50 and over 5k and beyond

July Runs & Workouts (Read 16 times)


    3 miles in a more cushioned shoe.

    "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

    you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

    Sonata Arctica






      Hidyho!  I'm guessing everyone is busy with …. fun, work, folks, family and training? Today was too humid and now it's pouring so my driveway is getting a well earned cleaning. Otherwise we've had really good weather this week for being outside! Had short runs every day but Thurs. Started the weekend Friday with a 5k run by Mojo running store. For those of you from last year, this was the group I was running with on and off with Snott. Nothing ever seems simple. Didn't an invite to his wedding shower show up that day in my office email? I haven't worked in the main office in 2014 or talked with anyone there so the fact that he was getting married and to someone at the office was news to me. Well I was concerned he'd be at the race so I asked a couple of guys who I thought would be there if they were going - to see if I could find a safe place to stand afterwards and not be alone- but one wasn't going and the other ignored me. That got me angry enough to go. It was another hard-to-breathe allergy run and the inhaler was clogged but I got'er done. Not sure of my time, somewhere around 12:30 mm and 1st in my AG. (F 60+ and maybe the only one). It was only 100+ ppl. Ran about two min. better last year. Didn't see Snott but little snot walked past me three times and acted like I didn't exist. I just pretended I didn't notice and talked to him as if nothing had happened. After I picked up my AG prize, I walked past where he was sitting eating his burger and put the gift bag in his face so he couldn't ignore it. "What's that?" "A prize." and walked away. He won this race the last two years but came in seventh this year.  Didn't even win his AG. Burn!  I'm going to try to go back to running with Mojo. I was avoiding Snott but also their Sat runs are 7:30 and faster so I might as well be alone. Their women's run, which might be a good fit, is Thurs. evening and too short but I might be able to work with it.


      Two short runs yesterday because it was time for a long one and had trouble in the morning with the heat and humidity; ran the second time at 10 pm at a local middle school track. I'll be at the gym today so I'll try again for something past 4 mi. All in all, body seems to be settling into the 5x /wk and the Hokas keep my knee from hurting. I don't like how my foot feels like it's swimming in them but wore my Brooks for Friday's race and my knee hurt a bit the next morning.


      Rich - Good job handling your recovery! Great info on the heat difference!! I've also been running in the dark at a local school track and finding it so much easier but hadn't been measuring. Nice teamwork and use of technology using bluetooth! I have a watch that records my HR and has a light but I haven't installed the software to my new computer yet to use it. :P Fishing hooked? Maybe you need to stick to running; it sounds safer!


      Fletch - Congratulations on DD1's wedding!! Will this be your first child to get married? Fantastic amazing race time!! That was some hill! Congratulations on your PR and placement!!! Love the "Bacon run" name! Nice group speed work! If you can keep with the early hours, the group sounds great! They will push you much faster than you would push yourself. Good job getting in 6.75 m with all the heat and humidity!


      Debra - The hammie is totally healed!! I'm having a lot of aggravated muscle screams but they are all coming from the same old places.


      Az - You have been getting some really Nice miles!! hope the cooler summer weather makes up for the frigid winter! It must have felt great getting the HD ride in!! I am so with you on the early morning runs but sometimes, it's just the only time available. Yay for your 11 mi!! I can't believe you've biked alone from Az to MN! I get that the biking community is protective but would hate to be stranded with such a large problem!! I guess it's not as bad as it seems.


      Chantilly - Pulling thistles with your bare hands? Yikes!! "I say solo run after about 45 min. when they leave me behind.." Hehehe! I know what you mean. BTDT!! In the three years since I've started running, I've begun and ended a group run with the group maybe once. I helped coach some beginners and always got to finish with that group; the feeling was great to watch them progress. Today they would probably pass me. Nice double!! Sorry work has interfered! Nice 7! Bacon for runners? Yuk!! Sounds like something they should be doing in Cincy. What a nice way to race and Congratulations!! on your HM time!! So sorry about the pain! I got some relief from rubbing my foot over magic markers but it still took a few weeks to disappear so maybe it would have healed without the massaging. And then you go back out?


      adkkev - nice breezy run after the storm!! You don't live in Kansas, do you? Nice 8 mi hike!! How do your Altras compare with Hokas? Did you have any trouble transitioning?


      Dan - Great double with the 8 mi +yard work!! Can't wait to hear about the DWD!! Hope DW takes a lot of pix!! Kinda glad you picked the easy course. Smile Hope you wore the Brooks if it wasn't raining. So your goal race this fall is the Madison HM? Mine is the Philadelphia on 11/7. Wonder if they are the same weekend. Congratulations on finishing DWD!! That is quite amazing!! Can't wait for your RR!


      Steve - Sounds like the perfect time to visit Michigan and a nice 4th!!


