50 and over 5k and beyond

July Runs & Workouts (Read 16 times)

    Nice day today, cooler temps again with a slight breeze keeping the humidity down, and partly cloudy.  About 62 degrees when I got out the door around 5pm.  Good run on dirt road and lake road and around neighborhood.  Finished 10.5 miles!!  YIPPEE!!  At least 10 miles is feeling like the 'norm' for me so planning on a 12 miler this weekend.  Temps have been 'nice' but it's suppose to get 'warmer' again next week.

    Ray:  Sometimes 'racing' more than training does have its drawbacks .......been there, done that.  Your muscles will thank you as you get them ready during the taper.  You'll get those 6.5 minutes back in no time, you're ready for the marathon, I know.  Is DW running in the event, HM?

    adkkev:  We've had lower temps and breezy days lately but it's still muggy, the 'cool clammy' days but it's been more tolerable during my runs.  Glad you're getting out there despite the humidity!

    Deb:  when is your HM?

    Dan:  waiting anxiously for your RR!!

    MKayc:  WTG!! CONGRATS!!

    Chantilly:  I know what you mean by higher arch insoles and cushioning, it helps me too.


      will try RR if I find time during work day. is there a way to save what you've written if you have to leave computer for a time?







        Quick post - I'll try to catch up with the happenings later.


        Dan - I've lost several posts as well.  Mine usually disappear after I hit the "post" button.  So I've started saving them before I post.  I just highlight the entire post, right click on it, and select "copy."  That copies it to my clipboard.  Then if it disappears when I hit post, I can just paste it in a new window.


        Ray - missed you here.  Forget the last one.  Like they say...water under the bridge.  You've done some good training.  Trust it.


        Joined the Freaky Fast Gang at 4:45 this morning for the speed workout.  14 total runners.  5.5 miles, warmup - timed pyramid intervals - cooldown.


        Happy running!


          mKayc Hope your speed training goes well.

          rmcj001 Too bad about getting lost, you probably would have had another great result.  I think the SF marathon is very scenic and although it is my only DNF, I really liked the route.

          az2mntrail  Nice new "normal" distance for you!  Easier when the humidity backs off.

          Fletch_NC Those speed workouts are really going to help you for your fall race.

          adkkev You and your wife have done a lot of renovations.  Inconvenient to have no shower, though....but not for long.

          justrundan Good race! Hope you have recovered well.


          12 miles on the track. Only a few seniors there and an aerobics class.

          "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

          you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

          Sonata Arctica






            Ray - Best of luck on your marathon and think great thoughts!!! That is some awesome weekly mileage!! This race will be huge so the chances of going off course are so small they do not exist. So excited for you!! Wish I could be there!! SF in the summer is the best weather! Holy hills, though.


            adkkev - Great job getting through the soup!


            Dan - I sometimes do what Fletch said, type post in RA and my copy so I know I have the text saved but more often I will compose the post in another window in a text editor like Windows that saves automatically and then cut and paste it to RA. I've had many problem days with RA.


            Fletch - Nice morning run!


            AZ - Best of luck and fun on your 12 miler!! You've been running some great miles!!


            Chantilly - 12 mi on the track? Amazing!! You must have reached some form of zen state to be able to keep at it? Do you change direction at some point? That repetitive motion was what caused my latest injury.


            Four miles on a non-technical trail last night in perfect weather but I felt like my parking brake was on and I was missing a spark plug. This morning my sinuses are stuffed. I'm wondering if maybe ramping up the number of daily runs has pushed my health too far, like the job stress had me on the edge and I've gone to the dark side; hope I'm wrong. Dosed with Emergen-C and will push through to get in four (hopefully) today.

            Strong and safe runs, all!!

            Mary Kay

            2013 Race PRs: FM - 6:30; 5k - 36:39; 10k - 1:24:06; HM -2:57:32

            Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement - Matt Biondi

            I am an extraordinary achievement - Me  


              Dances with Dirt RR


              DW and I went to packet pickup the evening before the race; held at a ski/golf resort near Devil’s Lake, but race headquarters was in a field nearby. Lots of tents set up for those who needed to be there extra early and didn’t want to pay resort prices.

