50 and over 5k and beyond

July Runs & Workouts (Read 16 times)


    Fletch- Happy Birthday!  That is a busy weekend!  Hope your Dad is improving from the infection!  The move from home to assisted living is tough.  The one to nursing home is tougher!  My Mom actually skipped the assisted living part.


    Ran 7.4 slow miles on the Riverwalk today; took a detour near the end and got in some more hills.  That felt good.  Very humid!  After relaxing for a bit at home and having lunch, DW and I went to Parfrey's Glen, a state nature area near Devil's Lake State Park, just south of Baraboo.  Beautiful walk back into a ravine with stone sides about 50 feet high.  Nice little stream running through it.  When we got far enough back the temps were about 15 degrees cooler than at the start of the hike, because of the coolness from the rocks.   DW has come down with a cold, so she was a real trooper.  There was a small part of the trail near the parking lot that was near the beginning and end of Dances with Dirt on the 12th.  3.2 miles of hiking today.  We then drove to the Merrimac Ferry that crosses the Wisconsin River/Lake Wisconsin and enjoyed some ice cream on a hot and muggy afternoon.


    AZ, Deb- thanks for the tips on web sites.  If I can get to Madison to try on a pair of Cascadias this week I'll do that, otherwise I may just order a size 12 and return if does not fit well.


    Stay cool this week!







      5.75 very sweaty miles this evening ... the humidity has returned.  Supposed to be at its worst on Wednesday & then get much nicer for the weekend.  Hopefully we will be able to get some more canoeing in over the weekend!!


      Our bathroom remodel is moving along ... the shower isn't done yet so we have been showering at our neighbors' house.  But much of the tiling has been completed, the plumbing just about done (the toilet is hooked up, thankfully!!), floor tiling needs to be completed, wainscoting on the walls, light fixtures set up, and painting ... shower doors are scheduled to arrive on Thursday so hopefully we'll be all set by the weekend!!


        Thanks, Dan.  It's actually my father-in-law in the hospital.  He was in much better spirits yesterday, and the doc says the infection seems to be clearing.  He should be ready for transfer to a rehab facility later this week.  According to the doc, he can expect to be there minimum 4 weeks, but could be as long as 10 weeks.  After his discharge from rehab, we'll probably try to get him and his wife into an assisted living facility close to us.  Just starting that process.


        Nice job getting the miles in, adkkev.  About the same, weather wise, for us here.  Hot and humid all week, with chance of showers and thunderstorms every day.  Nicer for the weekend.


        6 miles this morning, just as the sun was coming up.  Couldn't see much of the sunrise, though, because of the fog and clouds.  Hot and humid, even at 6:15 this morning.


        Early morning speed workout tomorrow.


        Happy Running!


          Ds2 are in LA hoping to get in to see Craig Ferguson this afternoon. Probably a rest day as we'll be driving home this evening.  Current streak will end at 17 days... On phone so will keep this quick and test my memory...


          AZ - DW & DS1 will be doing marathon too - I'm just along for the ride...

          Fletch - sorry about FIL, my Dad just got out of hospital after 10 day stay. Running group sounds fun...

          Dan - RR was nice, hope you thouraly enjoyed it! Congrats again!

          Chantilly - you're so consistent! Hope the for continues to improve.

          Deb - trading sounds like it is going well, keep it up.

          Adkkev - don't know how you take the humidity (and everyone else). Nice running.


          Last week got in 50 miles - 4th week in a row of at least 50. With marathon this Sunday, will hit it again this week.



          Crazy Diamond

            Dan~Great running, buddy!  Parfrey's Glen - I adore it!  Hoping to get out to Devil's Lake this autumn for hiking and some trail running.  Hope DW gets over her cold pronto!

            AZ~I want to thank you again for suggesting Feetures socks!  I am totally hooked on them now, esp. the merino wool style.  Happy running!

            adkkev~"Test driving" the heat/humidity before sending it your way.    Nice neighbors you have there.

            Fletch~ Happy Birthday!  Prayers that FIL continues to improve and for the decisions you all have to make right now.  It 's a process as the roles reverse between parents and children.  Using a HM plan I found on Running TImes with some tweaks.  What plan are you using?

            Ray~Those 50+ miles/week are goin to serve you well on Sunday!  Run strong Ray, DW and DS1!  What's the weather prediction?


            Monday - SRD, biked 7 miles while DS2 ran.

