50 and over 5k and beyond


Don't let the June bugs bite. (Read 11 times)

Art in AZ

    5 miles Wednesday morning.

    3.9 Thursday morning.

    2 miles Friday morning.

    5 miles Saturday morning. Got out at 6:30 when the weather was still nice out. But it's heating up fast. High to be 110 today and it goes up from there for the rest of the week. This is the time of the year when we usually get the highest temps because of the Summer solstice. So I'm doing outside stuff before going back inside later.


    Rich - The dew point really is a good indicator of what the humidity will feel like. 70 would feel heavy any time of day. Your weather sounds good for you right now.


    AZ - This is the time of year where it heats up fast. Thankfully your trails have plenty of shade to help keep it cooler a little longer. Good news is the wind will be less for a while. Bad news is that the heat will be going up. Less wind should help with the wildfires down here. Some rain would be nice but that isn't happening.


    Led - Hope you did well in your 5K this morning.

    Art in AZ

    Mesa, AZ

    NH Runner

      Sunday, 6/13... 5 mile run today.  I wimped out the last couple of days because of the high humidity, but got out this morning when the temp was 57 degrees with dry air.  Ran the first 2 miles on the railtrail, then left the trail and ran through the local covered bridge from the opposite direction I normally take.  Even ran a couple of stupid hills, one going up, the other going down... 


      Art... you must feel good about the consistent running you're doing lately.  110 for a high yesterday?!   You could probably roast a turkey at that temp! Lol  And yeah, our weather's been better, but since it's human nature to complain about the weather, I try to do my part...Lol

        Hello everyone!  Hope your weekend is ending on a good note.


        Friday: woke up pretty early so got in a short 4 miler near home. Easy, and quiet.

        Then drove to a nearby store to meet up with one of the ladies I met last Saturday on my O'Leary Peak run. She is one of the hikers of the AZ Trailblazers hiking group (from Phx). So she and about 4 or 5 others (not all members) are training for a hike on Mt Whitney this month. Seeing and Climbing Mt. Whitney - Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov) So thus their weekend trips to northern AZ to hike at elevation.

        I carpooled with her and another hiker of the group, an older male in his late 70s. The trail is actually closer to where I live and I've hiked it years ago. Coconino National Forest - Abineau-Bear Jaw Loop (usda.gov) Since they drove in from Phoenix on Friday morning, we didn't meet up till around 10:30 am and didn't get to the trailhead till 11:30 am. It was mostly in the shade and gorgeous views of the north area of the San Francisco Mt, still some snow but it was sunny with a cool breeze.

        There is the Slate Fire since Monday with a couple of others in the state.  Slate Fire near Flagstaff burns 5,000 acres with no containment (usatoday.com)

        The hike is a loop, uphill for almost 4 miles, then on jeep road for about 2 miles before heading down. We could see portion of the Slate Fire smoke from here. Downhill for over a mile before following a dry creek back to the loop and then about 3/4 mile to the parking lot. It was almost 9 miles, took us about 4 hrs, counting a few breaks for them to adjust to the elevation changes, and for lunch. Great company!



        Saturday morning: I left my home at 4:30 am and drove to the parking lot of the Mt Humphrey trailhead, hiking time set by the group is 5:30 am. I was waiting at 5:15 am. They didn't show up till 6 am and didn't start till almost 6:30 am! The parking lot is already busy with early hikers as usual on a weekend.

        My nightmare of too many people is playing out! The older hiker from yesterday is annoyed with the late start, and the waiting.

        Technically, I'm not with this group so I just texted my friend I was going and the older hiker joined me. It's about 45 degrees, perfect!!

        But predicted to reach 90 degrees!! Holy cow! The summit (12,633 ft) should be cooler maybe even windy so I kept my light windbreaker on but had long sleeved tech shirt to switch to on the way down. Coconino National Forest - Humphreys Trail No. 151 (usda.gov)

        I usually run/hike this trail when training for ultras, either to the summit or turn around at the saddle. Other times, I will join a running group who run to the saddle from the Wetherford trail (from the east), and we turn around and head back.

        But today, I was in 'hiking mode' so I made my way up with just one trekking pole. I usually don't take them with me on my runs.  I mostly stayed ahead of the older hiker but I stopped now and then and waited to make sure he was ok, kept him in my eyesight. I met a couple of other hikers and we talked now and then but kept any conversation to a minimum.

        Finally we made it to the 'saddle' ridge (about 11,800 ft) and I waited for the older hiker. He planned on going back down from here, not continueing on to the summit. We had lunch, took photos of him. I befriended a hiker on the way up and he asked if he could come along with me since this was his first time on this hike. He is in good shape, 70 yrs old, from Montana and just taking a long summer trip since mid-May in a van that he converted into a camping van. That's what I would love!!