              Up at 5:30 Saturday morning (ultra runners started @ 5:30) for PBJ toast and coffee to get the ‘system’ moving. Left @ 6:30 (marathon started @ 6:30) already 70 and humid. Arrived @ 7 and put on second layer of bug spray and headed for portapotties. Good thing, the line was long and I got to the starting area just as the first wave was sent out.

              I headed to the back and started in the 4th wave @ 7:37. ½ mile or so flat, then into the woods and hills started immediately. First 2 miles mostly all uphill with a few flat areas, quickly most of us in wave 4 were walking a good portion of the hills. I had decided earlier that I would walk when HR hit 160, which it did quickly on the hills. Miles 3-4 were more gentle but still lots of up/down. First aid station at 4.2 mi, took Gatorade since I figured I needed the electrolytes. I normal cannot stomach it, but it seemed weaker and watered down. Good thing!

              Miles 4-6 were again up/down, I was able to make up ground on the downhills as I let the hill speed my leg turnover; most people continued at the same pace as on flat ground. Mile 6 turned from single track, which it had been for the most part, to wide graveled area, but all uphill. We all did a lot of walking that mile, but I tried to ‘power walk’ and made up some ground even walking. We got to the second aid station around 7.5 mi, at top of bluff overlooking the valley and a small portion of Devil’s Lake. Beautiful!!! The path turned back toward the first aid station, but took a different route, longer ups and downs, some so filled with stones sticking up that you had to walk to avoid turning an ankle. Reached the aide station (same as #1) and had 4.2 mi to go. I spent a little longer there, hydrating with water and Gatorade. Also had another GU, ate one of those about every 40 minutes, and I think that was enough. I was also VERY glad I had carried a water bottle with me. It was larger and slightly inconvenient, but being able to frequently take a drink helped!

              After crossing the highway we were retracing the first 4.2 miles, and the last 2 were almost all down hill. Again, I made up lots of distance on those, as most just kept to the same pace, perhaps out of fear of losing control. I gunned ahead pretty good, and probably passed 20 people in the last 2.5 miles. When I cleared the woods and hit the last flat I had to walk for 30 seconds, then finished with a decent pace, and didn’t get passed at all. I spent 20 minutes just drinking and having a couple bananas, and finally my legs stopped wobbling nd I could stand in line for the lunch they provided. When I found out I got second in AG I went to get my prize, a nice felt blanket with “Dances With Dirt” stitched on a corner.

              I'm OK with the time, though the average pace seems glacial.  Walking all those hills takes a toll.  I need LOTS of work on the hills!

              It was fun, and I think I’ll do it again if I get the chance next year. Now that I know what it’s like I can train for the hills and the path and push the hills a little more!







                What do you know, it worked.  I typed it on word, then copied and pasted.  thanks for the advice MK and Fletch.


                AZ, you would love this trail race.  Run very well, I think, and beautiful area.  Challenging route, for the mid-west at least.


                Have a great week everyone!







                  Chantilly - 12 miles.  Sounds like the foot's feeling better!

                  Mary Kay - hope you're feeling better.  I know the "dragging" feeling.  Maybe the Emergen-C will help.  Nice job pushing through it for 4 miles.

                  Dan - great RR for Dances with Dirt!  That sounds like a really fun race, but difficult.  Given the description of the trail, I don't consider your time "glacial" at all.  You ran a great race!


                  Follow-up note on the group run Wednesday morning - we had to detour around fire trucks that were blocking a road, trying to extinguish a fire at a very popular pizza joint in our little downtown area.  I had just been in there at about 7pm Tuesday night.  Had a great pizza and a couple beers and chatted with the owner.  He has only been open about one year, but was telling me how pleased he was with the business, and how much he was enjoying running it.  Unfortunately, it caught fire about 8 hours later.  Looks to be a total loss.


                  Thunderstorms rolled through here yesterday, and really cooled things off.  It was a very pleasant 65 degrees, with low humidity, at 6:30 this morning.  My HM training plan called for 5 miles easy (10:15-10:30 pace).  But it felt so good, I ended up running 6 miles, at 9:41 pace.  First mile was warm-up, at 10:17.  Followed with 9:43, 9:48, 9:44, 9:37, and 8:57.  I was listening to the Audiobook of Unbroken, and the last mile of my run just happened to be right at the point in the book that the main character, Louis Zamperini, was running in an olympic qualifying 5,000 meter race.  Maybe I should bookmark that section, and pull it up for the last mile of my next 5k!