            Tuesday - It was 78F/68% humidity at 6:20am, so I wimped out and went to the indoor track.  1 mile warm up, 6 mile fartlek, 1 mile cool down.  I can't express how thankful I was for 53-degree comfort in the building! 


            Run strong, friends!

            Quo Vadis?


              justrundan Hiking and a ferry ride sounds like a good day!

              adkkev Hope your re-model looks nice after all the work!

              Fletch_NC It is stressful dealing with the issues of aging parents/inlaws.

              rmcj001 Congratulations on your consistent high mileage.  Hope you have fun with the family on the 27th!

              gito57  Your indoor track is way cooler than mine. How's your flowers doing in the heat?


              2 days off/work.

              8 miles at 6 AM.  Then 2 hours of yard work.

              So glad to be warm and have the sun shining on me...

              "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

              you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

              Sonata Arctica







                Decided to skip my run this evening ... it's just way too humid ...


                  adkkev- this evening was brutal; I got out at 0700, still 75 & humid.  Dripping after 5 miles, glad I carried my water bottle, which I usually don't do for an hour run.  


                  AZ, Deb- you each mentioned an on line store for the shoes; are those your "go to" store for on line purchases, or do you use several.  They both looked like they had a lot to offer.  May have to bookmark them.


                  AZ- if you get our weather first, you've had some bad  humidity, but cooler and drier now?


                  Deb- relief is coming, I think.  But for you, the Pettit Center IS relief!  Take full advantage of that!


                  Chantilly- you are right, I'll take sun and warm over wind and cold any day!!


                  After last winter, I'll take the heat and humidity. 


                  Too hot/muggy to do much today.  DW if refusing to let me use the vacation to catch up on yard work.  Really trying to RELAX!!  We did enjoy some pork tenderloin and stir fry veggies on the grill, with a spinach/strawberry/yogurt salad.  YUM.


                  Tomorrow, probably bike ride on rail trail south of Madison and visit some of the small towns nearby that have quaint shops that DW would love to look at.






                    Two days rest days due to HIGH humidity/temps, didn't want to be miserable........esp. yesterday (Mon), stifling hot and mugginess that DH didn't even wanted to mow.  Severe thunderstorms moved in around 11:30 pm till after 1 am!!  Stayed up and got some incredible, loud lightening/thunder/rain on my GoPro.  Scary though as there was possible tornado.  Last one was a couple of weeks before we moved here, June 2012 so neighbors were pretty jumpy.  DH pretty much slept through it!!   I couldn't sleep until it moved to the east but could still see the lightening.

                    Today:  sunny, with humidity around 70% but it started dropping while the temp went up.  I waited to go for my run when the humidity hit about 52% and temp was around 70 degrees!!  Because of the blazing sun, I went to the state park trails to run under the shade of the trees .  Had my hydration belt with 2 bottles plus extra hand held bottle of water.  Started on 2 miles on paved bike trail, 1 mile of dirt/crushed gravel road, 7.5 miles of grassy/short hills trails, and ended back on the 2 miles paved bike trail = 12.5 miles!! YAY!!  Ran out of water around 10 miles but knew that there was a water fountain near the campgrounds, whew!!  Lots of bicycle bikers on the bike trail and hikers on the trails!

                    We were invited to a house warming event this evening.  A couple who we met a couple of months ago on our harley bike ride.  Great cook-out, music, and meeting others!  Gorgeous evening!

                      Dan:  I order my shoes from the website I gave you, www.roadrunnersports.com.  I like the free shipping.  I have yet to return any item so don't have any comment on that but the service has been positive from others.  And, yes, after the storm went through last night, today was so much less humid!!  What a difference that makes even with high temps.

                      adkkev:  It was the same here for two days, just waaaaay toooo HUMID that it was suggested to stay indoors.  The dew point was pretty high that it felt like it was in the 100 degree range!!  (per local weather)  And would be stupid to try to tough it out for a run so I didn't until today.

                      Deb:  two days in a row of running!!  YAY!!  There were a lot of bicycle biking on the paved bike trail today .......I need to incorporate that more into my 'rest day.'

                      Fletch:  HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!  DH had his on the 17th .....he doesn't get too excited about it like I do, . We will be making some decisions for our aging parents in a few more years, that will be tough.  Hope it gets better for you and your family.

                      Chantilly:  I forget where you are located, but since moving to northern MN, I'll take the 'warmer' days over the polar vortex, brrrrr!!  Good job on your early morning run!!

