50 and over 5k and beyond

February 2015 Runs and Workouts (Read 22 times)


    Quick check-in. I'll try to catch up with all the happenings tomorrow after my morning class.


    Thursday - scheduled cross-training day, but I missed the HIIT session because of a long meeting.

    Friday - 3 easy miles in the afternoon.

    Saturday - Beautiful Carolina day! Started out a little cold (for us) but warmed up to about 50 degrees and sunny by the afternoon. Ran solo for this one.  12.25 miles, 9:52 avg pace. Ran in my new Saucony's, but ended up with a blister on the inside ball of my left foot. I'm not sure if it's the shoe, or the socks I was wearing. I'll know more tomorrow.


    Run safe!

    NH Runner

      Monday, 2/16... 5 mile railtrail run today.    Slippery footing from the latest snowstorm and cold, just 9 degrees with wind gusts to 18 mph.    Decent workout for my legs, splits were less than fast...


      Fletch... nice run Saturday.   I remember a few years ago crossing a power line with high grass early in the morning and my feet getting soaked from the dew.   I was 3 miles into a planned 14 miler, but my right big toe was blistered before I'd gone another 3 miles.   I finished the run, but it was ugly.   All that to say good luck with the blister...


      Art in AZ

        AZ - I thought about driving out West for that trail race. But son in law doesn't like elevation change. Are you still doing this run? I see you are training for both of them. There was discussion of doing the Ostrich Festival 5K in Chandler on March 7th as the families can go to the festival after the run. Nice run Saturday.


        Dan - The vegetables now are nice but we pay for it during the height of summer. Overall it balances out I think. Yeah, work does get in the way sometimes.


        Rich - Good workout on the treadmill. And then the "cross training". And your run this morning maybe wasn't fast, but you will be when the weather breaks.


        Fletch - Nice long run. Too bad about the blister. Isn't this the first long run in the new shoes?


        Sunny with no clouds doing a 4 mile recovery run this morning. Still felt a little stiff after yesterday but feel looser now.


        Signed up for a half in Cottonwood on April 18th. Good excuse to get out of town and roam around the area for the day. Might even take a ride on the Verde Valley Train.


        Yesterday was a good day for a run. Weather was supposed to be cloudy and cool out in the morning. Got to the staging area and boarded the bus that would take us to the starting line. It felt like a long ride and we started wondering if somehow we inadvertently had gotten on the full marathon bus. We eventually got to the right place. The starting line was at a subdivision recreation center. Nice! Besides indoor plumbing and protected spaces, they had a fire going. There were two pools also, not heated, that looked inviting.


        After milling around for a while they called us to the starting line and had us line up by our expected pace. Surprising this time around was a large group of students from one of the school's running in the half. More than a couple of hundred by the looks of it. Some looked the part, and some... didn't. I think the majority were here with friends to have fun and support the cause.


        Finally it was time to start and after the usual conditions around the starting place it cleared up about a mile out and I tried to focus on running. Found a good pace and noticed a couple of people around me going the same pace. It was a straight shot South until we came to Luke Air Force Base. We detoured to run in there under a mile but it wasn't too impressive. Just a bunch of buildings. What, no jets flying overhead. I was so looking forward to hearing and seeing jets. Maybe next time. Headed South for a couple of miles and then turned left heading East for another 5 miles. The weather was still comfrotablely cool and with the clouds, no sun glaring in your face. Still the same small group of us going the same pace and changing positions ever once in a while.


        Finally see the 10-mile marker. OK, it's just a 5K to the finish. Mile 11 I start to feel a little tried and walk through the aid station. Catch back up with the group and at mile 12 starting to feel excited as we're getting closer. But then the guy next to me mentions the hill. It seems that the Western entrance to Westgate Center goes over the highway. I'm thinking who's the sadistic person that decided to put in a hill at 12.5 miles. We all plow forward and can hear each other huffing and puffing and curseing as we get to the top. Then it's downhill, a left turn and then a right and there's the finish. I pick up the pace a little and get close enough to see I am under 1:50 so far. No way! Pushed a little harder and cross the finish line about 1:49:45.


