50 and over 5k and beyond

January 2015 Runs and Workouts (Read 13 times)

NH Runner

    Sunday, 1/18... ran just a 1/2 mile on the treadmill yesterday, my right knee was a little sore after the last railtrail run and I wanted to see how it would react to running again before committing to something longer.   Everything was fine, so I ran 7 on the highway this morning and finished just before the latest rain storm arrived.   Headwind coming back, but it felt good to be running the roads again just the same... 9:21, 9:10, 8:58, 9:04, 9:19, 9:22 and 9:24.


    Chantilly & Dan... yes, I'm committed to testing the railtrail so everyone skiing after me will know the risks.    I'm so committed in fact, that I'll fall without even thinking about it...  I just hope the locals appreciate all the hard work I do...lol


    Fletch... sounds like a really nice 10 miler.   Enjoy the walk and football games today, I'm hoping Green Bay and N.E. come out on top, but we'll see...


    Art... good luck with today's long run.

    Art in AZ

      Got in 13 miles this sunny morning. Weather was nice, in the 50s. Now off to do some work.

      Art in AZ

      Mesa, AZ

          OH MY, it was WINDY and snowing most of yesterday so didn't get my 10-12 miler in.  It would be stupid to drive to gym anyway.  Besides, good college basketball games I rather watch.  So called it a rest day.  This morning, mostly cloudy day which doesn't motivate me as much as sunny days .........but I didn't feel like driving to gym and I NEED to run so wore only a couple of layers with open balaclava and cap.  About 25 degrees, 5mph wind, feels 20 degrees!! WOW!! It felt great!! Mostly slushy/wet areas along frontage road and dirt roads. Feeling great till 7 miles, but pushed on with my personal matra of 'just 1/2 mile more' .......till I finished 10 miles!! YAY!!   Debating on whether to run tomorrow .......just a 3-5 miler would be good I think.

        NH:  pace times are great on those road conditions!!  Smart to listen to body and get your longer run in the next day.

        Art:  you are gonna blaze through that HM!! WTG on the 13 miler!!

        Fletch:  Yes, I have heard of HIIT workouts .....registered for a class last year but it got cancelled.  My schedule is unpredictable so I am incorporating cross-training (at home and gym) on my own with a little help from workout articles.  One can 'adapt' to these winter conditions ........but as the saying goes, "it's not bad weather, it's bad clothing."   My body rebels against heat AND humidity but running in these winter conditions takes common sense.......and my love of trail running probably is a critical motivator.  But I think about how uncomfortable summer temps/humidity are which can be a butt kicker to get out the door in these temps. LOL!! Wanting to run well in a upcoming race helps too!


          Art - Nice weather...and a nice 13 miler.  Things are shaping up for your HM. What veggies are you getting from your garden now?

          NH Rich - judging from your splits, I'd say the knee is doing just fine. As for football, I was also hoping for a GB-NE Super Bowl. Not to be. I think the Pats will win another one, finally!

          Az - nice, brisk, 10 miler. I like that..."it's not bad weather, just bad clothing!" I guess I could adapt to running in your temps, with the right wardrobe..............No, scratch that. This southern boy could NEVER get used to those temps!


          Sunday - DW and I took a nice, long walk, as planned, in the brisk morning air (35 degrees). Finished some school assignments, then settled in for the football games.


          Today (Monday) - 3 miles, mostly hill sprints. Walked along with DW part of the way, then sprinted to the top of every hill we came to, then jogged back down to her. Total distance was about 4 miles, but about a mile of that was walking with DW.  Now it's up on the roof to clean out the gutters.


          Happy running, everyone.


            Good work everyone!

            Had to take a couple of days off as I had dental surgery involving a bone graft on Friday.  Was swollen and sore over the weekend, but managed a quick 4-miler on Sunday morning.  Going to try for some speed work this afternoon after work.  Have to be a bit careful until the sutures get removed this coming Friday.  Going to visit DD this weekend up north of here.  Hope to get an 8 or 9 mile run in with her on Sunday.


            PRs:  9/1/2012 Disneyland 5K 27:08,  01/06/2013 Resolution 15K 1:30:17, 03/10/2013 San Diego HM 2:18:05, 04/19/2014 ACT! Today 10K  51:54


            NH Runner

              Tuesday, 1/20... got on the treadmill yesterday for a short recovery run, figuring I'd stay on it 'til my legs loosened up.   That ended up being 1.5 easy miles.   Today I did a double, a 3 mile trike ride on the railtrail early, followed by a 4 mile railtrail run with the Tuesday running crew.    Both un-timed, I wanted to ride the trike 4 miles in the packed snow, but after 1.5 miles of that, I turned for home.   The trike's giving me just what I wanted though, an upper body workout to compliment running.


