50 and over 5k and beyond

February 2015 Runs and Workouts (Read 22 times)

    Well, I'm back, hopefully!


    WDWRich - Your HM sounds like fun and I am so jealous that you are able to run with DD, at least in the same race! She's speedy!! Good luck on March 8th! I am so sorry for your loss! It must be so hard to adjust to not having her around. My sympathy to you and your family.


    Jo - You weren't sure you were ready to run the HM so you went ahead and did it? Wow! That's something I would have done. Congratulations on your finish! I hope it felt great as in I know it must have hurt but to know that you could do it must have felt amazing?


    Rich - I feel for you and all the folks on the East coast with that just awful snow! Enuf!! Loved the pix of your railtrail and having snowshoe/ski skating envy! It sounds really hard but in a great way! Nice runs and great job getting outside when you can! for what it's worth, I would have ditched the 1 miler also in that weather and it doesn't look like the *runners* were all that happy about being there either. Nice pic of your DD, though and great Sunday workout!


    Fletch - I happened upon a woman who gives wonderful sports massages here in Cinci right before my first Flying Pig and have been a fan since. I get one after every really long race and sometimes before. It's pricy here, about $90 with tip for 50 min. but worth every penny. Folks have said they can get insurance coverage by getting their doctor's referral. I never tried but it could be possible. I recommend sports massages highly, in case it isn't obvious. Your group run with the full moon sounded neat. Fantastic HIIT circuit training!! Bet that 6.25 progressive run felt fantastic! Hiking 4 miles with GrD? Nice core work! Wise choice on your new shoes. Glad you enjoy them!!


    AZ - Nice hat in your avatar and great runs and amazing workouts, as usual! So glad that fall didn't cause you any serious injury! I'm always putting my arm down to catch myself when that happens and giving myself long wrist-shoulder-elbow pain afterward. Kids and strollers on the track? that's insane! I have never seen anyone under 13 yr old at my gym and I assume they are all at the YMCA. Too bad. I love your pix of the winter festival!! The turkeys didn't just run away? j/k My fave is the ice blocks pic! When you have to cut through feet of ice to find water, I'm thinking it's too cold for swimming. Just plain cray-zee!!  Great AG trophy!! Congratulations!


    Chantilly - I love your avatar pic! You are getting some running a lot of miles! Did someone mention a 60 mile week? Do you have a race in mind? You mentioned work getting in the way. I have been having trouble juggling work and runs lately but its more because I feel obligated to go home and let the dog out. Before dog, it was easy to go straight from work to the gym and get it done. Having trouble coming up with a solution; it's too easy to sit down once I'm home and not get up.


    Ray - So sorry for having to short your HM!! It must feel crappy but you did a good thing protecting yourself from further injury. You could have ended and entire season of running right there had you kept going so you have that to be thankful for. I also expect doctors to explain their diagnosis so I can understand how I injured myself and how best to help with recovery. A lot of professional athletes use aqua running - running in a swimming pool - if you have one available. Usually with an injury, you can defer up to a certain time. Check the race to see how much time you have to decide. Unfortunately, I've had the same experience lately. Jeese, I hope you have a good chain saw!


    Art - Good luck with your HM on Sunday!! From the runs, it looks like you've got this! sounds like a good taper plan, also. I don't worry too much about tapering for a half but it absolutely does help your time if you do it.


    Dan - You haven't been getting snow? That's a surprise! Great back to back runs this weekend! Are you training for a race? Sounds like you could run one next week with 7 plus 11.1 plus hike with DW. It would take me a lot of convincing to drive on ice, too. I've seen too many lakes with wet spots.


    A bit of catch-up here. If you want to skip it, my update is that currently I'm trying to get back to training runs with 5.6 on Saturday with 2.7 on Sunday. Both my GP and my specialist have opined that my running is making me sick, to which I say, "BS!" but their opinions have form some pernicious doubt that is giving me grief. I'm hoping to stay in touch and use your determination to help fuel my motivation.


    I was out of touch for awhile just because I didn't have anything nice to say and have been struggling to get motivated with my running. I want to curl up in a ball and vegitate until I feel good again but I know from the past will only make me feel worse so I am pushing to keep running. This depression is linked to my hypothyroidism and poor treatment. It really irks me that I am still having constant symptoms. I get sharp shooting pains in my hands and toes and neck every day which get worse during and after runs because the physical stress from running causes my hormonal imbalance to be more severe. My doctor prescribes brand only and the pharmacy fills it with generic, which seems to matter in this case. My brain is foggy so even though I tell myself on the way out of the car to be sure and check the meds, once I get to the counter, I get distracted and forget to check. I am completely frustrated.