        We hiked the last mile, most of it is very technical with rocks to climb over but the actual few feet up to the summit is literally uphill on cinders/rocks. We spent about 45 minutes on top and took photos and visited with others. By this time, more and more hikers are showing up and I decided to start back down, and my hiker buddy came along with me again.


        About halfway down after reaching the saddle ridge, my hiker buddy needed to rest. I kept going and met up with a female hiker orginally from CA but moved to Lake Havasu, AZ    Lake Havasu City - Bing - Travel

        Early retirement (late 40s), she is becoming an international hiking traveler but hikes in the states for training. She told me she is training for Mt. Whitney!! What are the chances of that?!? LOL!! She had a good pace.

        Finally made it to the trailhead and my hiking buddy and I parted ways. She had about a 5 hour drive back to Lake Havasu.

        I sat on a rock and rested while snacking and talking to a couple of ladies. Must have waited about 30 minutes when my Montana hiking buddy showed up.

        He was planning on driving to Kanab, UT and exploring Utah - Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument | Bureau of Land Management (blm.gov). Incredible area I was telling him. He is making his way back to Montana to spend Father's Day weekend with his adult children.

        We talked for another 30 minutes as I was wondering if my hiking friend might show up: nope .....so I left shortly after.


        Anyway, after I got home, I went for a short 3 mile run just to work out the kinks. Felt great afterwards. Had a great dinner with veggie kabobs and rice.

        REST today. Another 90 degree temps with sunny and breezy day, whew!!

           Monday!! YAY!! Blinding sunny morning, hardly a breeze but got out the door for a 4 miler run around 6 am, WHAT?!?  Took me about 1/2 mile before I felt 'glad' that I was running, LOL!!  I can feel the bruises on my knees from the fall on Saturday but nothing to complain about.

          I fell exactly on both knees on a leveled dirt portion of the trail .... that was pretty lucky, and I grabbed a tree branch to stay upright. Happened so fast but felt like I was in slow-mode, LOL!! My Havasu hiking buddy was telling me that it was probably because I'm going slower than usual ...... maybe but I was kinda glad I was anyway. It could have been worse if I was running? Don't know and it didn't happen.

          I've been clearing weeds in our backyard in the cool temps of the evenings. Then raking them in a pile for when DH gets here so he can haul it to the dump. Don't want any dry stuff around that can be a fire risk. I keep telling that to DH but he keeps a flatbed full of various sizes of wood he says for "just in case, etc." I have it at a distance from the house at least. This is a list of the common weeds that can be pretty invasive in our area. LowWaterLandscapeInfo_PDFs_Common-weeds (az.gov)

          Better to hand-pull or dig it out with shovel which I have been doing. Great full body workout is what I tell myself, ha!!

          Another blistering 90 degrees predicted for the high today again ........ but next week should be 'cooler' in the 80s ...... LOL!! When it reaches 60 degrees plus in northern AZ, it's what we consider heatwave!! Most of the houses (not until lately) are built without A/C but we usually put in a window A/C for about a 2 to 4 weeks in the summer. However, we have noticed that it's getting hotter earlier and longer. Scary!!

            Sunday, 6/13... 5 mile run today.  I wimped out the last couple of days because of the high humidity, but got out this morning when the temp was 57 degrees with dry air.  Ran the first 2 miles on the railtrail, then left the trail and ran through the local covered bridge from the opposite direction I normally take.  Even ran a couple of stupid hills, one going up, the other going down... 



            NH:  hey, I'm with you on the wimping out ....... here it's due to high temps and/or winds. But I totally get the high and hot humidity combo you are talking about........ flashbacks of MN summers, ugh! Those 'stupid hills' can be annoying, LOL!! Glad you are still getting in some mileage! I'm sure you are planning a get together with family to celebrate your day on Sunday?!?


            And who else has plans for  Father's Day?


            not bad for mile 25

              So I owe you all a race report. Here it is. I was feeling a lot better; not 100%, but maybe 90%. I was a little more motivated to push it, for whatever reasons. The race started early enough that the heat was not bad. It was well attended - they said 1600 runners - and there was a little expo inside the stadium.  Nice bag of goodies at the finish, and got some swag from the vendors as well. It is really nice to be getting back to normal.


              Sunday and this morning I managed to make myself do my usual four-ish miles, and they felt pretty good, especially today.  Gave blood this morning, so I'm going to be taking it easier tomorrow morning.


              Rich - With your tryke rowing, you ought to be in great shape for boat rowing.  Ever do any of that?


              Art - Your 3.9 routine serves you well. Having a daily routine sure helps keep me honest.


              az - 12 miles in 2 days is a nice chunk of miles. You're at a pretty good elevation, which gives you those nice cool evenings. We loved that when we lived in Colorado. For some people, A/C is not even necessary there - not saying that works in Arizona Smile.  Hooray for your library being open!