              Art... nice run, congrats!


              az... you too, very nice!


              Fletch... what a crazy finish to the NFC game, eh?   Aaron Rodgers must be still shaking his head.    The Pats looked strong in their game, I think we're in for a good Super Bowl.    Sounds like a fun time with DW, good for you...


              Rich... good luck getting past the surgery and enjoy the time with DD this weekend.


                Fletch_NC Nice runs for you, sounds like it will be a great vacation/hiking…agree with your wife, the Lodge would be better than a tent.

                NH Runner That must have been a cold run…rain in the air with wind.  A good arm workout, pushing the tryke in the snow.

                Art in AZ Hope you had some nice vegetables. You seem to be ready for your HM, 13 miles already!

                az2mntrail Good for you to use your mantra to get in the 10 miles! Do your trail shoes have good drainage? They must get pretty wet sometimes. My feet would be frozen off.

                WDWRich Hope the dental work heals up quickly.


                Past 3 days off due to work.

                13 miles at 5:30 am.

                4 miles at 10:30 am (with son)

                3 miles at 1:30 pm.

                "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                Sonata Arctica







                  WDW Rich - Enjoy your visit and run with DD, but take it easy on that surgery recovery.

                  NH Rich - Nice work yesterday - trike and run. And yes, that was a crazy end to the NFC title game. I wanted GB to win, but I didn't feel good, even when they were up 16-0 at the half. As bad as Seattle played that first half, GB should have had a much larger cushion. Still, all they had to do was catch the ball on the on-sides kick, and it would have been "game-over." 

                  Chantilly - A triple-run day...NICE! Able to get outside for any of those, or is that on the track?


                  Tuesday - SRD. My busy day at school. Class and labs keep me on campus from 8am until 3pm. Got in a 2.5 mile walk with DW later.

                  Wednesday - Joined the gang this morning for the regular speed work (5 miles, intervals). 21 runners today. Starry sky, 45 degrees.  Good workout, but I seem to have tweaked a hamstring.  Unusual for me...in my 16 months of running, I have never had ANY hamstring issues. Felt it tighten up on the run this morning, and it has been tight since then. Stretched and rolled it after the run, and I'm going to ice it a little later. Doesn't seem to be anything serious...hopefully.


                  Safe running!


                    Fletch_NC 21 runners is a fair sized group. Sports' massage therapy is good for tight hamstrings. Expensive and painful, but well worth it.

                    All my runs are on the track until spring.


                    7 miles.

                    "dancing on the path and singing, now you got away,

                    you can reach the goals you set from now on, every day"

                    Sonata Arctica






                    NH Runner

                      Wednesday, 1/14... 8 mile railtrail run today.   Really couldn't push the pace in the snow, so concentrated on running with good form.   Pace was high 9:00's low 10:00's


                      Chantilly... you're a machine lately, really nice running!    I'll trade you some of my extra weight for a few of those miles...


                      Fletch... I read after the game that the player who muffed the on-side kick was in there as a blocker, he wasn't supposed to even go for the ball.   Said it "came right to him" and he thought he could catch it.   I wonder where he'll be working next year...


                      I'm pretty sure whenever I've gotten hurt, it's been either in a race or when doing speed work.    My advice, for what it's worth, is just to be careful how much speed work you're doing on limited mileage.   Instead of doing 5 miles of intervals, maybe something shorter, etc.    Anyway, good luck with that hamstring!

                      Art in AZ

                        Monday was a rest day because of an early work start. Tuesday got in a quick 3 miles and did 5 miles this morning. Weather cooling off the next couple of days here. Back to the lower 40s in the morning. But no rain.


                        AZ - nice way to get the miles in.


                        Fletch - Good way to get some miles in while walking. Just picked the last full broccoli head for dinner tonight. Still have some beets, two cauliflower, lettuce and peppers yet. Oh and some tomatoes are starting to turn red. Maybe by the weekend. Possibly have a fresh salad. Carrots, onions and peas are still in early stage. Hoping to get some time this weekend to start planting some things.


                        WDWRich - Hope the pain eases and you heal quickly.


                        NHRunner - nice workouts and cross-training.


                        Chantilly - Wow. 20 miles in a day. Pent upped energy from having three days off?


                        Speaking of football. You can't help with hearing about all of it right now around here. What with the Pro Bowl and Super Bowl going on. And let's not forget the Phoenix Open here now also.

                        Art in AZ

                        Mesa, AZ


                          Hey folks!  Looks like you've all been running well.

