50 and over 5k and beyond

February 2015 Runs and Workouts (Read 22 times)

NH Runner

    Tuesday, 2/24... 3 mile snowshoe run today on the railtrail.   I didn't get to run with the Tuesday crew today, so pictures will have to wait, but overall today's run went pretty well.   Early in the first mile, I intentionally fell and landed in such a way that my left ear got filled with snow.   It's an easy way to cool your ear off if for some reason it over heats in 10 degree weather...


    Other than that and mistakenly putting the snowshoes on the wrong feet, things went pretty well.   Next time, I'll make sure to get the shoes on the right feet, it'll keep my ankle bones from getting beat to a pulp by the aluminum frames like they did today.    First mile was a little slow, it took a bit to dig the snow out of my ear.   With walk breaks, here's the splits...14:09, 13:07 and 12:43.    It may not sound like it, but I'm happy with today's run...


    Fletch... you're in for an exciting year, first half marathon and first full!   Nice run yesterday!

      Fletch - Sorry the ice and snow interrupted your normally balmy weather!!  it is particularly hard to deal with ice and snow in the areas that aren't prepared or familiar! Be careful? Embrace the TM? It's got to be better than a sprain! The first big snow here in Cinci would be hilarious if it weren't for the fact that we have to wait four days for the city trucks to plow our street. Can't wait to see how well you do on your May HM. You've got this race!! Love your T-shirt race and good luck on that!! Your June parks trip sounds great! I'd have vacation envy but I'm going to be in Humboldt Redwoods State Park in October. of course there's a race with a medal involved!


      NH Rich - You've been doing an excellent job getting out and enjoying winter! Nice trucker treatment on your run! It's not often you get to shovel your roof for x training, thank goodness! enjoy those snowshoes!! You just had to see what it would feel like to have snow in your ear?  Sounds fun!!


      Art - Congratulations on your HM PR, placement and AG 2d place!! That was an awesome time and amazing run! Thanks for the report! I would have been crusing that hill, too! Having garden envy bc fresh veggies taste the best! It's really nice that your grandkids get the chance to watch you grow them. nice long runs and especially with bleachers, although that must have hurt a little?


      Az- Amazing outside runs and gym workouts!! Nice weekly miles!! Do you have some races planned? Dirt trail runners are a different breed. I'll need your help this fall. I signed up for a heck of a race without looking; "how bad can a trail race be?" Ha! Come to find out there are some parts that folks say are impassible. That sounds fun.


      Ray - Your week of hiking and running was sooo inspiring that it shamed me into more xtraining. a little bit more. Nice 8 mile runs with great speed, too!! Loved your pix!


      Chantilly - Joe Cool? Ha!! Don't see that often here! Sorry about the hammys giving out on you. for what it's worth, which isn't a lot, I'm blaming the quick change in climate. Nice 20 miles!!! That was soooo close!   How annoying. Sorry you had to come home to snow shoveling!! Need hill work? That should wake up those hammys and quads. You have been running some long miles! I was really interested to read that you wear mitts running indoors. My hands are always cold on the track by the first mile and it never occured to me to put gloves on. Great idea that I'm stealing!


      Dan - Good job getting your high mileage weeks despite all that weather challenge! Tmiles are miles!! Homemade red velvet cupcakes? nicely played, DW!! Lotsa love! Enjoy car shopping!!


      Thank you all for your well wishes and sympathy on my challenging health!! What an understanding and supportive group you all are!


      Someone online asked if the Flying Pig really had hills and how big they are. I got so wrapped up thinking and talking about it that within the next few days I had registered. I already had my spring marathon on May 17th so I signed up for the 3-way; 5k and 10k on 5/2 and HM on 5/3 but the damn race would not leave me alone. I kept thinking about the back half of the course and the medal. I love the Flying Pig. I never realized it but I just love the course and the race. Every mile has its own challenges, excitement and personality and I have a sweet spot for the second half of the course. It's all downhill and the neighborhood yard parties are loud, great support and last to the very end. I should know! The full marathon medal is almost twice as big as the HM medal and the ribbon is printed satin instead of white cotton. There's just no comparison. So, I forfeited about $60 and switched and am seriously behind on my training. It's all good though. If I finish the two fulls, I can qualify for Marathon Maniacs and they have even better shirts than the Half Fanatics. Yeah, I'm that vain (not).


