50 and over 5k and beyond

February 2015 Runs and Workouts (Read 22 times)


    Chantilly - That's great that you were able to escape the frigid cold and enjoy some warm weather, and an impromptu marathon, in LA. Hope the hamstrings are feeling better. RE: ice - It's not unusual for us to have a little snow or ice in February, and even into March. Our last frost date is usually around mid-April.

    NH Rich - Sunny and 30 degrees - beautiful! Nice run. It's great when the motorists show a little respect. Helps make up for the *%^&$'s that don't bother to even slow down.  Can't wait to see the pics from the snowshoe running!

    Ray - Looks like you're getting back into the swing of things with your running.  Nice job.

    Art - Enjoy the rest days. You earned them. Your garden talk has me excited about getting out in mine. We'll be planting lettuce in a few weeks. 


    With quite a few ice patches still on the roads, and the sidewalks mostly covered in ice, we cancelled the early morning speed work Wednesday. Even later in the day, it was still pretty icy, so I headed to the fitness studio and a 5 mile hill workout on the TM. Believe it or not, that's my longest TM run yet. And I hope I don't have to make it a habit!


    Scheduled cross-training day for me today (Thursday). HIIT class cancelled, but I'll work something in.


    Run safe!


      Fletch_NC  A 5 mile hill workout on the treadmill would be pretty tough.  I remember they cancelled the Myrtle Beach marathon a few years back due to snow. It makes a difference if people don't have snow plows, snow tires, shovels, sand trucks etc.

      rmcj001 Sounds like you are recovering from your leg soreness nicely.

      Actually, the weather shock was worse to return home to the aftermath of a blizzard and start shoveling snow in -20F.

      NH Runner Nice truck driver there for you. What is the difference between regular snow shoes and the running kind?

      Yes, I was lucky to be able to escape the cold and have warm hands for a weekend.  I have always kinda liked winter (for the change in seasons) but the older I get, the more I can't warm up my hands.

      Art in AZ Gardening can be such a good workout. You have some nice mountains to hike on around there. There seems to be quite a few night time runs/races in AZ.


      9 miles.

      I will need to do some hill training this year and get off the track in the spring.  I climb stairs all the time, but my leg muscles remain weak.

      "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

      you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

      Sonata Arctica







        Art - The superstitions look very interesting.  Red and UV flashlights for night hikes.  I guess for night time vision our eyes produce a protein, but white light breaks it down.  UV lights are to make those critters visible.  Sounds like your cross training went well.

        Fletch - Sounds like the group made a wise decision.  Good job on the TM session - 5 miles is about my limit too.

        Chantilly - Yes, gotta imagine going from 83F to -xF will be quite the shock.  I forget sometimes that you do quite a bit of your running indoors. So, for your runs it's only a 15-20F difference?  Legs weren't feeling so good last night  But much better today. 9 miles is a good run!


        Slept very soundly last night after yesterday's run.  Was a little apprehensive at start of run today, but things loosened up quickly and it felt almost normal.  Feet and legs got tired at the end, but pretty happy with it.  8.8 miles in 1:13:35




          rmcj001 That good sleep must have helped your legs relax. Nice run.

          A lady walking on the track was wearing a San Francisco Flamethrowers shirt. I had to google it.  It is a semi-pro frisbee team? Have you heard of them?


          5 miles. The temp indoors is probably in the mid 60's. I run in a long sleeve shirt and light mitts. I'm pretty much the only person who wears mitts, though. Quads seem tired and sore. Hamstrings are ok. Had to shovel more snow this morning.

          "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

          you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

          Sonata Arctica






          NH Runner

            Friday, 2/20... took yesterday off, my ol' back doesn't like shoveling roofs.    Ran 5 miles on the railtrail today, 14 degrees with a wind chill to -1, but who cares...   Nothing fast, but a good workout for my legs...


            Ray... you're running pretty well lately, progress seems slow, but you're gaining.    Still waiting for delivery of my snowshoes, but I expect to be running like the wind in no time.    Actually, I'll be happy just to be able to run in the things.


            Art... it does seem a little weird to shovel off a roof, doesn't it? lol   When snow gets deep there's always a story on the news of a collapsed roof, I just don't want it to be mine...lol


            Fletch... thanks.  Nice to know I'm not the only one who looks at a treadmill as a last resort...lol   And yeah, unless you're driving a tank, there's not much you can do when the roads are icy except stay home...


            Chantilly... running snowshoes are shorter and narrower than a normal shoe and have a spring loaded binding that gets the snowshoe out of the way when you're planting your foot.    Good luck bouncing back from the 20 miler you ran in LA, sounds like you're almost there already.

            Art in AZ

              5 miles this morning under thin clouds. Just enough to cut down the glare of the sun.


              Since the next half has 180 feet of elevation change going up and down a hill I guess I should fine some place to practice a couple of times.


              Hope everyone has pleasant runs.

