50 and over 5k and beyond

July Runs & Workouts (Read 16 times)


    justrundan congratulations on the new high mileage! Sounds great hiking in the parks.

    It is a local marathon. My 14th year participating in the HM or Full.

    az2mntrail Good for you volunteering. Sounds like you enjoyed your stay in Minneapolis, such a nice town.

    Fletch_NC I know it is hard to arrange all these things for a senior.  Sending good wishes to you and your wife.  Good luck on reaching your goal for the month!


    12 miles on the track.

    13 minutes stationary bike

    1 mile recovery run

    1 mile walk.

    "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

    you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

    Sonata Arctica






      Not much change in temp or humidity today from yesterday; about 68 degrees, 80% humidity, 5mph, overcast; ran dirt road and paved road, finished 10 great progressive miles!! Smile

      Fletch:  sorry about the anxiety and stress but I'm sure you both are managing the best you can; take care of you and DW.

      Chantilly:  what's the 'local' marathon?  How are you dealing with the neuroma issue?

      Dan:  how big is the park?  Are you wearing your cascadias on your hikes?  DW probably would appreciate a pair, LOL!!


        adkkev - nice trail runs.  Glad to hear the remodel is nearing completion.

        Debra - sounds like an enjoyable, easy run w/ DH on the bike - except for the doberman part!

        Chantilly - nice mileage.  14 years participating in your local marathon/HM...WTG!  Hope the neuroma clears soon.

        Dan - sounds like you had a great week off!  Nice miles!

        Az - kudos to you and DH for your work with Missions of Mercy.  Nice progressive run.


        Finally got a bit of a weather break.  This morning - 68 degrees, 73% humidity - much better than it has been.  6 miles this morning - first 1.5 and last 1.5 at easy, 10:30 pace.  Pushed harder on the middle 3 miles - 8:45 pace.


        Off to visit FIL, then to the local community college for some placement testing (more on that later).  DW and I will be going to the opening parade this evening for the US Kids Golf World Championships, being played this week here.  Over 1,400 kids, aged 5-12, competing at courses all around the area.  It was humbling enough watching 11 year old Lucy LI play in the US Women's Open a few weeks ago.  Now I get to watch 7 and 8 year old kids play the game WAY better than I can ever hope to!  


        Happy Running!


          San Francisco Marathon Race Report 7/27/2014

          We tried something different this year, we signed up for parking ahead of time to guarantee our spot. Our parking lot was about a mile from the race start and as usual we were running a bit behind. Fortunately traffic wasn't bad at 5AM and the instructions on how to get to the lot were clear. It was semi-valet parking, so gave the attendant the key and grabbed our clear check bags and started jogging to the start. Wave 2 was starting as we checked our bags (we were in wave 3) and we scrambled through the fences to join our wave. DS1 and I got separated as I tried to find the 3:35 pacers. Located the 3:55 pacer midway through the wave and then spotted a cluster of pacers near the start???? I had checked my glasses so couldn't read the small signs. Wave started and it took 30-45 seconds to cross the start. Tried to stay contained and work slowly at catching up to the pacers. Fortunately, things weren't expected to be as warm as on Friday and temp was around 60F at the start and overcast. Around mile 3 caught one of the 3:55 pacers. At mile 5 I caught up to the 3:40 pacers. Asked one of them how we were doing on time and he said we were doing fine and then looks at his watch and says "we're a little ahead". We then started the climb to the bridge, the pacers made it look easy and I was conentrating on little steps. About the middle of the bridge I pass the pacers and was steadily picking off runners, you could also feel a bit of the fog at this point and it was nice. As, we got over the bridge and went through the turn around I grabbed some chomps, they turned out to be pomergranite and I tossed them since I can't eat them, but I was past the food at that point and the gatorade, but got a bit of water. The pacers passed me while I was getting water and so as we hit mile 8 I was right behind them. Hit a pretty good head wind on second half of the bridge while passing the pacers. At this point I was still hoping to catch up to the 3:35 pacers. After the bridge is another longish uphill and the 3:40 pacers went by me again. I opened up on the downhill section and passed them again. Felt pretty good at this point and we entered Golden Gate Park. We split off from the first half runners and hit the halfway point in a nice 1:47 (right where I wanted to be). Since, I didn't eat at the turnaround, I was grabbing gatorade at every aide station. Between mile 14-15 got a piece of banana as we went by the first half finish. We made a turn to go around Stowe Lake and think this is where the 3:40 pacers passed me (2 hours in). I knew things were going south quickly and was mad at myself for not bringing some Gu with me to fuel on. At this point I'm just saying to myself, stay ahead of the next pacers and try to stay with the current ones. Some where around mile 19 the 3:45 pacers catch me and now I'm thinking how slow can I go and stay ahead of the 3:50 pacers, except my mind isn't working and I can't do more then whole numbers. At 3 hours, I'm at 21.5 miles and I'm thinking it's going to be close on staying ahead of 3:50. This is about the furtherst I've ever run in my life and thoughts are you can do this, just go a little slower. We going up and down rolling hills and they're shuttling a people through alternate routes so traffic and get through. The uphills are hard, but the downhills are worse 'cuz the muscles in my feet are toast. At mile 24 I feel incredibly slow and then the 2nd half leader goes by. Now I feel even slower. Normally I'm energized by faster runners going by, but not this day. Hit the last aide station and the gatorade is water, take 2 and walk through as I drink - I see a guy throwing up into a trash can. We go buy AT&T Park and I can see the Bay Bridge. A mile to go, at I'm at what I think is just slightly faster then my fast walking pace (I'm wrong). Nearing mile 26 the first 2nd half woman goes by, she's moving fast. I'm trying to speed up, but I've got nothing left. I can hear the announcer telling people to cheer for the winner of the women's 2nd half. Still people are going by and I'm just trudging slowly along. I cross the first sensor and the announcer welcomes me back and then finally the finish line. I immediately start walking and my legs almost buckle look at my watch and it says 26.53 miles in 3:53:43. Grabbed a box(?) of water, blanket, muffin, banana and coconut water. Located a curb and sat down. Finished off the water and half the muffin, felt just incredibly tired. I lay back and almost immediately dozed off. Next thing I know a race official is tapping me on the shoulder, "are you okay?" - I reply, "I'm fine, thanks". There's still some muffin in my mouth and I swallow it and go back to sleep. I wake up 5 minutes later and DS1 is there sitting next to me! After a couple of minutes sitting there we decide to get our bags. While getting bags we hear them announce wife's name and slowly make our way back to the finish. Wife calls, we joined up and started the long walk back to the car...