      Truth - I am now not only a running addict, I seem to have a race problem, too. Oh. Well.


      Getting my hill work in the parking garage since I need the downs along with the ups and its too icy, not to mention too effing cold, to be running on the street. Only 2 mi today but feeling crappy. Since the major FP hill is from mi. 4 to mi. 8 non-stop, I hope to build on this each week until I can do 8 mi. (4 up and 4 down).


      safe and happy runs, all!

      Mary Kay

      2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

      Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

      I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  

        I would have been cursing that hill! Not, cruising!!

        Mary Kay

        2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

        Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

        I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  

          Oh, last week, 3.25, 4.08 mi and 5 mi on the Tmill. Sunday 4 bike mi. and a Tmile. Monday 4.6 bike miles. Baby steps.

          Mary Kay

          2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

          Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

          I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  


            Chantilly - My hands are always cold, but I rarely wear anything to keep them warm - of, course hasn't really gotten that cold here last couple of years.  Nice runs!

            NHRich - The shoes are here!  Watched the video you posted, makes me want to try some snowshoe running.  Nationals looks interesting, but would have to travel far just to qualify.  Is that the next goal? Looks like fun!

            Art - I recommend hills just 'cuz they make you a better runner.  Best part of going uphill is coming back down!   Good runs!

            Fletch - Gotta take those PRs whenever they're available!  It's going to be a fun race!  DW says the half is the perfect distance.

            Az - Driving in bad weather is a little like flying a plane, any landing is a good landing - getting home in one piece is all that matters. Some good runs in spite of the bad weather!

            Dan - Ford Escape Hybrid?  Tesla's crossover is supposed to be out soon...I live in California and there are a lot of people and cars, might as well make 'em as clean as you can.  Cut back weeks are there for a reason - take advantage of them!

            MKay - The difference between cursing and cruising is "I", it's all in the attitude.  Some good runs last week.


            Friday, 2/20 - turned into a rest day, so walked 6 miles.

            Saturday, 2/21 - Montara Mountain Half marathon - DW and DS were signed up already, so felt like I could finish it and did race day sign up. They listed as 2800' of elevation gain, but fitbit got it more like 3100'.  First 4 miles is 1600', then descend next 4 miles, then 1 mile with elevation gain 500', then down 1 mile then 700' in about 2 miles then final 2 miles is downhill.  At the top of first climb I was 51st, at bottom was around 40th.  At mile 6 slipped on switchback and took a tumble, but rolled out of it nicely and kept going.  On 2nd hill got passed by 4 runners, caught 3 of them on the downhill and then got passed again on 3rd climb.  I was walking the uphills and blasting the downhills.  On 3rd downhill found DS walking and with a little prodding he followed me until we hit the bottom, where he promptly out ran (note - not sprinting) me to the finish.  Finish time was 2:11:51 - just didn't have it mentally to run the uphills the way I should have.  Time was good enough for 2nd in AG.  DW cam in about 15 minutes later and got 1st in her AG!  Views were gorgeous at the top, but was to concerned with the trail to look on the way down 

            Sunday, 2/22, 6 mile hike with California Native Plant Society at Montara Mountain

            Monday, 2/23, 7.8 mile recovery run in 1:12:35.

            Tuesday, 2/24, 8.2 mile easy run in 1:11:45 - took a little while for left knee to loosen up, but otherwise pretty comfortable.



            NH Runner

              Wednesday, 2/25... 4 mile snowshoe run this morning.   I'm still in a learning curve, but had a better run than yesterday.  Getting the shoes on the right feet helped, it's a shame the instructions were so vague that I got it wrong yesterday.     I stopped and experimented with the bindings a number of times and really wasn't concerned with my pace, but ran the last mile in 12:06 with a walk break, so I think once I toughen up to the things I'll be fine.


              mKc... the Flying Pig, eh?  Sounds like a fun race.   You've been training well lately, keep up the good work!


              Ray... I'm not setting any goals for snowshoe running this year, but there are local races I could run next year.  It's more difficult than running on the road, the added weight of the shoes and just plowing through snow being the 2 biggest differences.    I really like the workout though, you're using the same muscles as regular running, but challenging 'em in a whole new way.    Congrats. on the half, really well done considering the course and what you've been dealing with lately!

