50 and over 5k and beyond


August - Run in the sun, pray for some shade (Read 30 times)

    Led: good to hear from you  I’m sure you’ll do super in the 10k in Alaska, great destination race location! Those short distances are a benefit in the long run (pun intended) but I get what you mean. Badwater 135 is utterly demanding and I have high respect for those who run it. I met a couple of local runners who finished it in prior years. Wow!! 

    So anyone watched the World Athletics Championships?? Oh my goodness, they are incredible!! A good insight to who may be in the upcoming Olympics. 
    I was following UTMB live stream. Another phenomenal Ultra race. The Super Bowl of ultra trail running. Top 10 are amazing but those who finish are equally impressive, just wow!!

      My last run was Tuesday, 9 miles. It was cool and breezy and I forgot to wear a buff to cover my ears. I’ve mentioned over the years that my ears are pretty sensitive to wind especially and cool temps. It got chilly towards the end and I should have changed my top and covered my ears at least by the time I got home. But nope ……. I was hungry so ate first, then took a warm shower. By Wednesday morning, I could feel an ache  ……my right ear and jaw. No fever. My throat feels sore, runny nose and sneezing all day, UGH!!! Took COVID home test, negative. But wore mask when DH was around but he was working all day. Just took it easy all day. Hoped it would pass by Thursday so I could run with the trail divas …….. but that didn’t happen. Just felt rundown ….. stayed hydrated, gargled with warm salt water, took couple of short naps (a rare occurrence for me), and ate pasta broth soup. Yesterday, same symptoms. Went to clinic for another COVID test, negative. Diagnosed as summer head cold. Took it easy again, resting between housework and organizing office stuff. Raining off and on all day, much cooler and breezy. Very nice, perfect for a run ……. but I didn’t. 
      And, another sad news, my aunt’s DH passed away this afternoon. 
      Today: feel a little better. Ear and jaw less achy but just snot congested. I don’t take any medication, just let my body heal itself. Rest of body feels ok. But decided against running with the group this morning. Don’t want to risk a relapse. 
      Still wearing a mask around DH. Did order a new fridge online on Wednesday. It will be delivered/installed this afternoon. And, my youngest sister/BIL will be visiting this evening and staying the night. They are on their way to Phoenix tomorrow. It’ll be nice to see them. And, my uncle (mother’s brother) was admitted into hospital this morning. 
      Another cool cloudy day with predicted thunderstorms.

        Altair: nice hill runs. Legs will strengthen and flat roads will be a breeze. Salt mines?? Interesting. Pigs on a plant-based diet …… just sounded funny, ha! Pretty bright yellow flowers though. Scary …. running on road but you’re getting popular, LOL! Stay safe. 

        Wishing everyone a safe and fun weekend!! 

        Art in AZ

          Wednesday morning did 5 miles.
          Thursday morning just 2 miles because I had an early work appointment.
          Friday was 4.4 miles with exercises.
          Saturday morning did 5.2 miles.
          Sunday morning was a bagel run. Total of 17 miles. Then headed out to to one of the grandsons again before he heads back to school in Utah.

          Recent mornings have been nice with the temps in the mid 80s. Couple of overcast days were a nice change but we're back to clear sunny skies again with the temps climbing up also.

          AZ - I wanted to see the blue moon but forgot about it. Though during my morning runs I can see the moon in the sky. You got a good life out of your fridge. When we got our new one early this year we ended up with a LG french door unit. It is nice and has been working fine. Not to see how long it will last. We usually get together with family at least once a month. Sometimes for a birthday but usually just because. Some nice mountain runs there. Hope you feel better soon. I see from the news that you're getting rain up there. Nothing really down here.

          Altair - I can manage without water with the runs I'm getting in now. If I was going to go longer I would be bringing some ice water with me. Though there have been some days when I needed to stop at the fountains during my runs. We slowly improve now but when we notice it, it's a good feeling like we are getting somewhere. I saw the pic with the apples on the ground and then the horses behind what looks like the same fence and I thought of them asking for you to kick some over to them.

          Led - Doing a virtual race gets the job done but doesn't feed the competitive spirit too much. When I did one it was just to get it in and plan for the next one. All the AI sites come up with some pretty interesting stuff. It can make for an entertaining time.

          Art in AZ

          Mesa, AZ
