50 and over 5k and beyond


May 2016 runs and workouts (Read 8 times)

    Art:  had a couple of friends who made the trip to and ran the RnR Las Vegas HM a few years ago.  It's pretty much all lit up except for a couple of areas where it was hard to see the uneven pavement and they saw some runners fall.  I only ran RnR a couple of times and like you, not much for crowds/ridiculous registration fees.  Trail races are more low-keyed and usually have a connection to environmental 'green' projects.  Many are cupless events.  Anyway, Dec is usually a good month to check out LV.  Does he usually need you along on races?


    Sunny but pretty windy today.  15-30mph wind. Met walking/biking friend at state park about 8am, it was around 50 degrees, NICE!! She biked the lake loop, about 17 miles, we kept in touch by texting ..........which kinda messed up my running as I'm not use to phone msgs or calls. But she was understandable and left when she was done, I was still running.  She just wanted to have someone to be accountable to, and I'm glad I started my run an hour earlier than I would have if I didn't have to meet her.  So it was good both ways.  The paved bike trail is mostly FLAT but after 3 miles, got bored.  So ran the dirt/grassy trails till I reached 9 miles, they took 'longer' but my feet were happy.  Damn Garmin had 'low battery' around 8 miles, it was fully charged when I started. ugh!!  But it held on as I finished 12.3 miles!!! YIPPEE!! 


      Friday - 4.5 running miles on a combination of the rail trail & the nature trail under cloudy skies & off/on sprinkles.  Only saw one other person today and he was walking the rail trail.


      Saturday - yard work day ... went to several greenhouses to buy flowers and veggie plants for our yard & veggie garden.  The Amish nearby have some nice greenhouses with very reasonable prices so that's where we bought a good portion of our plants.  We're trying raised veggie garden beds this year so I built a couple simple boxes for our experiment - if all goes well I'll replace the boxes in a year or two with more insect & weather resistant wood.  Need a couple more bags of garden soil and then we'll be ready to plant.


      Art - the two trails (rail/bike and nature) parallel each other most of the way and there are a couple spots where you can cross over from one to the other.  I've been running on both lately, just to break things up a bit.  The rail/bike trail is paved and is more exposed than the nature trail that goes through the woods & has a tree canopy for much of the way.  I find the nature trail to be more comfortable to run on.

        Friday - 4.5 running miles on a combination of the rail trail & the nature trail under cloudy skies & off/on sprinkles.  Only saw one other person today and he was walking the rail trail.


        Saturday - yard work day ... went to several greenhouses to buy flowers and veggie plants for our yard & veggie garden.  The Amish nearby have some nice greenhouses with very reasonable prices so that's where we bought a good portion of our plants.  We're trying raised veggie garden beds this year so I built a couple simple boxes for our experiment - if all goes well I'll replace the boxes in a year or two with more insect & weather resistant wood.  Need a couple more bags of garden soil and then we'll be ready to plant.


        adkkev:  there are a few Amish around our area too but I haven't checked out their planting of crops, etc.  They do offer sale of the garden by products later in the season.  I need to check out their 'greenhouse' like you mention.  I'm interested on your veggie garden beds ........but not sure if it will be worth as we are hoping to relocate back to the SW in a year.  I've planted herbs in small pots so far but many people have planted potatoes, etc in their gardens ..............too 'early' for tomatoes they say ...........don't have a clue but abiding their advice.  BTW:  wanted to ask what is the 'biggest' race in your area?  road and trail?

        Art in AZ

          5 miles Saturday morning before going to a couple of ball games for the grandkids. This is getting busy now. Two granddaughters in girls and two grandsons in boys.


          Just exercise this morning as we headed out to a movie, Capt. America-Civil War, and then a Mother's Day lunch. Movie was good and I enjoyed it.