        Received my medal and beer ticket and waited for son in law to show up. The medal is nice and heavy. Good thing we didn't have to run with it. Has a nice picture of a F-16 Falcon on it. Official time is 1:49:24. Good for 2nd in age group out of 12 and 94/867. A new PR 2 years after getting my last one. So yes, it was a good day to run.

        Art in AZ

        Mesa, AZ

          Art:  CONGRATS on the PR!! WOOHOO!! And 2nd in AG to boot, YAY!!  Great pace and group motivation.  Solid run and way to hang in there the last 5k!! I said the same thing about the 'hill' overpass when I ran it.  I know the course changed since I ran it; I think we had a couple of more turns but overall, it was a good race with MUCH LESS runners than the Jan. RnR in downtown PHX/Tempe route.  DH dropped me off at the start.  There were school groups in our race too so it must be a charity run on their part.  Nice to see that.  Can you post a photo of the race shirt and medal?  Medal sounds pretty cool.  You did awesome!!  RE:  my trail races.  Yes, I registered for both (3/8 and 3/14).  SIL can volunteer while you run.  It seems that most diehard road racers don't like elevation changes and that's okay.  Dirt trail runners are just part of a different community.  The Aravapai Trail & XTerra Trail series sometimes gives a discount or a free entry for one of their future races when you volunteer.  Hope you can run one of them.  As far as 5ks, I prefer to run longer distances. 10ks are fine if they are trail races.  Otherwise, I try to save $$ for at least 10 milers, HMs, etc.  My brother will be my support and driver on both of those races while I'm in AZ.  I have yet to run a race in Cottonwood but that sounds like another cool one, GOOD LUCK!!  Thanks for the RR!! Photos of the race?

            NH:  HAHA!!  RE: photo.  NO KIDDING on the artic blasts of winter, and the snot-cicles from your nose!!  It's been sub-zero temps lately due to the wind but it was SUNNY for most of the day here. Those frigid temps make for icy footing even when it's sunny.  Glad you had a safe 5 miler and running in snow does give you a good workout ......ankles may not think so, LOL.

            Fletch:  ouch!!  It's trial and error of "is it the shoes or socks or both?" when it comes to blisters.  Same here when I change shoes to run outside instead of TM ........it tends to be my right foot.  I take out the shoe's insole and put in ones that I like (montrail) which has really lessened my blisters (and pressure of the neuroma) on long runs.  Sometimes I wear two pairs of thin socks (first ones inside out) which tends to help but I also try to remember to put foot powder on them too, especially in summer.  Great job on the 12+ miles!!  You're doing good!! Smile

            NH Runner

              Tuesday, 2/17... 7 miles of skate skiing on the railtrail today.  Conditions were nice for skiing, but one of the guys was running and ended up turning back due to the soft footing.    Another day when conditions were right for running in snowshoes designed for running.


              Art... you ol' show-off!   Nice race!   I look at race times as an indicator of how well I'm doing fitness wise and a PR means I'm doing pretty dern good.   So are you!    Thanks for the race report, I enjoyed it.   And congratulations on an excellent race, you did good! 


              az... you liked that photo, eh? lol  I thought you'd be able to relate...


                AZ - Kudos to DH for his weight loss - and to you for keeping up with your training in such cold weather. You are a regular member of the "more miles than degrees club." I may get a rare opportunity to join that club later this week. Forecast calls for a low Thursday of 2 degrees. Just not sure I can stand it that cold...even for a couple miles.

                Art - That's an AWESOME race! Congrats on the PR, and on the AG place. Any other races coming up?

                NH Rich - Nice ski workout. And a nice railtrail run on Monday. After all the skiing and TM work, it had to feel good to run outside...at least as good as it can feel at 9 degrees!

                Dan - I had a whole string of good things to say about your running...then I lost my train of thought when you said "red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting." Oh, yeah...nice job with the back to back 30+ weeks!

                Chantilly - No frost free nights until June 1??? I'd go crazy.  Nice 3 miler.