                Post disappeared!!  will post again later!! ugh!!


                  Az - Bummer about the post being lost.  Quick question, have you checked the "remember me" box on the login page?  I realize this sets a cookie, but I wonder if it might solve the dropping post problem...

                  NHRich - You new "shoes" look promising.  I'm betting the improvement with them will be fairly quick.  Almost makes me wish we had snow here...almost...


                  Wed, 2/25, 8.2 easy miles in 1:11:09 - almost all the sub 9 mpm was done in last 3.2 miles.  Added hill work as I varied my route today, but basically same distance as yesterday.  Left knee still a bit wonky from fall on Saturday, will need to ice it a bit when I get home.



                    Last run was my 14 miles on Sun.  Rest day on Monday.

                    Tuesday:  Feb. is national dental health month so teacher/ friend asked me to present to 6 classes of 4th graders!    2 groups of 3 classes for about 45 mins!  K-12 school educators have my utmost respect.  Lots of pictures to keep them entertained; overall it went very well.  After school, she invited me to a couple of exercise classes in the school gym. First class was a 30 mins high intensity (similar to HIIT) workout; the second one was an hour of Zumba!!  So I got an awesome 1.5 hr cross-training workout!!  Some minor muscles had a rude awakening, LOL!!

                    Wed:  woke up to blazing sunshine.  Around 1 pm: -2 degrees, 13 mph wind, feels - 15 but eye-squinting day.  So bundled up and got in a 'short' run of 6 invigorating miles around the fairgrounds and along a 'quiet' frontage road.  Did not want to drive to gym for this 'short' run.  Cold but peaceful run.  The sun makes such a motivating difference!

                    Today (Thurs):  Rest day.  Tempting though.  Another sunny day but even at this time:  -4 degrees, -7 mph wind, feels -19 degrees!!

                    Had planned on two rest days and get my last long run (12-14 miles on Sat.) at the gym but DH had his swim yesterday at the gym and saw a reminder:  tennis meet on SAT & SUN.  Indoor track will be closed.  I know I will not survive running on the only the TM for that long run   so moved my long run to FRI (tomorrow) so I can change from TM to mini track throughout.

                      NH:  you need a medal for being the most creative in your workouts!!  So did anyone see your 'intentional' ear plant?   Such normal reaction to see if we had an audience, right? LOL!!  Hope your ear recovered.  Snowshoe running is such an awesome workout in coordination and balance to say the least.  I wouldn't worry too much about the 'pace' .......one has to actually experience it to fully understand the 'slower pace.'

                      I would also like to do snowshoe run 'one of these days.'  I probably have to travel because I haven't seen a snowshoe race anywhere close around here.  I particularly don't like to 'travel' too far for 5k/10k races but that's what I may have to do to start with to get the experience.  Decisions.

                      Kay:  do you think you will have enough training for the FM in May?  I've kept the "Flying Pig" event in mind but maybe next year.  I am trying to run 'new races' in the mid west before we move back to the SW.  I rather run in new races instead of the same ones each year ......but that's just me.  You have had such a tough new year with your health.  Take care.

                      Ray:  CONGRATS on a great race........thx for the RR!!  YIPPEE to DW for 1st in AG!!  So glad there was no serious injuries from the fall. Difficult to stay away from racing sometimes when you have family/friends who are racing but you know that body needs to fully recover or injuries will keep piling up.  Take care and again, way to go on the finish.  Those hikes are a break for your muscles.  I can't wait to hike in the mountains, I miss them.


                        Rich - Nice job adjusting to the snowshoes. I would say I'd like to try that, but it would be a lie. There's a reason I live in the south, and quite frankly, I'm tired of the little bit of snow and ice we get around here! Still looking forward to the pics...with or without falls!


                        Mary Kay - I hope your health issues are clearing up. I've heard a lot of good things about the Flying Pig Marathon. Sounds like a fun one. Yes, DW and I are really looking forward to the California trip in June.


                        Ray - considering all you've been dealing with, I'd say that was a pretty good, last minute HM. You'll be back to full-speed in no time.


                        AZ - that's a great cross-training session! Nice job getting out for some miles as well. Isn't is amazing how -15 wind chill on a bright, sunny day feels so much better than -15 wind chill on a dreary, cloudy day?


