50 and over 5k and beyond

July Runs & Workouts (Read 16 times)


    Debra - 72/59f are predicted, a bit warm for my tastes. Must be nice on the indoor track when the weather is bad.

    Az - some nice workouts, the trails sound nice.  Happy B'day to DH.

    Dan - vacation time to relax, what a concept! Nice grilling! Enjoy!

    Fletch - the early morning speed workout sounds fun in a group-- maybe not so fun by oneself.

    Rich - that's a tough break! Heal quickly, but do it wisely.  Good luck!

    Chantilly - construction workers, good for the ego - who knew? Keeping the miles up, even better.

    Adkkev - that's a big temp drop, had to feel good.


    One bit of speed work today, 7.6 mile progressive run. Cooler then usual, only 81f.




      adkkev - nice run.  Glad you got the cold front to make it a little more bearable.

      Ray - nice progressive run.  Yes, the speed work is much more fun with the group.  Keeps me honest, too.  They're supportive, but there's also a lot of ragging and needling over the course of the workout.  And it continues during the day, on the GroupMe app we use to keep in touch and communicate about activities.  Wide range of endurance athletes in the group...several regular marathoners, some social runners, and a few triathletes.


      Slow 5 mile run this morning.  75 degrees, 90% humidity at 6:30am.  Glad I got it done this morning, though.  80% chance of thunderstorms this evening.  Hope it cools things off.


      Happy Running!


        rmcj001 Did you ever get any rain there?

        Fletch_NC Group runs are great when they fit into your schedule. I wish my group met @ 4-5am, instead of 5 pm.

        adkkev That's quite a temp. drop!


        Cooler and windy, storm is expected.

        7 miles plus weights.

        "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

        you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

        Sonata Arctica






          Wed:  Finally got a 45 min. mtn bike ride while DH walked (fast walker) and our dog, Odie, hesitant about the horses nearby.

          Today (TH):  Temp around 65 degrees, 75% humidity this morning but humidity predicted to drop each hour so decided to run the Movil Maze mtn bike trail and enjoy the slight breeze under the shade of the trees.  Could feel less humidity after an hour as the breeze felt much 'cooler' ..... Finished 8.5 miles!! YAY!!    About 4 mtn bikers and a family of hikers along the way.  Got home and pulled weeds in my garden.  Isolated T-storms predicted later this evening.  We are leaving for Mankato to volunteer for the annual 'Mission of Mercy', providing free dental services for anyone in need.  It was held here last year.  Hope to get a run in.

          Fletch:  There's always at least 'one' person who starts the 'ragging' ...... and usually the one who has all the excuses after a race.  I miss the all female trail runners who I run with when I'm in AZ, they are so supportive, fun and everyone leaves their egos at home.  What's even cooler is their husbands/boyfriends run on their own and/or meet us after with drinks/snacks after our runs.

          Chantilly:  I did what you did after my run: 2 hrs pulling weeds; all that bending helps in stretching I think. 

          Ray: Good luck this weekend!!

          Rich:  Bummer on the injury .  I often think about that when I get all gung-ho on my runs too and it's tough to hold back sometimes.  Did you get the diagnosis from a doc?  How long for the healing?  Wishing you a speedy recovery!


            Fletch:  There's always at least 'one' person who starts the 'ragging' ...... and usually the one who has all the excuses after a race. 


            Didn't mean to sound like they are a tough group.  They are very supportive and encouraging, especially to the newbies.  The ragging is usually more related to something someone's wearing, or something they said, etc.  Like your ladies' group, there's no ego involved.  Just a bunch of runners, male and female, young and old, slow and fast...running down the middle of the street in the middle of the night!


              Fletch - 25 years ago used to run with company group at lunch times (intervals), not quite the same but yes groups can be nice.

              Chantilly - We've gotten a couple of showers this summer, but nothing is going to break the drought this summer. It is pretty unusual to get rain during the summer.  Hopefully this next rainy season will be wetter.  Until then, it's cross your fingers and hope that enough people conserve water.

              adkkev - DW decided to get me a new toilet for my BD, just installed a 1gpf Toto with a bidet seat.  Replaced an old 5gpf toilet.  Had to wire in a new circuit, still need to put everything back together to finish it up.  Things always take longer then you think.

              Az - Sounds like a good ride with Odie & DH and better run.


              Good 7.5 mile run yesterday, but you could tell heat was coming - warmed up to 85F for run and it 89F a bit later.  Today got final run in before Sunday, 5.4 miles temp only 92F.  High today in SF was 84F, prediction is for a high of 74F on Sunday.  Can't control the weather so it will be a do the best you can with the conditions.  We'll see what happens.




                6.25 easy miles on the nature trail ... in a few spots it was like running in a green tunnel!!  Humidity is gone, at least for a couple days.


                Bathroom remodel is almost complete ... just some minor touch-ups & re-finishing of the door.  So nice to be able to take a shower in our own house again!!

                Crazy Diamond

                  Hello friends!


                  Down for a couple days with a stomach virus, or as my dear dad refers to it, "summer complaint"  DS2 dealing with it now.   Got out for an easy 6.5 this morning, with DH on his bike.  Muggy, but cool. Lots of cycle group today.  Had a unsettling encounter with 2 unleashed Dobermans.  Dog owner had leashes hanging around his neck - what's up with that!  The path is highly traveled by walkers, runners, dog walkers and cyclists.  The dogs need to be leashed!  DH kindly suggests that the path is busy today, maybe time to leash the dogs.  Dog owner shrugs his shoulders, and tells us both of the dogs are "good dogs".  Sorry, they were not Zeus and Apollo!