          Official time 3:53:39, overall 1255/6585, men 1037/4287, 55-59AG 31/228, Age grade 62.49% 577/6585, pace 8:54/mi
          Fitbit says ~45,000 steps, 118 floors


          Notes: By the time you feel hunger or thirst it's too late. Wasn't ever thirsty, but boy was I hungry. Did get a strawberry/banana gel between mile 17 and 18 - too late to be of any real help. Per mile pace at mile 24 10:01, mile 25 10:22, mile 26 10:58, last 1/2 mile 10:41...Need to work on the fueling thing...


          Overall accomplished 2 goals, no real walking (just last aide station) and set new PR - so a good day.




            Thanks for the report Ray!!  Sounds like you had quite an experience ... and congrats!!!


            6.5 miles for me this evening on the Erie CanalWay trail.  Very beautiful evening for running.


              adkkev - sounds like we both are lucky with the weather this week.  Gorgeous here as well.  Nice run.

              Ray - Great RR.  Your detailed description puts us right there with you.  Sounds like a beautiful route.  Great job!  Congrats on the PR!


              19 runners showed up at 4:45 this morning for the group speed work.  65 degrees and low humidity (or at least lower than it has been).  Total 5 miles, middle 3 as timed pyramid intervals.  This was my fourth week running with this group.  Each week, I'm able to stay a little closer to the front of the pack.  6 miles tomorrow morning will make July my first 100 mile month!

              Happy Running!

                Ray:  WTG!! Awesome finish time, sub 4 hr!!  CONGRATS on the PR, you did great on placing in your AG despite the last few exhausting tough miles.  If you never ran more than 20 miles a few times, it's difficult to ascertain how and when your body needs fueling.  Been there, done that. Any distance more than 12 miles, I'm carrying food especially when I have to deal with high temps.  I can feel it when my sugar drops.  Experiencing hunger issues is very different from hydration issues.  Been there, done that.  Even though we are 'experienced' runners, we still make mistakes; I know I do no matter the distance (Jan. trail race in AZ for example).  I carry extra hammer gels with me now......just in case.  I do try to keep the use of gels to a minimum but they do come in handy IF you take them before experiencing energy loss, as it can just deplete you physically and mentally.  Do you think you started out too fast b/c you were trying to catch your pacer group?  I'm glad you made it to the finish upright and then hydrated, ate and laid down asap.  HAPPY that you accomplished your goals too.  Again, CONGRATS!!  Thanks for the great RR!!  Was cheering you on!!  And kudos to DS and DW!!  How did they do?  How was their experience?