                Ray - Good to see you getting back on the road. Hope the recovery goes well. RE: early morning running club - I'm so glad I hooked up with this crowd. I enjoy the Wednesday speed work, but it's so much more than that. Great group of people. Nice to know I can always find someone to run with, if I want. And some experienced runners (one of them ran 3:26 at the Myrtle Beach Marathon this past weekend).

                Mary Kay - Nice to hear from you, but I'm sorry you are struggling so with your health. Take care of yourself.


                Sunday - SRD.  Took a nice 4 mile walk with DW.

                Monday - 4.5 miles, 9:11 pace.  Ran in a new pair of Asics Gel Nimbus 16's that I ordered at the same time I got the Saucony Triumph. When I first tried on the Asics, I thought they were too tight. But I rethought that after the Saucony's gave me a blister on the long run Sunday. The Asics actually felt really good, but that's only one run, of 4.5 miles. I think I'll try the Saucony's again, with better socks. If that works, I may just keep both pairs and put them in rotation.


                Tuesday - Rest day. Woke up this morning to a layer of sleet and ice covering everything.  All schools closed, and many businesses. With our limited equipment, the roads did not get cleared sufficiently today, and the temps will be in the lower 20's tonight, so we're expecting big problems with black ice on the roads tomorrow. My college classes have already been cancelled for the day. And we have called off the speed run in the morning (ice and lightning are the only two acceptable reasons to cancel). Hopefully things will clear later in the day to allow a run.


                Run safe!

                  It was -8, 7mph wind, feels like -24 this morning!!  It's already in the sub-zero degrees for the evening and weather forecast is -35 overnight.  It will be COLD again tomorrow.  But it's funny, that most places would shut down but life goes on around here!!  So went to gym today.  10 mins on elliptical first, then 8 miles on track, 4 miles on TM, 10 mins elliptical again, finished with 15 mins cycling.  So 12 miles today, WHEW!  It was actually a good run considering I ran 13 miles on Sat.  But I took 2 rest days. Hope to get a recovery run tomorrow.  I have to be in the twin cities for a meeting so leaving Thurs. and returning Fri.  It should be 'warmer' there, LOL!!


                    AZ - Good to hear DH is getting in to shape.  That will make everyone happy!  I gotta admire all you cold weather people, if only because it is a good reminder that there is still weather out there...Nice runs in the cold.

                    Chantilly - We eat a fair amount of asparagus, so I guess will just keep buying it.  I noticed a couple shoots poking up that must have been to small to eat...Hope work isn't getting too much in the way of your running.

                    Dan - nice that you got in some good weeks.  I'm going to echo NHRich - you're taking full advantage of the new TM.  Keep it up!

                    NHRich - LOL on the pic!  Some nice running and cross training.

                    Fletch - Awesome with the running club.  Gotta imagine it is a great motivator.

                    Art - Congrats on the PR!  Awesome on the AG award as well!  Gotta love it!


                    Saturday, DW and I spent the day at the Presidio in SF.  Morning and early afternoon on lichen hike.  Lunch at the officer's club and then more hiking in the afternoon.

                    Sunday, helped DW prepare for her night hike and snuck in 5 mile TM run before dim sum and then a 5 hour night hike.  Found 5 or 6 scorpions and gazillion millipedes - they fluoresce under UV light, making them easier to spot at night.

                    Monday, DW and I did hike in Pinnacles National Park, somewhere around 15 miles.  An amazing number of wild flowers are already blooming and found a couple of meadows just full of "shooting stars" and even a Horned Lizard that looked like the guy below

                    Shooting Star  Horned Lizard

                    Tuesday, 8.1 miles at work during lunch hour, ~68 minutes.  Almost 20F cooler then yesterday with temps around 62F.  Freaky weather continues here...




                      Previous post was lost....

                      Fletch_NC ..about the blister, maybe you could try to stretch out that area of your shoe so that it doesn't rub. You have been doing some good mileage.  Isn't it a bit late to get ice out your way? (I meant June 1 is when we can be worry free about frost at night.)