              Art in AZ

              Mesa, AZ

              Art in AZ

                8 miles this morning under overcast sky. Added a swing through the high school football field and ran the bleachers a few times.

                Art in AZ

                Mesa, AZ


                  Art in AZ Running up the bleachers would be a pretty hard workout.

                  NH Runner  I googled photos of the running snow shoes.

                  Be careful on your roof.  A 70 year old man fell off his roof onto his chest which caused a cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) as well as broken ribs and had to stay in hospital almost a week for medication to regulate his heart.

                  I have hired guys to do my roof a few times.


                  Yesterday I rested my legs.

                  6 miles after breakfast and 3 miles after lunch.

                  "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                  you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                  Sonata Arctica







                    Hope everyone had a great weekend!


                    Thursday - never made it to the gym for cross-training, and didn't get out to run, either. Call it URD.

                    Friday - 5.5 miles, slow and easy, dodging the ice patches

                    Saturday - LSD, 13.5 miles through horse country. 29 degrees and sunny.

                    Sunday - rest


                    Submitted my entry today for my first HM. May 17th in Greensboro, NC. 12 weeks from today.


                    Have a good week.  Run safe!

                      Hi everyone!

                      My last run was Thurs. before my trip to Minneapolis.  A good 6 mile run OUTSIDE, didn't want to drive to gym for this 'short' run.  It was pretty cold but SUNNY: about -8 degrees, feels like -22.  I know, it's crazy!!  The fresh fallen snow from the night before provided good traction around the fairgrounds.  IT WAS COLD but I made it!! My trail running buddy is training for Boston and she has been running OUTSIDE in even more frigid temps so we decided on a 'virtual run'; she lives about 30 miles further north.......she ran 10 miles in -6 degrees, feels like -25!! Made me feel like a wimp, LOL!!

                      It snowed in the twin cities so Friday morning traffic was snail pace on my drive to meeting in St. Paul actually.  Meeting over at 3:50 pm, left by 4pm, took over an hour to get out of the city, started snowing as I got closer to home in northern MN.  Made it back by 9:30 pm, that was a LONG & scary drive.  I don't like driving at night, much less when it's snowing.  Many ice-fishers on the road pulling their ice-fishing trailers ........they would not stop to let the 20+ vehicles pass them!!  Going slow is just as dangerous as going fast.

                      Didn't feel well Saturday so took another rest day.

                      Felt better today, Sunday.  About 10 am: it was about -18 degrees, 9mph wind, feels -37 degrees and sunny.  Wanted to get a long run in so drove to gym.  10 mins elliptical, then 6 miles on mini track, 3 miles on TM, 2 miles on mini track, 2 miles TM, finished with 1 mile track.  14 miles today, WHEW!! Smile

                        Art:  Your race event is April 11:  "RUN FOR ART 5K" ......LOL!!  Good job on training for the elevation, running bleachers tends to strengthen those muscles (I hear).  I'm just running the TM 'hills' for my interval runs, tough to mimic the downhill though, LOL!  But with no hills around here and sub-zero temps, just gotta do what I can indoors.  Great runs two days in a row!!

                        Fletch:  May seems like a long ways off but it creeps up on you, doesn't it?  You have a solid foundation for that May HM.  I know you'll have an awesome run!  YAY on the 13.5 miles, Way to Go!!

                        Chantilly:  WOW!! don't you love impromptu trips where you can get a race out of it?  Bummer you didn't finish but a great effort and still got a medal for it, YES!! Good job!! So are you incorporating some exercises for the hamstrings?  The difference in temps probably didn't help much either even if you have been running indoors.

                        NHRich:  considerate drivers/truckers are few and far in between.  That was your lucky day (should have bought a lottery ticket) LOL!!  My snowshoes are kinda a hybrid where I can 'run' in them.  Just been running a couple of laps around my house in them.  Fun and different but 'one of these winter days,' I hope to run a snowshoe race.  You've been pretty consistent in your running despite the weather conditions; slow runs are safe runs regardless.

                        Ray:  your muscles probably enjoy those hikes.  Beautiful scenery, love the photos!


                          AZ- nice job getting in the long run indoors, nice to have the mini-track to break up the TM, and vice versa.   I agree, just too cold to run outside sometimes! 


                          Fletch- with your training I can feel a great HM coming up for you in May.  Keep it up!


                          Chantilly- I have major problems keeping my hands warm.  I always warn my patients though!


                          Ray- nice job on tired legs. Keep it up.


                          NHRich- we want a pic of the first run in the snowshoes! 


                          Art- I'll have to add in the bleachers when I go to the HS track to work out this spring.


                          Another low mileage week, but I'll take whatever work will give me.

                          DW & went to Milwaukee auto show yesterday, we need to replace her 10 y/o Subaru Outback in the next year.  She wants a car that rides a little higher than her Subaru, but doesn't want something 'too big', and wants 'good gas mileage'.  We will see where those 3 things intersect!