    Last spring I set a goal to get leaner and faster and work toward a BQ so I registered for fall two marathons that were flat and fast, Philly in November and Disney in January. As I trained, I started putting on weight and getting slower - from being sick. So after I learned I had this condition and had a firm talk with myself, I adjusted my goal to finish 3 marathons - walk or run - in 90 days and join the Marathon Maniacs. Since I already had the two, I registered for Austin (Feb. 16) as my third. When Philly rolled around, I was still having bad and good days and wasn't sure I could do the distance but thankfully I was having a good day and finished 4 min short of the cut-off. Yes!! So, I had some rough times between November and January but when Disney rolled around, even though I felt sick, I was all emboldened by Philly and thought I could do it so I tried. I got swept at 13 as I sat in the bathroom and just couldn't leave. Four assistants ushered me to a bus - 1.5 miles away - through Animal Kingdom and past all its familys with one on each side, one in front and one in back pushing a wheelchair (which I refused to use). As if the DNF weren't awful enough, the people were clappy, saying "You can do it!" "Good job!" I was soooo embarrassed!! And it was clear from her attitude that the one usher who found me in the bathroom thought I was faking so I could stay in the theme park. OMG! What a daymare!! So, as soon as I got home I made plans to defer the Austin marathon. I'm not sure I want to do it next year either but couldn’t bare the thought of giving up that much money.


    So I stopped running for a week and a few days and did some infrequent short runs after that. I decided that I don't intend to give up trying to control my health and want to keep running so the best way is to get back to training. I sort of fell into a few races and then got a plan together. I'm following a few professional runners on Twitter and learned about Whole30 from them so I started that mid-January. No alcohol, sugar, beans (including soy and chocolate), grains, dairy or additives - only meat, vegetables, fruit, seasonings, olive oil and clarified butter. The food is very good but sticking to the plan is way hard. I goofed Feb. 2d and am on my second 30 day try so I won't be done until March 3rd. It makes runs challenging because they are mostly all fat-burning. It feels like those runs when you have dead legs, like you're working at the top of your effort but going slower than you were before during an easy effort, but it's getting easier and won't last forever. I just hope I can get ready in time for the Flying Pig on May 3rd. I should run it as a HM but the medal for the full is so much bigger and the ribbon is multicolored satin instead of white cotton. For some reason that matters to me.


    Both my GP and my specialist have opined that my running is making me sick, to which I say, "BS!" but their opinions have form some pernicious doubt that is giving me grief. I'm hoping to stay in touch and use your determination to help fuel my motivation and control this doubt.


    Happy and safe runs to you all!

    Mary Kay

    2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

    Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

    I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  


      Fletch_NC I always thought those kind of workouts would be good for overall strength. Not a lot of grandfathers could carry the young one so far! You have some fast paces there, also. That was a wise decision about the heel drop in your shoes.

      Art in AZ  When do you plant your garden? Do you have 2 growing seasons there?

      NH Runner Nice that you missed the greater amount of snow in the forecast. Walking in those snowshoes must be a good running-equivalent workout.

      rmcj001 Rowing is a good way to stay in shape.  Hope you feel better soon.  Why is the tree down? I don't remember that you had a big storm. You would have to chop that up with a chain saw.

      az2mntrail Congratulations on winning 2nd!  Such a surprise that they would send a plaque in the mail! Many races wouldn't spend the money on postage.

      Sad about the collapsed runner, but I know that a lot more out of shape people have cardiac events. Around here, weekend hockey players, golfers and snow shovellers end up in the Emergency department quite often.

      mKayc Good to hear from you.  Sorry that you have been having such a hard time of it with your health. Sending healing thoughts to you.


      2 days off due to work.

      "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

      you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

      Sonata Arctica






      NH Runner

        Wednesday, 2/11... 5 mile road run today, my out and back course through the local covered bridge.    Some areas, I had to detour around snow and ice, but it felt good to be away from the railtrail and pounding the pavement for a change.    Splits were low 9:00's...