                      NH Runner I like your poster and I feel your pain...isn't more snow due your way? We had a blizzard a couple of days ago.

                      Art in AZ Congratulations on your excellent race! You put in solid training for that PB.

                      az2mntrail Still battling the cold there as well. Nice training in the gym.  Have fun in the Twin Cities, even if it is only for a meeting.

                      rmcj001 Sounds like scenic hiking for you both.  Nice photos.  I'd be scared of the scorpions. (I thought they only liked the desert?)

                      justrundan You must be glad you have that treadmill...putting in some good workouts on it.


                      Was asked to go to LA at the last minute, so ran in a small marathon while I was there. It was a four loop course in a park. I had a problem with hamstring cramping, as there were several hilly spots which taxed my weak hamstrings.  So I dropped out at 20 miles. I received a HM medal for the distance covered. Nice race organizers, a fun event. I was so happy to be out in the sunshine! Temp went up to 83F 

                      "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                      you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                      Sonata Arctica






                      NH Runner

                        Wednesday, 2/18... 5 mile road run today, the sun was out and 30 degrees!    Splits were 9:13, 8:49, 8:55, 8:46 and 8:54.   Something kind'a neat happened during the run, I was on the highway halfway through the 4th mile headed for home when a semi came towards me.    It's a 55 mph zone and the guy pulled so far out to keep from buffeting me with the air around his rig that he was in the opposite lane.    It's unusual for truckers to do that, so I gave him a wave and a thumbs up when he went by, then I had to do it for the 5 cars that were following him, they all pulled over into the opposite lane...lol    I know the cars saw me give him the thumbs up, so I guess that's what gave 'em the idea to follow suit.   Made me feel like a celebrity...lol


                        When I finished the run, I grabbed the ladder and shovel and headed up on my roof.   I've been putting off the inevitable, but with Sunday's weather forecast calling for a wintry mix changing to rain, it was time to start shoveling.    Snow's one thing, but rain on top of the snow will put more weight on my roof than I comfortable with.   So... my run took just under 45 minutes and shoveling the roof took an hour and 30... lol


                        Fletch... Asics were my favorite shoe 'til I made the switch to minimalist, they make a nice shoe.


                        az... another excellent workout in less than excellent conditions, good stuff!


                        ray... enjoyed the pics.    You've kept moving over the last few days, good for you.   And I get a kick out of how easy you reel off runs at an 8:30 pace.   You're feeling better, eh?


                        Chantilly... I finally bit the bullet today and ordered a pair of snowshoes made specifically for running, that should get rid of the snow around here in no time...lol    In the meantime, yes, there's more inclement weather headed our way.   Lots of people are complaining about the weather, but I saw on the news people in Boston were jumping out of 3rd story windows into the snow below and that seems way better than complaining...lol   Anyway, lucky you to go to LA and run 20 miles of a marathon in 83 degree weather!    That had to be fun!


                          Az - Guess you posted while I was composing.  Good workouts!  Mixing it up the way you do seem like a good strategy.  Enjoy the Twin cities!

                          Chantilly - I think scorpions are less scary then bees or wasps, even those damn yellow jackets.  They are terribly shy.  Pretty cool that you got to LA and were able to participate in the marathon, but 83F?  That had to be shock to the system.  Here's photo of a little bugger from Sunday

                          night scorpion

                          NHRich - Oohh!  I can't wait to see pictures of you in your running snowshoes! Pretty nice of the trucker and a good run too!  I'm feeling better and try to ramp up appropriately for March.


                          Legs were pretty tired after yesterdays run and took a little while before legs got loose today. 8.5 miles  in 1:14:14, kind of progression run - well it was a slow progression.

                          Here's a picture of the field full of shooting stars - it doesn't do the field justice, but gives you an idea...

                          field of shooting stars



                          Art in AZ

                            Took a rest day on Tuesday. Was going to run today but decided to do another "rest" day. Actually exercised both days and worked in the garden and yard today instead of running. All the weeds are gone, for now, and a couple more areas are ready for planting this weekend. Back to running tomorrow.