      JO - I so remember that "I can't believe I haven't quit yet" feeling! I used to think that at least once every day long past the first year and was just thinking a few days ago when I was searching for motivation that I don't remember the last time I thought that. HM is an amazing goal and 32 wks is a huge commitment!! You will feel so awesome during and after your race!! If it gets hard to build miles, remember that time on your feet counts, that first time you try for a new distance, whether you are running or walking. Each time gets a little easier. I say this and haven't had a decent long run since my 10 race June 7th. That's a problem because I'm racing 8 mi on Saturday. Ha!!


      Safe and Happy runs, all!!

      Mary Kay

      2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

      Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

      I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  


        4.4 rainy miles on a muggy afternoon.


          mKayc Congratulations on your AG!

          I pulled the thistles wearing gloves, but my hand was sore, because I have arthritis.


          10 miles on the cushioned track, with Saucony Kinvara's, which lift up the arch enough, so the neuroma area isn't getting all the impact.  Plus, the track is smoother than jumping on and off the sidewalk.

          No run tomorrow due to work.

          "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

          you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

          Sonata Arctica







            Quick check-in...


            Dan, MaryK, Chantilly - nice racing!


            I've been a bit of a slacker since last Thursday.  SRD Friday.  Played in a charity golf tournament Saturday.  Planned to run before tee off, but didn't make it out there.  Didn't make it out afterwards, either.   Had hoped to get in an early, early run Sunday under that beautiful Super Moon, but didn't make it out that early.  Ran instead in the heat and humidity at 8:00am.  5.5 miles at 9:58 pace.


            Same story today...wanted to run early, in the moonlight, but slept through the alarm.  Looks like it'll be a late afternoon "sweat run" today.  Serves me right for sleeping in!


            Happy running!

              adkev - 4.25 rainy miles on a muggy afternoon at the gym! Seems like the hazy hot and humid has out paced the massive AC units.


              Chantilly - Nice 10 miler!  Glad it didn't hurt so much you had to cut it short! Gloves, you gotta love them!!


              Fletch - Love my bed, hate getting out! The moon was gorgeous FRiday night but its been hiding behind the clouds since then here. Love my evening runs!!!


              4.23 TMs before the gym closed last night and today some rest and hopefully a little core work. Although I got in 5 runs last week, I only ran 17 miles. That's pitiful but I'm laying the groundwork to build up to 50 mi. weeks but am already two weeks behind; I was recovering. Saw Begin Again with Kiera Nightly and Adam Levine and loved it! Lots of decent music!

              Safe and Happy runs, all!!

              Mary Kay

              2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

              Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

              I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  


                Chantilly - nice 10 miler.  Hope the neuroma heals quickly for you.

                adkkev - good job getting in the miles in the wet heat.

                Mary Kay - Steadily building the miles - keep it up!  RE: wedding - this is the oldest of two daughters.  The youngest has been married about 4 years, with 2 children.  I love being a grandpa!


                Mentioned in my earlier post that I slept through the alarm and missed my chance for a moonlight run, with the cooler temps.  The punishment was SEVERE!  Ran 4 miles this afternoon.  96 degrees with heat index of 99!  That'll teach me!


                Resting tomorrow, then planning to meet up Wednesday morning at 4:45 with the "Freaky Fast Gang" for the speed workout.  A few members of the group ran the Grandfather Mountain Marathon this past weekend.  It runs from Boone to Grandfather Mountain, NC, with a net climb of 1,000 feet, but cumulative climb of 3,000 feet, with the final 13 miles almost ALL uphill.  One of the "Freaky Fast Gang" finished 2nd in her AG (female 35-39).  I don't think I'll be ready for a test like that for quite some time!


                Happy Running!


                  I just wrote a really long, for me, RR, and it vanished when I hit 'post'.  I'm ticked, and it's past my beddy-by time!  Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow.  Grrrrrrr! 

                  Since the official times were posted early this morning I'll post that:   2:58:20, good for 2/4 in age group, 246/299 in men, 421/568 overall.  (I must have spent more time at the aid stations than I thought, and the Garmin auto-paused)  More later.







                    Muggy Monday ... no run for me today ... our bathroom is being remodeled (actually gutted & rebuilt & since our house is 90+ years old, there's only one bathroom) so we have no shower (or tub, that's gone permanently) for a while ... and because it was so humid today/this evening, I decided to forego the run b/c of the lack of a shower to wash off all that sweat.  Although I supposed I could hose myself down in the backyard ...


                    Fortunately I can shower at work.

                      Weekend in Fargo at the local drag race with DH's uncles/aunts/cousins was LOUD but lots of catching up with each others' lives.  Saturday was sunny and pretty warm by the time DH and I got to the drag race.  The wind gusts broke up the group's picnic later in the evening.  Sunday was pretty windy still, sunny and pretty warm again.  So glad DH and I didn't ride our harleys.  I would have been an unhappy biker on the return trip, we were both tired (probably from the heat).  So glad to sleep in our own bed too.  Took my running stuff but didn't run Sat. or Sun.