                      Ray:  awesome mileage on your training runs!!

                      Rich:  hope all is well.

                      NH Runner

                        I've been checking in occasionally and want to say thanks for the well wishes.


                        A few weeks ago I was feeling the sore spot on my leg and was surprised when I realized I was touching bone.    I've since come to the realization that 5 miles into the half marathon I was running, I suffered a stress fracture of the Fibula.    It's the small bone that runs down the outside of your lower leg and isn't a weight bearing bone, but serves as an anchor for two muscles that pronate your foot and help with push-off.


                        I've had running injuries that were more painful and it never entered my head that I might have cracked a bone, but I'm up to speed now and doing what I need to do to get better.   I haven't done any permanent damage, it just takes a while for a bone to heal.


                        What causes it?   Too quick a ramp up of miles, as in jumping into a half marathon training program at the 8 week mark and trying to run the paces and distances called for.   That, and being someone who runs too fast most of the time and I'm guilty on both counts.


                        Anyway, one of these days I'll show up with something good to say...


                        In the meantime, good runs all!


                          NH Runner  Good to hear from you.  At least a stress fracture will heal up....oh, the fun of getting older. I bet that wouldn't have happened if you were 30. Well wishes sent your way.

                          justrundan Your barbeque meal sounds delicious!  Touristy quaint shops are the thing to do on vacation.

                          az2mntrail The park sounds nice.


                          14 miles this morning...got a tan!

                          Construction workers were checking me out....oh, yeah, old lady's still got it...  

                          "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                          you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                          Sonata Arctica







                            Now I have a double post, instead of losing my post. 

                            "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                            you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                            Sonata Arctica







                              Ray - nice job on the string of 50 mile weeks.  Have a great race this weekend!

                              Debra - good speedwork on the track.  I'm doing a 16 week HM plan from Jeff Gaudette, through the RunKeeper app.  I've modified it a little as well.

                              adkkev - hang in there.  Heat and humidity's gotta break at some point.

                              Dan - kudos to DW for encouraging the more restful and enjoyable use of your vacation! Enjoy the bike ride and the small town exploring!

                              Az - nice trail run!  Happy belated birthday to DH.

                              Rich - good to hear from you.  Stress fracture's not good, but that's better than not knowing what was causing the pain.  Now you know how to treat it and get back to normal.  Keep checking in.

                              Chantilly - nice running.  "old lady" - MY FOOT!  I'm betting you're in better shape than the construction workers checking you out, by far!


                              Thanks for all the well-wishes concerning my FIL.  He was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and we had him transported two hours by ambulance to a rehab facility here in our town.  DW's brother lives here as well, so we really wanted him closer.  Unfortunately, it looks like they may have jumped the gun in releasing him.  The medicine he is on for the infection has caused a severe, painful rash.  The doctor at re-hab checked him today, and has now re-admitted him to the hospital.  The up-side is that they should be able to deal with the infection and the rash better at the hospital than at rehab.  Really stressful, but at least running helps me deal with it.  I don't know how DW is doing it.


                              Joined 16 others in the Freaky Fast Gang for our Wednesday speed drills at 4:45 this morning.  Today was hard on even the experienced runners.  At 5:00am, it was 70 degrees, with 90% humidity.  Felt like swimming rather than running.  5 miles total, using our regular timed pyramid interval format.


                              Happy Running!


                                5.25 miles this evening after the rain stopped ... still a little muggy but the temperature sure was nice!  I left work @ 4pm and it was 90 degrees & it was down to 68 degrees by the time I stepped into the street to run.  Amazing what a cold front will do!!


                                Wow, Rich, sorry to hear about the stress fracture!!  Just take your time & let things heal ...

                                Fletch .. hope things work out for your FIL ... my Dad is 94+ & despite an arthritic knee & some macular degeneration, he's still doing pretty well.  Still has his driver's license & car but fortunately is driving less & less (goes only to the grocery store & back), my sister & I think that he's finally recognizing that his reflexes and sight just aren't what they used to be.

                                Chantilly - 14 miles AND a tan??  nice ...

                                Ray - nice miles ... best wishes on the upcoming marathon!!

                                Debra - nice to have an indoor track to run on when the heat/humidity is up there!!

                                Dan - keep enjoying that vacation!!

                                Az - nice trail run!!


                                Happy Batman Day!!