                          Have a great week; this weather has to break pretty soon?!?







                            Fletch_NC Hope you do well in your HM. You have put in some good runs so far.

                            az2mntrail That is a pain on the smaller roads when slow moving vehicles don't pull over to let traffic pass. And it is worse at night, I agree. Glad you made it home safe.  Nice workout in the gym.

                            justrundan The auto show would have been a nice way to spend the day. I drive a compact, so don't have any advice for an SUV. It won't be long for the weather to start improving now that the end of Feb. is near. 


                            5 miles run.

                            13 min. stationary bike.

                            2 miles run.

                            1 mile walk.

                            "Joe cool" was walking on the track today wearing a white with black stripes track suit with white shoes and white sunglasses.

                            "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                            you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                            Sonata Arctica






                            NH Runner

                              Monday, 2/23... let's see, Friday and Saturday were both 5 mile runs on the railtrail.   Saturday was a little quicker than Friday, but neither day set the world on fire, the snow was a little too soft.   Sunday had fresh snow on the ground from Saturday night so I thought I'd run the treadmill, but when I got on the thing my legs balked and I ended up running just a mile.   Today was another railtrail run, 6 miles at about a 10:30 pace.   16 degrees & windy.   When I got home, a package had arrived with my name on it, yup, my new running snowshoes!    Can't wait to embarrass myself on those things!


                              Art... a couple of nice runs for you.    I like the idea of running the bleaches, but I'd have to have music from the movie "Rocky" playing in the background...


                              Chantilly... have you ordered a pair of running snowshoes yet?    Just think of the fun you'd have, you wouldn't have to worry about cold hands any more, you'd be too pre-occupied worrying about the next Face Plant!    RE: shoveling my roof.   The McGyver in me created a shovel with a handle over 15 feet long.   I get on the peak of my roof and use that long handled shovel to push the snow off without having to move off the peak at all.   I leave a little snow at the peak to plant my feet in as I move along switching from one side of the roof to the other, clearing snow as I go.    Sometimes I scare myself, I'm so clever...


                              Fletch... very nice couple of days of running.   13.5 already bodes well for the half that's coming in 12 weeks.   I'm a little disappointed in my running miles lately, I'd like more, but the weather refuses to cooperate.   Anyway, good luck with your training, you've got a good start already...


                              az... love your spirit, you're like the Eveready Bunny the way you just keep going.   Really nice workout yesterday!    I may have bought hybrid snowshoes as well, they're called "Fitness" snowshoes, but you're supposed to be able to run in 'em.    I suppose I could challenge you to a virtual race in the things, something short, like a 100 yards or something...


                              Dan... I'll see what I can do about a picture of my first "jaunt" in the snowshoes, the Tuesday crew will be gathered tomorrow and I'll see if I can con one of 'em into taking a picture.   To be honest, I have no idea what it takes to run in the things.   RE: your mileage.   A cut back week isn't a bad thing, you were logging quite a few miles not long ago, enjoy the break...


                              Short video of the start 2014 men's 10K snowshoe championship... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG09R-_WCrI  How hard can it be?


                                AZ - glad you made it back ok from the Twin Cities. Nice run Sunday. Yes, the HM is still a long way off. There are a few other HMs in this area between now and then, but I knew I wanted to run the Greensboro race. DW can go with me, and we'll stay with DD1 and SIL. I will probably run a 10K March 15th, and then the 21st I am planning to do this fun little run:  http://www.etinternet.net/~runrbike/  Among the runners in this area, this Mangum Track Club T-shirt run is considered a must-do. They only accept 25 new runners each year, and it fills up fast, but there are over 700 members in the "club." Many of the regulars in the Wednesday speed group are members. Should be a fun run, and a good long run in my HM training.


                                Thanks, Dan. Since it's my first HM, I'm guaranteed a PR, right?    Here's hoping that your weather does break soon. And the work-load. But I agree with Rich, the rest may have come at a good time. Good luck on the car hunt. Let us know what you settle on.


                                Nice workout, Chantilly. I think we all have our Joe Cool type characters. But hey, at least they are exercising, right?


                                Thanks, Rich. I feel pretty good about where I am right now with the training. I really want to build a solid base, not only for the HM in May, but for November, when I'm hoping to run my first FM. More on that later...one thing at a time!  Can't wait to see the snowshoe pics! I wish I hadn't watched the video you posted...I expected to see some guys slogging along in the snow with tennis racquets strapped to their shoes. These guys were faster than me...in running shoes...on dry ground...on a sunny, warm day!  Nice runs on the trail.


                                5 miles today. First 3 at about 9:30 pace, still loosening up after the long run two days ago. Picked up the pace on the last two miles to 9:00 and 8:40. Cloudy, 42 degrees - Yay! Got to run in shorts!


                                Run safe!.