          Took the day off Thursday.  DW had cataract surgery, so I've been pitching in around the house even more...she can tend to be a little stubborn, like me, and will do more than she should.  I figure if I beat her to it, then she won't have anything to do but rest.


          Saw the orthopedic doc yesterday.  He took x-rays of the knee and foot/ankle.  The foot pain is from a mild case of Achilles tendonitis.  The knee pain is from arthritis (damn...wanted to avoid that dirty word for a little longer).  He said neither were severe enough to cause major concern, but did refer me to a physical therapist that trains several runners from our area (triathletes, marathoners and others).  Based on the alignment of my knees-ankles, the fact that I do NOT have flat feet (in fact, I have high arches) and other signs from his examination, he said he would disagree with overpronation.  However, he was surprised to see that the wear on my shoes tends to indicate pronation.  His recommendations were to 1) get fitted for, and start running in the correct shoe (duh), 2) work with the pt on some exercises and rehab on the Achilles tendon, and 3) make any stride adjustments recommended by the pt, based on a thorough gait analysis.


          I suspect those of you in the minimalist camp will say that my stride is my stride, and I should not try to correct that with different shoes...and you may be absolutely correct.  I'm not quite sure I'm ready to make that transition yet.  Certainly not trying to open a big debate.  I just don't know exactly where I am on that issue...yet.  I just know I would like to run with a little less pain.  So my plan is to visit Raleigh Running Outfitters this Saturday, have them do the full gait analysis and fitting, discuss different shoes with them, and find one that works for me.  Then I will work with the pt, and will also discuss options with him. And I'm going to keep running.


          Sorry for the long post.  But I do value your input...I am still a newbie!

          NH Runner

            Fletch... you have to find what works for you.  Some people do just fine in traditional running shoes and you may very well be in that group.   In any case, enjoy the journey.  You're doing it right, getting professional help and educating yourself, you'll be fine...


            Gito... nice runs lately.  Don't forget to grab a day off and let your body adapt to all the hard work you're doing.


            Speaking of that, I ran 10 miles on the highway today in 92:37.    Now I need to grab a day off and let the last few days sink in...


              Thanks, Rich.  I am definitely enjoying the journey.  It helps to have the professional input, as well as the feedback and encouragement from you and the others in this group.


              Nice 10 miler today!  Enjoy the time off.


                Rich - 10 miles!  Been awhile IIRC.  Has to feel good!

                adkkev - Too bad we can't trade some weather.  This week has been nothing but record highs, sunny and DRY.  I know the grey weather can be a downer.  Keep up the TM work, spring will be here all too soon.

                Az - In the sports gene the author talks about optimal elevation and 7000' is in the sweet spot.  Keep it up - 1/25 isn't far away.

                Chantilly - However long it took, still a good run!   Red Flag Fire alerts in January?!  I'll say it again, it is DRY!

                Debra - Hey, get the runs in when you can , but get them in.  Nice work, doesn't matter time of day.  7.2 takes about an hour, so perfect for most work day lunch times.

                Fletch - Adjusting stride is important, no matter what type of strike you have.  A lot of people tend to over stride, which tends to promote a heel strike.  Running barefoot will tend to shorten your stride and pain will promote a forefoot or mid-foot strike.  If you tend to heel strike, a shorter stride will lessen the impact.  They say the optimal cadence is 180 steps per minute, not sure how they got there, but seems about right.  I think if you read one of the "chi" or "pose" running books they will agree.  As for the arthritis, hopefully Chantilly will chime in, but when I had my knee scoped, they said there were holes in the cartilage and arthritis an no impact sports - especially running.  It may be that your bones have changed enough that running might be a bad idea, but I'm in the "use or lose it" camp.  The orthopedist gave me 10 years of running before I would need knee replacement surgery, 20 years if I stopped.  I stopped for 12 and now I have 4 years of running too and my knee feels better then when I was 30.  We'll see how it is in another 4 years, but I think I will make it.