              Art in AZ

                Sunday morning did a 3.2 mile walk before breakfast and then took the car for a spin. Was nice to drive around some but the sun and heat started to add up so went back home before it got too hot.

                Rest day Monday for early work start.

                Usual 3.9 Tuesday morning.. Got out at 6:30 so I could finish early.


                Rich - Take advantage of the better weather when you can. I have done some solar cooking before. Things like cookies, biscuits and hot dogs. It was fun to do with the kids.


                Most things take a while to cook so it's something that needs to be planned out. I think a turkey has been done but I believe it took most of the day to cook. You did have to start early. Of course, at this time of the year that would be easy to do.


                AZ - Nice couple of days hiking the mountains. It's nice to be able to meet and chat with different people. Good thing your spill was just a couple of scratches. Any of those veggies from your garden? Garden here is just about finished for the summer.


                Led - Nice job on your race. Being able to get out amidst a large number of people for a race sure helps in feeling that things are getting back to normal again.

                Art in AZ

                Mesa, AZ

                NH Runner

                  Tuesday, 6/15... rained out yesterday, so I got the bright idea of riding the tryke today, all that rain packing the trail, yada, yada.   Worked great too, 'til the chain broke.   That stuff never happens when I first start out, in today's case, I had planned a 7 mile ride, so would have turned back at 3.5.   Instead, the chain broke at probably 3.3.   I had clunky shoes on, pants and a long sleeved shirt, but ran / walked back to the house after stashing the tryke in the bushes, as if someone might actually want to steal the thing!     Shortly after arriving home, I called the local bike shop, and they had the master chain link I needed to repair the tryke chain, but weren't selling anything today because the store's computer had crashed. 


                  After thinking about it for a minute, I decided to ride the mtn bike back to the tryke and tow tryke home.   And I actually managed to pull that off by removing the tryke's rear wheel and tying the tryke's frame to the bike seat, so the tryke was riding backwards and piggy-back style behind the bike.  The trip home wasn't perfect, but no-one saw when the tryke flipped over behind me a couple of times, so it never happen.  Today's workout ended up a 3.3 mile tryke ride, followed by a 3.3 walk / jog on the trail, followed by a 3.3 mile mtn bike ride, followed by a 3.3 mile mtn bike / tryke piggy back ride.   13.1 miles total... 


                  AZ... thoroughly enjoyed reading your Friday and Saturday post that described your hike.  Really written well with a bunch of links, thanks for taking the time to share!  Oh yeah, you're pretty handy around the house digging up weeds too...Lol


                  Led... I read your race report.  You ran a really good race, so congrats!   I may have to consider taking up rowing a boat over the tryke.  A boat doesn't have a chain, and if it springs a leak, I could just swim off and let that sucker sink! Lol


                  Art... solar cooking, eh?  You'll have to describe what that process looked like...lol

                    So I owe you all a race report. Here it is. I was feeling a lot better; not 100%, but maybe 90%. I was a little more motivated to push it, for whatever reasons. The race started early enough that the heat was not bad. It was well attended - they said 1600 runners - and there was a little expo inside the stadium.  Nice bag of goodies at the finish, and got some swag from the vendors as well. It is really nice to be getting back to normal.


                    az - 12 miles in 2 days is a nice chunk of miles. You're at a pretty good elevation, which gives you those nice cool evenings. We loved that when we lived in Colorado. For some people, A/C is not even necessary there - not saying that works in Arizona Smile.  Hooray for your library being open!


                    Led: 2nd in your AG!! CONGRATS!! And under an hour despite the extra over 10k and a hill at the end to boot! I'm the breathing wasn't all that great but way to tough it out. That was alot of runners too. Always nice to get some post-run swag for your effort. It'll be semi-normal for awhile.

                    Well, it was a 4 mile run early Fri, then 9 mile hike. On Sat, it was a 10 mile hike, then a 3 miler. I think your math is fuzzy, that adds up to more than 12 miles in 2 days (hiking + running). 

                      Art: sounds like you had fun with the car ride. Doesn't take long for the hot temps to interfere with the fun. I actually didn't plant any veggies this summer. With my busy summer of going back and forth between AZ and MN, just too much to take care of and didn't want to impose on neighbors to water. Even tho they did offer. Yes, I've thought about an automatic water drip system but haven't gotten around to it. So, is the injury still a bothersome? Will you be increasing mileage? The bike rides seems to be a great alternative.


                      NH: wow! you actually did a HM with no registration fee and no crowds! LOL!! Had to laugh about your conclusion with he tryke falling off didn't happen because no one witnessed it, HAHA! You didn't go down with it? Doesn't sound like you did or you would have mentioned some scrapes/bruises ........and if you didn't, that's impressive. That must have been awkward and heavy? That's cross-training to another level in my book! Send some rain over this way!