        Ray... that's a good sign you were icing your butt after the 5 miler, it shows you're running with the right muscles.  And I understand the unwillingness to back off, even after a marathon and even when it's not in our best interest.    It'd be nice to understand why though, wouldn't it? lol   Anyway, that 5 miler seems like progress if it doesn't set you back, wishing you a speedy recovery!


        az... 2nd in age group ain't too shabby, that was a tough marathon you ran!   Congratulations again and nice workout Tuesday!    RE: Snowshoeing... you could always take up running in the things... lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwhwOX0Xmug


        Fletch... I like living in an area with the 4 seasons, but winter can be a royal pain...lol  Makes you appreciate better weather when it finally arrives...    You're wise to keep an eye on heel drop with the shoes you're running in, there's not much give to an Achilles Tendon.    I've found that out the hard way as well...lol


        MKayC... by all means stay in touch!   I can't imagine the frustration you're going through, stay positive and keep your chin up!


        Chantilly... yes, walking in snowshoes is a good workout.  I've thought about buying the ones made for running, but don't know how much I'd use the things if I did.

        Art in AZ

          4 miles this morning. Sunny but windy. Supposed to be windy again tomorrow before calming down before the weekend. So far the weather for Sunday looks good. Planning on 3 miles Thursday and Friday with getting some walking in on Saturday while picking up my bib and stuff. For some reason there is no bib pickup Sunday morning. So I get to make two trips to the West side of town.


          Ray - Was that tree in your yard? I see the downed tree and think firewood. Even tho it doesn't get really cold here it nice to get a fire going on those cold days just because.


          AZ - Nice plaque and what a surprise. And a good one at that.

          Fletch - I used to be an Asics fan until they changed to the GT-2000s. They felt different on my feet and not as comfortable as the prior GT-2100s. So I switched to Brooks Adrenaline GTS. I liked that shoe better than the Asics. When Road Runner Sports had a sale they were out of the Brooks so I tried the Saucony Omni 13. It felt good but with a firmer cushion.


          Mary Kay - Nice to hear from you again and sorry about your frustration. But I think we all can agree that everyone of us feels down sometimes. The important thing is we are all strong and we get back up and continue going. I know you will again this time. Hope you feel better.


          Chantilly - You can have a garden here all year round if you plant smart. During the "Winter" season there is usually a few days of really cold here, in the upper 20s at night, that you have to worry about. Covering the plants helps them get through this. "Summer" here is the worst though. With days constantly in the 100s, long days at that, and dry it really affects the garden. So shade cloth is used to keep the direct sun off the plants. Helps for the most part. And lots of water. I usually don't have much going on during July and August.


          Not to brag, well too much, but currently have tomatoes, chocolate cherry tomatoes, 3 kinds of lettuce, green and chili peppers, carrots, onions, beets, broccoli and snow peas. It's fun watching the grandkids pick through the garden and eating. Stuff tastes so much better when it's fresh.


          Rich - Nice run.

          Art in AZ

          Mesa, AZ

          NH Runner

            Thursday, 2/12... 4 miles of XC skate skiing on the railtrail today.   Snowmobile traffic has been heavy the last couple of days and since snowmobilers tend to ride one behind the other, after a while they can form a deep rut down the middle of the trail.   Once that happens, it's like skiing in a bowl for someone like myself, so 4 miles was more than enough in that stuff.


            Art... it looks like the weather's going to cooperate for your half this weekend, eh?   Good news!


              Az - Congratulations!  That's awesome!  It's funny, sometimes when conditions are perfect we end up doing better then we expected because everyone else is suffering more...Way cool! 

              Fletch - Good job on your test!  Good luck on the next one.  I think it is ok to make beneficial changes (e.g. 0 drop shoes), but you need to be prepared to take those transitions slowly. TMTS is a common cause for injury.  And if it works, don't fix it...Good to see you're keeping up with your early morning running club.

              MKay - Sorry to hear your health isn't what you want it to be.  Hope everything improves and your able to continue your running.

              Chantilly - We had a couple of rain storms blow through this past weekend.  The picture was taken by our neighbor - we were out hiking in the very wet windy weather and the tree was cut and on side of driveway when we got home...Took 2 neighbors a couple of hours with chainsaws to clear things up. Hopefully you'll be able to get some runs in soon.

              NHRich -  When is pain really a problem?  Sometimes it's difficult to tell until you cross the line.  Those running snowshoes look interesting.  Almost makes me want some snow to test them out...almost...Good run yesterday and cross training today!

              Art - We live on a flag lot and that tree is spanning our driveway.  Sounds like your garden is doing great!  We've still got peppers growing and the asparagus was doing well, but something decided that it was worth eating and ate it all - 20 years and something finally decides its edible...