                It is warm and dry, mid 70's for highs all week.  5 miles Wednesday with workmates and 7.1 yesterday in 57:30.  Hopefully I'll get my 10 in this afternoon.




                  Ray- your lunch time runs are a lot faster than mine!  I'd never get in 7 over  my lunch hour.    Way to go!


                  Fletch- good luck at the running store.  Spending time with a good PT who knows runners will be VERY valuable.


                  Rich- 10 miles on the highway- super job.  You are cranking it up!


                  Debra- yes, some days it's a 'one foot in front of the other' day.


                  Most treadmill runs are like that for me, just keep moving the feet!  Frustrated my endurance and speed are not better.  But I remember feeling this way last year on the TM, and when I got outside it seemed to pick up.   I'm trying to put in the miles to get my body used to and trying not to concern myself too much with pace.  Hard though. 


                  6 miles on TM @ hospital today, that will probably be my long run for the week.  Thinking of 'resting' with a 3-4 mile walk tomorrow and a full rest day Sunday.


                  Have a great weekend friends.







                    Fletch_NC I hate to tell anyone else what to do with arthritis, but I have had it for 25+ years, in my feet, knee, back, neck and hand.  I rested it and took medication in the 1980's, never felt any better, then cautiously started running in the mid 1990's. I have more stamina and strength and move around like a younger person.. Sure my joints are more damaged on X-ray, but after 25 years they would look worse anyways.  That's just my experience, hate to contravene any doctor's advice for others.

                    (I would like to belong to the 50 States marathon club, but probably can't do all of them because of travel/finances.)

                    gito57 you will feel stronger in the spring when you go outside.  The FANS24 is around Lake Snelling in a park.

                    NH Runner back to the highway, eh?  Watch out for those crazy motorists!

                    rmcj001 good to hear that you also keep your joints active. Warm and dry there still.  You'll be ready for the summer before everyone else.

                    justrundan outside in the spring will feel better than your TM runs, I'm sure.


                    4 miles in the morning

                    4 miles in the afternoon.


                    Ran with my 69 yr. old friend this morning.  She is still having "skipped"  heart beats, which limits how fast she can run.  She has had all the cardiac tests and the doctors say they are harmless "extra" beats, for which there is no treatment needed. But they still bother her, so she has to walk more often, which makes her a bit sad.

                    "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                    you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                    Sonata Arctica






                    NH Runner

                      Chantilly... reading about your 69 year old friend, I was reminded of something I read about irregular heartbeats.   This isn't the same article and it's old, but the subject matter is the same.   I don't know if this will help your friend, but it might be something for her to try... http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2008/jul2008_Averting-Arrhythmias-with-Omega-3-Fatty-Acids_01.htm


                      Ray... I checked my log and the last time I ran 10 miles was July 21st of last year.  And I FEEL it, my legs are toast...lol


                        Nice work, everyone.


                        And thanks for the feedback.  Chantilly and Ray - It helps to hear how you guys have dealt with arthriitis.  I'm certainly not at the point of needing to make a decision about running or not.  Or maybe I am, and have just already made the decision!  First step, gait analysis, fitting and new shoes tomorrow!


                        3.1 miles around town this evening, at 9:52 pace.


                          Fletch- wow, nice pace there!  you are coming right along and progressing nicely!


                          Chantilly-  Do the 'skipped' beats become more frequent when your friend runs?  I've had skipped beats from time to time, and they tended to occur more when I was quiet and go away as my heart rate rose.  Just wondering.  Skipped beats usually are benign, and she's had testing, so hopefully she can work through it.


                          Been feeling a little guilty with all the time I spend running, so DW & I went for a 6 mile walk on our riverwalk today!  Walking carefully through slippery spots with our heavy winter boots on was a workout!  It was snowing and some places were icy, so we didn't break any speed records.  We even threw in a detour to go downtown and get a latte from our fave coffee shop.  Fun just to talk and walk and enjoy the beauty of the river.  May try to make that a regular Saturday thing when our schedule allows.  The riverwalk is part of the Ice Age Trail that goes all through Wisconsin, so we may explore other parts of that when the weather is better.