          AZ - Nice run for you. I hear you on the races. I have done a few trail races and enjoyed them. Aravaipa Running doesn't have any nearby daytime races until fall. Everything now for a while is at night time. Brother-in-law usually goes to races with me. Something like the RnR would be a family event where we spend a few days.


          adkkev - Thanks for the explanation. It's what I kinda thought. The nature trail would be my choice also.

          Art in AZ

          Mesa, AZ


            Art- fun times with the grandkids!  Who wouldn't skip a run for that!

            AZ- nice long run for you!

            adkkev- we have quite a few Amish in the western part of the county. We've visited their greenhouses a few time but we have good one at our farmers market as well.


            8.3 on Devil's Lake Trail Friday; left hip/butt sore rest of day, but better since. 3 mi hike on same trail with DW today.

            Great Mother's Day weekend with kids & spouses.


            Have great weeks.






            Art in AZ

              12 miles this morning just because I didn't get the run in Sunday. Nice morning for a run. Still sunny and cool until later this week when it heats up again. Looks like this weekend I will be recycling some of the winter plants in the garden. Some are not producing like I thought and some are starting to show fatigue or something. Oh well, it was an experiment planting these later than usual.


              Dan - Did you run part of the DWD trail? Nice to have the trail so close to train on.

              Art in AZ

              Mesa, AZ


                Sunday - short walk on the nature trail with my wife after a fun day at the movies (Captain America) and dinner at our son's house.

                Monday - 5+ miles on a loop of the nature trail & rail trail.  Saw one other runner and one walker.  It was sunny but pretty breezy so that made it a bit on the cool side (for May).


                  Tuesday - 5 miles on a nature trail/rail trail loop.  Nice & sunny, warm too!!

                  Wednesday - no run, we went to see "Once" at the theater in Schenectady.

                    Happy Thursday everyone!

                    Sat: long run, 12.3

                    Sun and Mon: rest days

                    Tuesday:  Another rainy and windy day.  Cloudy.  About 49 degrees.  Drove to state park to run on paved bike trail; the dirt trails are muddy/slippery.  Only a couple of walkers and a lone cyclist.  NICE! Set Garmin to 8 min run/30 sec walk break.  Steady pace in the light rain with crosswind.  About 5 miles, Garmin had "low battery!!"  Really?!? ugh!!   I charged the darn thing for two days!!  It was fully charged when I started.  So at 6 miles, I 'saved' info just in case. Reset.  Got in 2.2 miles more, finished 8.2 miles, 'saved' it but all the info disappeared and battery died!! ugh!! So I'm looking and reading reviews on different running watches.  My first one was the Garmin 305, lasted over 4 yrs, pretty heavy but had all the bells/whistles that I don't need for MN running.  The one I have is the most basic, Garmin 10, very light and I use it as a watch as well which lasts for days. The activity mode lasts only a couple of hours, if any now.  Anyway, I'm leaning towards the Garmin 25, battery life is longer, 8-10 hrs depending on size.

                    Wed:  rest day.

                    Thursday (today):  will get in a run later today.

                      Tuesday - 5 miles on a nature trail/rail trail loop.  Nice & sunny, warm too!!

                      Wednesday - no run, we went to see "Once" at the theater in Schenectady.


                      adkkev: I watched "Once" numerous times over the years, love the soundtrack!! I should buy the DVD. Such a simple but moving film. How far did you have to drive to watch the movie? We've had rain on and off all week, barely seen the sun. Night temps are in the 40s but daytime temps are nice for running, in the 50s/60s. Still wacky weather, people seem to be bracing for one last storm.  Hope I'm in AZ if/when that happens, LOL!

                      Art in AZ

                        8 miles this morning with clear sunny skies and warm. I think we are in the beginning of the warmer temps staying for quite a while.


                        AZ - I have heard from other people and experienced myself when these small devices have trouble holding a charge, it's normally time for a new device. Since I don't run with one I have no words of wisdom on this. Good luck.