              Took a rest day on Wednesday to give leg a bit of recovery time.  72F during 6 mile run today, ~48:30.  Weather is freaky warm this year.



                  A glorious SUNNY morning despite the subzero temps so waited till 1 pm to get a NEEDED run OUTSIDE.  About 5 degrees, 8mph wind, feels -4 degrees, very energizing workout in the new fallen snow around the fairgrounds.  Finished 6.1 easy miles, YAY!!


                NH:  4 mIles is 4 miles.  Way to go on getting them in safely.  I know what you mean by snowmobilers.  We have them around here too and it's not easy to avoid them around turns, trees, etc so I run in the fairgrounds area where they don't ride.  Not sure if it's off-limits but that's okay.

                Fletch:  I love my new found road shoes that I have been running in since last summer, the Montrail Fluidflex.  Very lightweight, more of a hybrid with a 4mm drop.  It works for me but it took some time for my calves especially to get use to.  But old injuries tend to resurface when I run on the TM for too long and too fast, thus the mini track helps to lessen the aggravation.  You're smart on being observant what works for you as far as not risking injury as Ray alluded to.

                Art:  wow, impressive garden!! I might join your grandkids one morning when I'm in AZ, LOL!!  You have a smart tapering down plan for your upcoming HM!!  Can't wait for your RR!!

                Kay:  so sorry to hear of your continued health problems.  I know you must hate that it interferes with your running!! I'm glad to hear from you! I hope you find some balance in your treatment.  I'm glad you eliminated soda from your diet.  I don't drink the crap stuff.  It's the first thing DH eliminated from his now healthy eating plan.  YAY!!

                Ray:  I know, right?!?  I guess we (runners) all suffered in one way or another during the FM event ......but you know, it makes me want to tackle it again .....well 'KINDA' .....LOL.  Glad you're putting in a 'rest day' in your training.  You are so conditioned so you're not gonna lose much fitness, if any.  Good job on the mileage!!


                  NH Runner You have some nice scenic areas to run in.

                  Art in AZ  Good luck this weekend. I had to google chocolate cherry tomatoes.  They look like grapes! Very interesting garden plant.

                  I can't count on frost-free nights until June 1. Thinning out perennials and rose bushes keep me busy. I have given up on my vegetable garden.  It needs to be moved to a sunnier part of the yard.

                  rmcj001 That is a shame to lose your asparagus patch! Someone was hungry... Hope you don't have another hot dry year..

                  az2mntrail Your trail races will be good training for Grandma's. Their race shirt looks really nice.


                  3 miles.

                  "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                  you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                  Sonata Arctica






                  Art in AZ

                    3 miles yesterday and this morning. Felt strange running the short distance. But I stuck to the plan. Tomorrow will be a walking day and getting psyched up.


                    NH Runner - It looks like you're getting more snow there, so maybe the trail will improve. Until the snowmobilers go through again.


                    Ray - We got the freaky warm weather here also. According to the news tonight, we've had 8 days of 80 degrees plus so far this month. The other days have been mid to upper 70s. The average this time of year is 70-72. I'm hoping this isn't a prelude to a hot summer. Several years ago we hit 100 degrees in March. Ahead of normal first day of 100. and it went well into September. Ended up being the warmest summer in a very long time . Interesting that something decided to eat your asparagus. What a bummer.


                    AZ - Way to get out there. I have thought of trying to run the same event down here when you're in the area.


                    Chantilly - This variety the tomatoes are about an inch in size. Last spring I had some grape size tomatoes. They were too small to eat just one or two. With the nice weather we've been having, the lettuce is doing really well that I have been giving some away. I can't eat it fast enough and it's one of those things that don't freeze well.

                    Art in AZ

                    Mesa, AZ

                    NH Runner

                      Saturday, 2/14... out early this morning to beat the latest snowstorm that's due later today for 6 miles of XC skate skiing.    The groomer went through last night and smoothed the trail over so conditions were pretty nice.    I think I'm cross training more than I'm running lately...


                      Ray... I didn't read any complaints after your latest run, so that's good!    And if you'd like some snow, you're more than welcome to come back here and take as much as you'd like...lol   I'm tempted to buy snowshoes for running, but there's only so much cross training a guy can do...lol


                      az... having snowmobilers on the railtrail is a love / hate kind of thing.    They're the ones who groom the trail, so I gotta love that, but the exhaust from the things and riders who only know one speed, (wide open) makes me want to hit 'em with a stick when they go by...    You're a toughy Az and running in 5 degree weather proves it.   Nice run in that stuff!