                        For the second week in a row, our Wednesday speed work was cancelled due to icy streets. Luckily, it cleared enough later in the day for me to get out for 5 miles. Did the same speed interval session we do with the group, but did it alone. Much more fun with the group. Also missed out on my HIIT cross training today. May try to get a session in this evening, or at least get out for a short run.


                        Run safe!

                        Art in AZ

                          Quick catch up.

                          3 miles Tuesday morning in sunny but cold temps. Had to get out the long sleeve winter shirt again.

                          5 miles this morning as temps back to normal for this time of year. But expecting rain and colder weather this weekend and into next week. Just gave blood so I'll see how the runs work out in the next few days.


                          NH Runner - There's nothing wrong with practicing falling. Good job on training with the snowshoes.


                          Mary Kay - Good luck with your training for the marathons. We know you'll get it done.


                          Ray - Good job to you and family for the half. Sounds like a good place to run.


                          AZ - Way to get the miles in despite the cold. Nothing wrong with rest days. Unless they pile up together. Then we get anxious to go running.


                          Fletch - I'm with you in trying to get in a run later in the day if the morning doesn't work out. Unfortunately it's usually because of work and it almost always goes till after 6:00 at night. So by the time I get home I'm more interested in eating and finishing a few work things than going for a run.

                          Art in AZ

                          Mesa, AZ

                          NH Runner

                            Thursday, 2/26... my son-in-law called yesterday, needing help taking the sliding glass door he'd just bought out of his pick-up.    So, I arrive and we grab the door, but I can't handle my end very well.    SIL is a weight lifter and I'm embarrassed to be so weak.   Anyway, we eventually get the door out of his truck and into the house, but I make up my mind I need to do more upper body work.    Soooo... earlier today I grabbed the trike and headed for the railtrail to give myself an upper body workout.   And rode exactly one mile on the snow before I was pooped...   It's a start.   Later, I hit the railtrail with XC skis and ended up going 7 miles.


                            Ray... skis and snowshoes are fun, but I'd just as soon be running.   And warm...lol   Nice run yesterday and good luck with that knee!


                            az... no audience when I fell, but you're right, I looked to make sure...lol    5 miles into today's ski, the tip of one ski caught the edge of the snow where the groomer leaves off, stopped that ski dead, spun me around and down I went.    No audience today either, but scrambled to get back to me feet before anyone came along...lol   You have some experience with snowshoes, so you know they really work your legs.   Can't wait to see what that translates to when I get back on the roads.    More solid workouts for you, WTG!   My daughter's a 4th grade teacher BTW...


                            Fletch... skis and snowshoes are an attempt to make the best of a bad situation.   Like I told Ray, I'd rather be running...lol   You did well to get your speed work in yesterday, good for you...


                            Art... sounds like your weather's a little unsettled lately.   The last few mornings I'm hearing a male Cardinal sing his song to attract the ladies, spring can't be far off, eh? lol   You're maintaining nicely...


                              Az - Hope your long run went well today.  It pays to be flexible.

                              Fletch - Gotta take advantage of the opportunities!  Good you got your speed work in, too bad the group didn't 

                              Art - Glad you got some runs in.  Hoping for lots of rain for the both of us!  Keep up the good work.

                              NHRich - You gotta watch out for the heavy lifting - you never know what is going to give.  Good you got to use your trike!


                              Knee was pretty sore yesterday so took it easy on it, 8.7 miles in 1:21:20 (that's close to my 10 mile times in November).  Knee felt better this morning, but still took a good 3.5 miles for it to loosen up today, but heeding Az, only did 8.6 in 1:20:40.  Been using ice liberally to keep the knee from being worse.  At 101 miles for Feb.  Tomorrow will try to get in just a mellow 3 miles or so.


                              Enjoy your weekends!



                              Art in AZ

                                4 miles this morning. Felt really good while running with no ill effects apparently from donating blood this time. Last time I gave blood I seem to remember feeling worn down for a couple of days. Oh well. Should be able to get a run in before the rain gets here. Sunday looks iffy right now.


                                NH Runner - That must have been some sliding glass door. I know they are bulky trying to move them around. If we did as much upper body exercise as we do running, we would look like Arnold. Nice XC ski run.


                                Ray - Hope the knee heals soon. It would be a bummer if it gets worse.

                                Art in AZ

                                Mesa, AZ