                        Art in AZ

                        Mesa, AZ


                          Thursday - 5+ miles on the nature trail.  Warm, about 80 degrees under bright sunny skies.  A nice breeze along with low humidity made for a really nice run.


                          Az - We saw the traveling Broadway production of "Once", not the movie.  The actors were all very musically talented & there were times during the show when you could have heard a pin drop in that theater when the actors were just talking (such as the scene where the two lead characters are looking down onto Dublin & chatting ... ).  Very powerful stuff.  Here's where we go:  www.proctors.org

                            TGIFriday the 13th!!

                            adkkev:  obviously, was not thinking of plays.  But that would be a great one to see. We've only been to a couple of plays, one was 'Jersey Boys' when we visited NYC; I don't remember the other one.  Been a few years.  Except for the one a couple of weeks ago when DH's cousin graduated from HS and their drama club performed 'Anything Goes.'  Not much 'city stuff' around here and driving to Twin Cities for 4.5 hrs to be caught in traffic, etc. loses its appeal.  Nice, low humidity days are ideal for running, good job on the 5 miler!! What is your next race, where? You've been getting in some good solid miles.

                            Art:  it's frustrating but it's expectant of these darn 'necessary evil' gadgets .........not so lucky to have this particular one which didn't last long.  Many rave about them but mine was a lemon, I'm thinking.  Anyway, I'm getting some feedback from others, some suggesting different apps but I don't want/need those.  Warm 8 miles there, but good ones it sounds like.


                            It's 39 degrees!! Wind gusts 20-30mph, feels 28!! Cloudy with some chance of rain.  Its dreary and the tree branches are swaying wildly It won't be any nicer tomorrow but Sunday is suppose to be around 60 degrees and sunny!! Didn't get in my short run yesterday, just got too caught up in errands and conference calls.  Had to take my car in to get left rear driver tire checked, keep getting alert of low pressure.  Waiting, waiting .....glad I took my book to read.  Turns out that valve stem is leaking so they had replace the tire pressure sensor.  More waiting ....... to get my car in their full schedule.  Darn technology!! Part costed more than labor!! Anyway, glad to get that done so I don't have to worry about it on my trip down to AZ (sometime) next week.  Always excited and anxious to go 'home' but too much stuff to take care of before I leave (cleaning, laundry, packing, unpacking, LOL).  I think I will try to get in a longer run today instead, 10-12 miles, and a short recovery run tomorrow.  That should kinda get me back on track. Then rest on the only nice sunny day!!

                            Art in AZ

                              4 miles this morning with temps in the low 70s. But it's still dry out so not too bad yet. Then a quick tour around the garden. Transplanted the last tomato seedling into the garden. Last planting for a few months.


                              adkkev - Consistent running there.


                              AZ - When you get here you can still expect windy weather. It won't be as cold though.   Any race plans while here?

                              Art in AZ

                              Mesa, AZ

                                It was not a smart decision to try to "tough it out" today.  I drove to the state park and on the way, it started to sleet, by the time I parked, it turned to light snow and wind got worse!! The trees were swaying back and forth, I was afraid they may break. "Okay, run a mile and see how you feel" .........are you crazy?!?   I turned back about 1/4 mile and drove home, shivering head to toe!! OMgosh!! The wind was colossal, I was practically being pushed around!! So got home and had a glass of wine with a veggie burger.  I don't have the energy to be mad .........every rest day helps, right?  DH made popcorn and gave me a big hug.

                                Art:   On my way down to AZ, I may run this as a long training run in CO on May 21st (south of Denver) while visiting friends. It's mostly flat, dirt packed and not technical:  http://www.enduranceraceseries.com/trail-race/ers/33-palmer-lake  Then, I will be the prayer stick carrier runner for the NACA Sacred Prayer Run 5k/10k, June 4th.  A non-competitive role so will treat it as a training run while giving thanks.  It's the 2nd race of the Flagstaff Summer Running series.  Then, June 11th, I will be in Angel Fire, NM for a 25K Trail run.