                      Chantilly... you're right, I've got some nice country to run in and grateful for it.    I suppose I could take a picture of the main highway I run so much, but who wants to see me giving hand gestures to a bunch of obnoxious drivers... lol


                      Art... time to get your game face on, good luck tomorrow!

                        3 miles yesterday and this morning. Felt strange running the short distance. But I stuck to the plan. Tomorrow will be a walking day and getting psyched up.

                        AZ - Way to get out there. I have thought of trying to run the same event down here when you're in the area.

                        Art:  That's the typical feeling ....... when tapering down but our vintage body feels grateful for them, LOL!  Good job on keeping to the schedule mileage for both days.  I'm assuming you might go for the Mesquite Canyon Trail HM (on 3-14) since it's 'closer' than Black Canyon (on 3-8)?  GOOD LUCK tomorrow, run fast! Smile

                          Saturday, 2/14... out early this morning to beat the latest snowstorm that's due later today for 6 miles of XC skate skiing.    The groomer went through last night and smoothed the trail over so conditions were pretty nice.    I think I'm cross training more than I'm running lately...

                          az... having snowmobilers on the railtrail is a love / hate kind of thing.    They're the ones who groom the trail, so I gotta love that, but the exhaust from the things and riders who only know one speed, (wide open) makes me want to hit 'em with a stick when they go by...    You're a toughy Az and running in 5 degree weather proves it.   Nice run in that stuff!

                           NH:  Scheduling runs before snowstorms is getting to be second nature, LOL!!  I know what you mean.  You are really getting some incredible full body workout!! Those buff muscles will add strength to your running ......soon!! I agree on the snowmobilers but I am always skeptical whether they have been drinking which tends to make them more reckless.  But so far, around here, they stick to the trails for them.  It's -10 degrees, 8mph wind, FEELS -24 DEGREES!! That's right, 24 BELOW!!   But it's actually incredibly & 'squinting eyes' gorgeous with the full SUN,  Smile  I tried to run, only finished 2 miles (one lap around the neighborhood) and came home.  Just too darn COLD.  Yeah, trying to 'tough it out' is sometimes just not smart, LOL!!    Gonna head to the gym instead.

                            Apparently, the temps never went ABOVE zero.  Could feel it too.  BRRRRR!

                            So ended up in gym.  Not too many people, YAY!!  DH finished his swimming and workout earlier in the day.  He's lost about 20 lbs, wow!! So proud of him!!  So once at gym, I started with 10 mins on cycling.  8 miles on the mini track.  4 miles on TM with some hills.  Finished with 1 mile cool down on track so 13 miles total again for today. Weekly total 32.1, YES!!  I wanted to mimic my upcoming 2 HM runs in one week.  Made it, YAY!! Felt good the entire run.  It was -6 degrees on the drive home!!  We made sushi rolls (veggies and salmon) for dinner, yummy!!


                              AZ- yes, the gym was definitely a necessity for you today!   Great for DH!  Swimming for exercise is something I cannot do, so I admire that, and triathletes!!  Nice 13!


                              Art-  talking about fresh vegetables from your garden in February is just making us northerners jealous!   Enjoy the 'not too hot' weather.


                              NHRich- glad you got out early before the next one hit.  I wouldn't mind a 12" storm if we could get rid of the sub-zero temps


                              no runs on the Riverwalk yesteray or today; all on the TM.  wind chills 15-30 below today, and tonight is the coldest of this cold snap, about 12 below.   A busy work week came at a good time, kind ofneeded a cut back week after 2 weeks of 30+ miles, which is a lot for me right now.  5 yesterday, 5.5 today on the mill.  It's all good. 

                              DW & I had a nice dinner at a small restaurant in town last night to beat the Valentine's day rush.  Today she made some red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, so now I have to run again tomorrow.  Lots of calories to burn.






                              NH Runner

                                Sunday, 2/15... 4 mile treadmill run today.   Warmed for 2 miles, then ran the next 1.7 miles alternating between 60 seconds @ 4mph and 60 seconds @ 8 mph.   Cooled off the last .3 miles.   Lots of cross training as well cleaning up after the latest snow storm...


                                az...agreed about the snowmobilers, it's amazing how many of 'em make the news by running into trees and other immoveable objects, then fail a sobriety test...   What a great workout yesterday, congrats!    And congrats to DH, he's doing great as well...


                                Dan... you're making good use of the new treadmill.   I admire your ability to stay on one for over 5 miles, I haven't gone that far all winter...lol