                  Happy Running!


                    AZ, you would love this trail race.  Run very well, I think, and beautiful area.  Challenging route, for the mid-west at least.


                    Dan:  Thanks for such a thorough and exciting RR; I could visualize the 'course' and it sounded very challenging especially the ongoing hills!!  You did a smart running plan for your first trail race.  Carrying your own hydrating bottle really helps and I am so use to wearing a Nathan hydration belt for any of my HM trail races.  Trail running is more about finishing the distance in good form and uninjured compared to speed and time as in road racing.  One gets better on ways to maneuvering difficult areas and running uphills ......I walk on the steep ones too.  Running downhills is an art IMO and using gravity is a time saver.  You did fantastic!!  WTG on the 2nd place in the AG!! WOW!!  I was wishing I was there and I will keep it in mind for 2015.  Would be awesome if you run it too!!  Maybe Deb too?  She's been wanting to try a trail race.  Deb? Anyone else? Got a WHOLE year to train!! 


                      Nice RR Dan!!  Thanks for sharing ...


                      I have walked many of the steeper uphill sections in the trail runs I've participated in ... the climb up Mt. Moosalamoo in Vermont is mostly fast walking/hiking before you have to head back down ...


                        justrundan Congratulations on a great race and interesting report. Which shoes did you end up wearing?

                        mKayc Hope you get your energy back.

                        Fletch_NC What a shame about the pizza place! Hope he has insurance.


                        10 miles on the track.

                        "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                        you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                        Sonata Arctica






                          About 81 degrees, partly sunny, 8mph breeze, NICE with 50% humidity!! What a difference that makes!! Finished 7.1 miles on the mtn bike trail, very quiet, all by myself!! YAY!! DH's birthday today!


                            Chantilly- I used my Brooks Ghost road shoes, they worked well.


                            AZ- Happy Birthday to DH!!  Next July would be great.  If anyone wants a weekend in Baraboo, DW and I can host while you train on the hills!


                            5 miles this morning, hopefully 9-10 tomorrow before I head to dealer for some maintenance on the Beemer.


                            Have a great weekend friends.






                              Chantilly- I used my Brooks Ghost road shoes, they worked well.


                              AZ- Happy Birthday to DH!!  Next July would be great.  If anyone wants a weekend in Baraboo, DW and I can host while you train on the hills!


                              5 miles this morning, hopefully 9-10 tomorrow before I head to dealer for some maintenance on the Beemer.



                              Dan:  I got the feeling that you went with your Brooks, glad it survived the trail.  You might want to invest in a good trail running shoes.  If you like Brooks and you're a 'neutral', try the Cascadia.  I love them for trail running.  Still looking for road shoes.  Bought the Mizuno which I ran in in the Relay but it has a narrow toe (causes small blisters too, on right foot) compared to the Cascadia which I am use to.  You did great on your first trail race!! Hills are always part of trail running, and single-track trails are challenging but I love the feeling of them!!  Duluth, I'm told, has good trails to run on and they do have trail races but it's about 3 hrs from here just to 'train' on hill running.  Thanks for the offer, will let you know if we are 'nearby.'  I need to get some maintenance work on my Harley as well.  We are searching for a group ride for this weekend, if any. Lots of bikers around, enjoying the less humidity and nice breeze!!   What race (s) are in the near future?

                                Fletch_NC What a shame about the pizza place! Hope he has insurance.


                                10 miles on the track.


                                Fletch:  sad news about one of your nice finds to eat ......hope he can rebuild.  I thought you had a 10k coming up?  WTG on the interval paces!!

                                Chantilly:  WOW!! 10 miles!!  Is it on a regular track?  What do you think about .....running round and round?  I'm sure there are familiar faces there so do you or do they join you ......for a 'few rounds?' LOL!!

                                Hey Deb, Rich!! How are you?

                                Adkkev:  Vermont has some good hills.  I don't ski but that comes to mind. I hope to make a trip out to the Northeast while we are living in MN.