                            AZ - Wait! You knew about the "hill" and didn't tell me. Oh for shame.  Not that it would have made any difference. I'll get some pictures and try posting again. I like the longer distances also. I can enjoy the run more than trying to go fast. I sure you're glad that the gym is close by for those really miserable days.


                            Rich - Good miles considering the conditions. It's nice to know there are considerate drivers out there paying attention. For sure the weather will get nicer. Probably only get to use the new running snowshoes just once. Shoveling the roof off makes me smile at the absurdity of it, better safe then sorry.


                            Fletch - Hopefully the weather is getting better.


                            Ray - Sounds like some great hikes there. Hiking in the Superstition Mountains should be decent this year what with the rain we had earlier. I'll see in a couple of weeks as we go hiking there. One of the parks here has a night time hike that searches for scorpions also. Pretty decent draw and fun for the kids. Nice lunch hour run.


                            Chantilly - I'm sure you enjoyed the weather while in LA. Too bad about the hamstrings acting up though. As for the scorpions, they are most prevalent here in the Southwest but can be found in forests and caves also. Depends on the variety of the scorpion. The most venomous is the Arizona Bark Scorpion.

                            Art in AZ

                            Mesa, AZ


                              It was -8, 7mph wind, feels like -24 this morning!!  It's already in the sub-zero degrees for the evening and weather forecast is -35 overnight.  It will be COLD again tomorrow.  But it's funny, that most places would shut down but life goes on around here!!  So went to gym today.  10 mins on elliptical first, then 8 miles on track, 4 miles on TM, 10 mins elliptical again, finished with 15 mins cycling.  So 12 miles today, WHEW!  It was actually a good run considering I ran 13 miles on Sat.  But I took 2 rest days. Hope to get a recovery run tomorrow.  I have to be in the twin cities for a meeting so leaving Thurs. and returning Fri.  It should be 'warmer' there, LOL!!


                              Yes, AZ, I live in one of those places that shuts down at the hint of snow or ice. And I understand...we're simply not prepared to adequately clear the roads. But sometimes, I think they may go a little too far. After the ice we had Monday night, schools closed Tuesday. Because they could not completely clear the roads, and the low (low 20's) temperatures forecast for Tuesday night would cause black ice, they closed schools again Wednesday. Both were good calls. I was out on the roads Wednesday, and they were still pretty bad, at least off the main roads. But now, Thursday, the schools are closed again. We got a light dusting of snow on top of the ice yesterday afternoon, but not enough to cause any problems. The roads seem ok now, so I'm not sure what the reasoning was for closure today. Should be interesting tonight - forecast low is 3 degrees, windchill -11. A balmy day for you, but here in the Carolina's...THAT'S FRIGID!


                              Anyway - nice job getting to the gym, and a good workout! Hope your trip to twin cities is going well.



                                Saturday, DW and I spent the day at the Presidio in SF.  Morning and early afternoon on lichen hike.  Lunch at the officer's club and then more hiking in the afternoon.

                                Sunday, helped DW prepare for her night hike and snuck in 5 mile TM run before dim sum and then a 5 hour night hike.  Found 5 or 6 scorpions and gazillion millipedes - they fluoresce under UV light, making them easier to spot at night.

                                Monday, DW and I did hike in Pinnacles National Park, somewhere around 15 miles.  An amazing number of wild flowers are already blooming and found a couple of meadows just full of "shooting stars" and even a Horned Lizard that looked like the guy below

                                Shooting Star  Horned Lizard

                                Tuesday, 8.1 miles at work during lunch hour, ~68 minutes.  Almost 20F cooler then yesterday with temps around 62F.  Freaky weather continues here...


                                 Ray - Nice pics. DW and I are in the process of creating our "Gotta see, Gotta do" list for our trip in June. We'll be coming out your way, flying into Reno, then driving down for a few days hiking in Yosemite, then down for a few days in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Seeing the giant Sequoia trees up-close has been on both of our bucket lists for quite some time. We're really looking forward to the trip.