                          Have a great weekend friends.






                             Hi everyone!  Ended up staying in PHX 2 nights with my friend who spends a couple of months in AZ and the rest (working) in NY so we don't get to see each other often.  It's been around 70+ degrees and sunny, .  She lives in a gorgeous home in northern PHX in a 55+ only community.  I was afraid I'd get kicked out, LOL!!   No, just kidding, as long as I'm a guest, I'm okay.  Anyway, the area is next to one of the regional parks where I ran a trail race a couple of years ago, how awesome is that?!?  I was ecstatic!!  I rested Thurs and ......Friday (should have ran but stayed up late).  So this morning it took me almost a mile before I got to the trailhead.  Quiet and no one around.  After about 5 miles and up a couple of good hills where I planned to turn around, I met up with a husband/wife hikers from CO (snowbirds).  And then we noticed a bunch of mtn bikers .........found out that there is a bike race!!  We waited for a few minutes for most of the faster ones to pass by, and one of them yells out at us (pretty irritated) that there are "about 30 more behind us!!"  The husband yells back at him, "it's a public park!!"  The bikers behind him were apologizing for the one jerk.  Anyway, I lost some time for another 2 miles, running and stopping to let the bikers go by.  I encouraged them along the way.  I took a different trail after 8 miles and finished 13.2 miles by the time I got back to the trailhead, YIPPEE!!

                            I am back in northern AZ.  Hope to run tomorrow ............


                            Chantilly:  The RANS event takes place around the 2.2 loop course?  If so, no wonder you are running on a track, GOOD TRAINING for that kind of an event, WOW!!  Which time frame event are you planning on running?  Good job on the double run!!

                            Fletch:  I agree with Rich, "enjoy the journey."  A change to minimalist camp takes awhile for the transition to take place.  And there are frustrations there too as in getting used to running in traditional running shoes that are a 'proper fit' for you and your running style.  You are smart in reading about it (pros and cons) and getting professional advice.

                            Rich:  running along any highway just scares the hell out of me, be safe!!

                            Dan: Spring is around the corner!  Good run on the TM, rest days are such a welcome after running consecutive days. You are such a thoughtful hubby, those 'together moments' are necessary and it really does foster any relationship no matter how brief, enjoy them.

                            adkev:  so how cold did the temps get over the weeknd?  Lucky you......having access to an indoor track, good job!

                            NH Runner

                              Sunday, 1/19... 2 easy miles on the treadmill as a recovery run today.


                              Dan... I like the idea of a 6 mile walk with your wife, nicely done...


                              Az... 70 degrees?  I'm jealous...lol  13.2 miles is awesome.  WTG!

                              Crazy Diamond

                                AZ-Great 13 mile run!  Don't you wish everyone would just "coexist" on the MULTI-USE paths?

                                Dan-Sounds like a lovely walk and "reconnect" with DW.  I miss DH biking along during winter running.

                                Fletch-Hope DW is doing well after the surgery.  Very wise of you to see the orthopedic and get the evaluation at this point in your running.  If the PT is a runner, that is a big plus!  Agree w/ Ray's recommendation of the CHI and Pose books -- lot's of good info.

                                Rich-Nice 10 miles!  Be careful out there on the highway.

                                Chantilly-Love hiking in beautiful Ft. Snelling Park when we visit my brother in the Twins.  How do you train for a 24-hour race?

                                Ray-"use it or lose it" Whole-heartily agree!  Any way to fight off the advance of arthritis.


                                Friday afternoon ran an easy 4 miles at the track.  Yesterday was a rest day, found some nice running tights at REI on clearance.  Today ran 5 miles at the indoor track.  It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 30's, so couldn't let it pass.  Left the track and ran another 5 on the parkway.  It was great to be outside!


                                Run strong friends!

                                Quo Vadis?