                  So far, I've run Mon., Tues.  But yesterday, decided to bike and run.  Took my mtn bike and rode for about 20 minutes, then ran 3.1 miles, got back on bike and rode another 20 minutes.  Dirt road with sandy portions.  Trying to incorporate mtn bike riding into my training plan.  I prefer to do some running in addition to mtn bike riding.  Temps have been cooler in the evenings (60s), still muggy (70-85% humidity) though but the slight breeze helps.  Rest day today.

                    Oh, question:  DH and I will be in Philadelphia 3-7 Sept.  Found 10k (or was it a HM too) race in downtown Philly, no matter, cuz it's 'sold out'......bummer!!  Lots of 5ks which I don't prefer to run in.  Need to stay closer to downtown, is there a trail to run you would suggest?  Been there before but it's been a few years.


                      5.25 miles around town on Wednesday evening ... another beautiful evening for running.


                        adkkev - nice run.  Ditto the beautiful weather.

                        Az - nice training - running and biking.  Can't help much on Philly.  Long ways from North Carolina.  Good luck finding a trail.


                        Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for FIL.  He had a really good day yesterday.  If he can continue progressing, and working hard in rehab, the chances are better for being able to move him to either independant living or assisted care by the middle of August.


                        8 miles around town this morning.  Finished July at 102 miles!  My first 100 mile month.


                        Happy Running!


                          az2mntrail Nice mix-up of workouts, there.

                          rmcj001 Congratulations on your PR! Sounds like you gave everything you had! That's a hard course to PR on. Race report was very interesting.

                          adkkev Nice that the weather has improved for your evening runs.

                          Fletch_NC The way you are going at these group runs.....I think you will have a good HM in the fall. Congratulations on your 102 MPM! Nice to hear that FIL is coming along.


                          3 miles yesterday

                          13 miles today.  Still on the track.  It is easier on my foot.

                          "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                          you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                          Sonata Arctica






                            Finished month of July with a 12.1 mile trail run on the Movil Maze mtn bike trail.  Tough but I made it!!  Temp was around 78 degrees, about 52% humidity which really helped, and the occasional 8 mph breeze through the trees.  Took 1 minute walk break each time I made it back to the parking lot and re-applied the repellent and hydrated; mosquitoes felt like they were following me the last 4 miles!    July miles totaled 139.1.  I hope to bike and do a recovery run tomorrow, rest Sat. and meeting with another trail runner on Sunday.  County Fair and 'Dragon Boat' festival (rowing, kinda like 'crewing', races on lake) will be making this town a happening place for the weekend! 


                              AZ- great job on the monthly miles!!  Way to go.  Glad you are finding more trail areas to run!  I've only been to Philly once, and wasn't a runner back then, so I'm no help either.


                              Chantilly- hope that foot heals soon!


                              Fletch- glad to hear FIL is coming along.  Nice new PB on the monthly miles!  And nice you are seeing progress in the speed group. That will pay big dividends on your next 5K.


                              Ray- great RR and even better race!  Sub-4, you da man!!  And not on an easy course.  You deserve a nice rest.  LOL re: falling asleep with muffin still in your mouth. 


                              adkkev- yes, the weather has been great here for running also.


                              4.5 mi Monday, 4.9 today with fartleks.  took T&W off since last week was much longer than usual for me.  110 miles this month for me.  Hope to get in 10-12 tomorrow morning on my 'day off',  (before I finish charts and check on some inpatients!)


                              Have a great weekend all.







                                Chantilly - You're racking up some nice miles - even if they are on the track.  I don't think I could do it, so more power to you.  Hope the foot feels better - get some shoes with wide toe boxes.  Good luck!

                                Az - nice total for the month, a little better for running?  DW finished in 4:36+, DS1 in 4:09+, given their training they were both happy with their times.

                                adkkev - Sounds like the weather is better and you mileage is getting back up there.  Sounds nice and the bathroom is done! Gotta like that!

                                Fletch - Congrats on the 100 mile month!  Gotta make note and take pride in those milestones!  Keep it up!

                                Dan - Another 100 mile month!  Awesome.  Catching up with the pace bunny to get  that 1200m for the year?  You'll do it.


                                Monday, 7/28, 4.1 mile walk to keep the legs loose.

                                Tuesday, 7/29, legs were a bit tight and was doing a nice 6 mile easy easy run, but left calf decided it had enough at 4.7 in 44:39.  2.1 mile walk back to work.

                                Wednesday, 7/30, 2 mile walk.

                                Thursday, 7/31, 5 mile walk at lunch - calf is still tight but massage and rolling is helping.  2.4 in 22:24 on treadmill in the evening to get me to a nice prime number for the month - 223.