                      It rained most of the morning today, about 48 degrees around 9am!! with some good wind gusts of about 20 mph!!  It stopped raining later in the afternoon but it stayed windy.  I took off running around 6pm.  It was actually nice despite the wind which kept the humidity down, the temp 'warmed up' to about 60 degrees.  Finished 5.2 interval miles.  Good steady pace but felt crappy after the run like I was gonna puke ......weird.  Felt much better after I ate.  The 'cold front' is actually welcoming this week.  It could be worse, like 20 below!!

                      Crazy Diamond

                        Chantilly~Sorry about the foot pain and the abbreviated marathon.  You were wise to hold back to the 13.1 miles.  Take care, and good to read the cushioned track and shoes are helping.

                        MaryKayc~Congratulations on the 2 minutes improvement - that's great!  AG prize, too.  But you gave it away?  Enjoy getting back running with the Mojo group.  Thanks for the movie tip ... boys are heading to the races this weekend and was looking for something to go see.

                        Fletch~Great to find the running group.  Grandfathers Mountain Marathon - sounds like a quad buster!

                        Dan~Congrats on DWD!  Shades of active.com with all the fleeting posts.

                        adkkev~Hope the bathroom remodel goes well and quick!  We went through that 25 yrs. ago, need to again.  Thought of you during my  5k  race at 9pm last week - beautiful moon and starlit skies.  I should run in the evening more.

                        AZ~The weather this summers is strange, isn't it?  Can't make up it's mind!  Enjoy the cooler temps, and hopefully less wind.


                        Lots of posts disappeared, but that's all water under the bridge!  11.5 miles on the bike path on Sunday.  Yesterday DS2 and I headed for the cool lakefront for his 6 mile fartlek.  He likes hills, so we both got a workout.  Today calls for an easy 8 w/ strides.  Thunderstorms this morning, so will try to get out after work.


                        Run strong, friends!

                        Quo Vadis?

                        Crazy Diamond

                          Dan~This was on one of my lost posts, but I wanted to tell you I did register for the Brewers HM in September.  A good friend would like me to pace her for 10k.  I'm also contemplating Madison HM ....

                          Quo Vadis?

                            Fletch - Nice job getting that hot run in!! Tough crowd! That Grandfather Marathon sounds brutal.  I wonder if I'll ever think of a run like that as fun. On the other hand, one of the speedsters from Mojo, the group I have aspired to run with for two years (and still can't keep up with) ran in the Olympic 5k trials so now I don't feel so bad.


                            Dan - that stinks about your RR!!! Save, save, save! I'm always forgetting!


                            adkkev - Yikes! Hope your bathroom gets finished soon!! Mine is from 1914 and I had to reno both baths and kitchens for the mold. Loved doing it but was sick of showering at the gym! Always had at least one working sink.  Stopped short of finishing the second kitchen, the one in the flat where I live.  Why disturb the ants. They seem so happy to have free rein!


                            AZ - Nice run! Sorry about the nausea! You would know about cold!! Could your post-run weakness have been a blood sugar blood pressure drop? I feel that way when I really really need to eat sugar and not that often. Sounded like a great weekend cathching up with family!! I would get those visits done before winter!!!


                            Debra - Those are some really nice miles you are running!!! What's your next race? Thought of you today as I found a roll of microfiber towels at Kroger in the auto department 5 for $3.59.  Grrrr!  And they were nice colors, too!! Don't answer if you find this too personal but I am curious what size pants you wear or what you weigh. Started WW last Wed. We are about the same height and I'm looking for a goal weight - other than the one they want me to have. I would feel successful if I could reach your size.


                            Rest day yesterday and the weather's beautiful right now. 70 degrees with 50% humidity. I'm off to run around 3:00 and will try to get in 4 mi. Prolly should go to speed work tonight with Mojo but there's a group meeting that talks about relationships and it is very nourishing. Hope you are all having great running weather!!

                            Mary Kay

                            2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

                            Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

                            I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  


                              Hey folks,  been AWOL for awhile.  Got a little down on myself after last race when I followed the crowd at last race when I knew it was wrong. Ended up running almost an extra half mile and 6.5 minutes slower then previous half.  Felt I should just concentrate on my training.  Anyway, last week hit 65 miles (new high) and now into the taper phase for SF marathon.  Yesterday was a recovery day (8 miles) and today was a SOS day (6 x 1 mile repeats with 1/4 mile jog).  No more runs over 10 until the marathon.


                              I'll reply to most in a later message.  But,  Fletch - nicely done on your PR!  Dan - Well, done!  2nd in AG ain't bad!  That's was a tough race and you did well!  MaryK - 1st in AG!  Congrats!






                                5.5 sweaty soupy miles around town ... still pretty muggy!!