                      Woke up very early and managed a 5 miler this morning. Predicted high 91 degrees!! But the clouds and breeze feels good. DH left MN yesterday. Scorching temps on his travel to AZ.

                      Art in AZ

                        Usual 3.9 miles Wednesday morning with exercise. Got an email from Trek that they are recalling the pedals on the bike. So rode the bike to the store to get them replaced. Total of 16 miles for a hot bike ride.

                        Thursday morning another 3.9 miles but I added a set of push-ups just because I felt like it. Hot here right now. Looking at the thermometer at 8:25 shows it is 96 degrees already. Really dry out.


                        Rich - Too bad the chain broke. Of course it always happens far from home. Isn't that the rule?  But that was a good combination of exercises you did to accomplish your goal. Nice job.


                        AZ - A drip system is handy for when you will be away for a while. I just don't feel like running much right now. Especially with the heat we have now. I'm satisfied to be able to get out in the morning and get some exercise in before I start the day. Thank goodness there isn't that much I need to do around outside this time of year. I do a little outside, go in for a while and then go back out and repeat as needed.

                        Art in AZ

                        Mesa, AZ


                        not bad for mile 25

                          We're getting a bit of heat here, too. It hit 100 yesterday, was 79 today at 6:00 am when I did my runs, is 99 now (at 2:00 pm), and will probably go up a bit from that.


                          When I posted about my race, I must have been a page back in the thread, because I didn't see several of your posts that came before mine - especially az's long adventure saga!  Let me try to get caught up here.


                          Art - You're reporting lots of good miles, in spite of your heat.  Good job!  Now they're issuing recalls on bikes, huh? I've had running shoes that should have been recalled; maybe they should be next.


                          Rich - There you go again, being a spectacle out there, and not having any video to share with us! Apparently you don't thing running and rowing and biking are sufficient, so you take up towing on top of everything else.  Made for a pretty unique triathlon, and hard day, I'd say. Glad that's over!  (p.s. If you take up boating/swimming to shore from a leaky boat, that'll be yet another fitness accomplishment! I say, go for it!)


                          We had a solar oven back in the day. It was an insulated box, black on the inside with a clear glass cover, and reflective aluminum wings. It worked pretty well on a good day in southern Colorado. It wasn't so successful in our shady back yard, after we moved here, so we garage saled it.


                          az - I apologize for undercounting your mileage! Never sell az short! Smile


                          So, thanks for your long adventure story! You know such great places to hike and run. I bet they're beautiful, but at times you may as well be in the middle of the city, as many people as you're meeting.  It's really scary, this overpopulation thing.  And you had a fall. Glad it wasn't serious.

                          NH Runner

                            Thursday, 6/17... 5 mile trail run today, after taking yesterday off.  After I turned around at the halfway point and headed for home, the trail crosses a road and is open with no trees to block your view for a ways.  It was here that a bald eagle flew into sight, chased by a crow.  The size difference between the two is comparable to a chickadee chasing a crow, it's unbelievable how big a bald eagle really is!   Every once in a while I'll see one, but it's been a while and it's always a treat...


                            Az... you asked about Father's day.  Usually I get taken out for a round of golf by my DD and S-i-L, and my DS will gift me with something.  I think they like me...Lol  And yes, that half marathon wasn't planned, but I kicked butt, actually finished first in my A. G.!  Lol  And there were a couple of times when the tryke tipped over that I thought I might die, but no-one saw it, so that didn't happen either...  Lol  Good deal on yesterday's 5 miler!


                            Led... congrats. again on the 10K race, you ran and placed really well!  And now you're getting a dose of Art's weather, so hang in there with that!  And I don't try to be a spectacle, it just happens! Lol  I won't be swimming away from a sinking boat any time soon, but did I tell you the story of how I got a fish hook buried in the heel of my thumb?!  You have no idea how tough you skin is 'til you've tried pushing the point of a fish hook through it so you can cut the barb off and remove the hook! 


                            Art.. hang in there with the heat!  As usual, you're doing a good job maintaining in pretty lousy conditions.  And you're right, nothing ever breaks at a time when it'd be easy to deal with, it's always a half marathon distance from getting back to normal again! lol


                            Runs in the rain

                              Today is my 70th birthday! Fortunately I have today off and my GF and I will celebrate with cake and ice cream later on. Here is a photo of me with the beard which I started growing on my vacation in early May. I was going to shave it off today, but have now gotten use to it and may keep it for a few more weeks. I have not been running and still working on stuff outside in my spare moments so that is why I have not posted lately. I have some mowing to complete this morning and then would like to get out for the first run in a long time just to  defy my advanced age!

                              Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
                              Get up, get out, get out of the door!


                              not bad for mile 25

                                Happy birthday and congratulations, Altair!  Great photo!  Have a wonderful day!  (p.s. the beard looks good!)