                  Ray~I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  Run strong!

                  Quo Vadis?


                    az2mntrail It's good that Odie is leery of the horses, they can have a mean kick if dogs run up to them. Did you get the thunderstorm?  We had one with a power failure for about an hour on Thursday. West of us was worse off with large hail.

                    rmcj001 We had more rain today.  Wish I could send you some. Good luck tomorrow!

                    Fletch_NC Hard to run in that humidity.

                    adkkev Nice that your remodel didn't take very long.

                    gito57 Hope you feel better!  Some dog owners need to get a clue! 


                    work/rest yesterday

                    13 miles on the track due to more rain here.

                    "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                    you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                    Sonata Arctica







                      10 miles on the track.

                      Need to get up to 18-20 miles once a week, for a Sept. marathon, but my mind isn't really into it. Still fiddling around with this neuroma pain.

                      "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                      you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                      Sonata Arctica







                        Nice miles Chantilly!!


                        5.35 miles on the nature trail this afternoon ... dew point in the mid-70s, temp in the low 80s, thankfully the nature trail is well shaded & there was a bit of a breeze.


                          Deb- glad you are feeling better!  Those stomach things can lay you low for a while.  Re: "nice dogs"- the nicest dogs are those that are controlled on a short leash!  It amazes me when people walk along with the dogs running around, off leash, when there are signs about having them on leash.  I've never had any concerns on the Riverwalk, but I do see a fair number of dogs.  2 Dobermans off leash would stop me in my tracks!

                          Still thinking about the Brewer HM.


                          Ray- looking forward to the RR!


                          Chantilly- you are so disciplined with that track, way to go.  What marathon are you aiming for this fall?


                          AZ- props to you and DH for your work with the Mission of Mercy!  I have a fair number of younger patients who are 'underemployed' and cannot afford dental work.  Way to go.  Nice miles this past week.


                          adkkev- Yes, shade is so nice when running in the afternoon; I don't normally, but went out about noon today!


                          The week off was good for my mileage. I hit a new high of 38 miles, a lot for me, and way more than I've done recently.  I'll need to cut back some this next week.  Some of it was walking/hiking with DH in the state parks we visited.  We also biked 19 miles on the Badger State trail south of Madison, in addition to the running.  I took the Cascadias out for a spin on a trail at a local state park.  Quite easy, which was good since my legs were feeling kind of dead.  The shoes felt fine. 


                          Have a great week friends.






                            DH and I made the LONG drive to Mankato on Friday.  I didn't sleep well at all; hotel bed was very hard and our room was close to a busy street downtown.  Kinda in a daze Saturday but the volunteering lasted till around 4pm Saturday for us, just so many people in need for dental care especially kids.  DH decided to drive to and stay the night in Minneapolis.  We went out to dinner at a jazz club downtown. Disappointed with the music group, not our preference so we left after 20 minutes , food was OVERpriced.  We sat next to some 'regulars' who told us that they don't order food or drinks because of that, they just drink coffee.  We walked around downtown, had dessert and coffee at a nicer place; Twins game ended so alot of people out enjoying the nice evening.  All I wanted to do was go to bed, I was exhausted.  Needless to say, I didn't get to run at all but it would not have been pretty .  Slept so much better in this hotel.  Our drive home was nice, cloudy, cool and some rain here and there.  Stopped for groceries and got home around 6 pm.  The temp was around 65, but humidity around 80%, slight breeze, overcast and I just got my butt out there and finally ran, just 6.5 miles but it felt great!! Good way to start the week.

                              Dan:  Glad the new kicks are working out for you.  Cascadias seem to be one of the few shoes that really don't need to be 'broken in' from the beginning, that's in many of the reviews and what makes it one of the better trail shoes each year.  I don't think one should have to make time to break in a new pair of running shoes anyway.  WOW!! Great miles you put in!!

                              Deb:  Sounds like the stomach thing didn't keep you down too long, being healthy really has its advantages!  It scares the hell out of me when dogs run loose.  One can't predict how any dog will react to anyone; glad you're both okay.  You're putting in some good mileage too!!

                              Ray:  I know you did awesome!  RR?

                              adkkev:  sounds like we have similar weather conditions, so glad we have tons of trees around for shade along the state park trails, it really makes a difference with the high temps.

                              Fletch:  as you may have read, had about the same %humidity here .......ANY breeze helps.  Tough for me to breathe in the high humidity.

                              Chantilly:  Amazing miles you have going there!! Sept is sneaking up on you. But I know what you mean when you're dealing with neuroma issues.

                              Rich:  hope you're doing well.


                                Quick check-in.  Miserable weekend for DW and I dealing with hospitals and skilled nursing facilities concerning her father.  Still having to deal with it today, and probably for the next few days.


                                12.5 miles total over the past 3 days.  I need 17 miles over the next 3 days for my first 100 mile month.  Determined to get it, even with all the other stuff going on.


                                Nice running, everyone.  I'll catch up on the happenings later.  Ray - looking forward to the race report.  Hope it went well.