                          Chantilly - That's some miles you're putting in.  I'm not sure about those big days, for me, but seems to be working for you!  Keep it up.

                          NHRich - Doing well keeping the body moving on the rail trail, whether its the trike or running!

                          WDRich - Yes, 15K works perfectly in a buildup for a 1/2 marathon, but I still find it an odd distance.  I find it tough to gauge my pace, do you run it like a 10K or more like a 1/2?  I treated it like a 10K and ran my pace like a 10K, might have been better off running more like a 1/2, but thought I could hold the pace better over the last 5K then I was in shape to. If I do another 15K, I'll need to think more fast 1/2 then slow 10K...

                          Enjoy your run with DD!  Those are priceless!

                          Az - You've got my respect running in those conditions!  It has been extremely warm (for this time of year) and dry here. 

                          Art - You're getting the miles in, awesome.  Yes, we need more rain in this part of the country too, so sad.

                          Fletch - I feel your pain!  Unfortunately, that's literal   Ice and start doing some hamstring exercises, but sprinting will do that to them.


                          Ran too fast after the 15K last Tuesday and right hamstring (upper) or piriformis or lower glute was sore the next day.  On Thursday went for a planned 7.5 - 8 mile run and was moving at a moderate pace when things kind of went south 4.5 miles in.  Shut it down and walked back to work.  Iced it a bit, but was very sore the next day.  Hiked Saturday and Sunday (no running) with a walk on Monday.  Tuesday tried to lead a group run (first one in a long time) but muscle gave out after 1 mile and had to walk back to work.  More ice and more time off.  Trying to do hamstring exercises to strengthen the poor boy, but race on 31st ain't looking too good at the moment.  I'm thinking that 1/2 is extremely iffy and might try and step down to the 10K (which is still iffy).  Don't think there will be much running in for the rest of the month, sigh.



                            Was in town anyway so went to gym.  Finished 4 miles on mini track, 3.1 miles on TM as the Track and Field team take over for 2 hours.  10 mins elliptical, 20 mins on weights. DH was just getting there for his swim when I was leaving.  Hope to get in a short run tomorrow outside.  Temps have been in the 20s, slight breeze but tolerable ........ but weather is pretty unpredictable around here.

                            Oh, I was gonna chime in about the game between Green Bay and Seattle.  I watched it and was shocked by the halftime score!! But I kept watching because games aren't over till it's over!!  It was an amazing comeback, for sure.  Of course, it's mostly 'Packers' fanatics around here.  I'm not for any team but I always enjoy a good game.  Did watch both NFC and AFC games.  I'm watching alot of college games too. DH could care less, LOL!! 

                            Chantilly:  I wear great wool socks which keeps my toes comfortable .......but it depends on the trail conditions.  But I really haven't had any problems with feet getting too wet or cold.  It's expected though when you are a trail runner.  Most trail shoes will specify whether they are water-resistent and/or water-proof but it doesn't always mean they are.  I think traction and grip are more important to me.

                            Ray:  so what do you think led up to the injury?

                            Fletch:  I echo NH's observation .......take it easy .....especially the fast interval pace.  I run at 'effort pace' for my training runs, saving the 'race pace' for the actual race ......works for me but I take it back a notch if I feel any muscle stress/fatigue and route conditions.  Not worth getting hurt and jeapordizing future running.  It's a long way back from recovery when you get injured and I don't do well at that.

                            Art:  get your parka out for the cold temps, LOL!!  You are doing great with your training.  How is your son doing with his training?

                                SUNSHINE!! Yippee!!

                              Need some natural Vit. D so headed out this morning for a short easy 4 mile recovery run. Muscles are a little tight so the run really helped loosen them up.  About 12 degrees, 10 mph wind, feels -2 but it's SUNNY!!  Ran this 'early' so legs/feet are rested for tonight's ballroom dancing blitz.  We learned new dance steps last Thursday and we have to practice, practice, practice to make them 'effortless.'  LOL!! DH has lost almost 15 ibs!! So proud of him.  More disciplined this time around and has changed his perspective on his diet with 'cleaner' foods, less meat, tons of veggies.  He has always love veggies so that was easy.  Not so 'easy' was giving up soda but he has been very good!!  That was always my worry (I don't drink soda) and he wasn't getting enough exercise since our move to MN.   Anyway, he has resumed swimming, walking the mini track, weights and core exercises.  His recent physical was with a different doctor who is a 'runner' and had more updated info on diet changes and exercises.  It has helped in maintaining my food choices as he is eating more healthy.  It's awesome to talk about his swimming and my running goals, training, etc.  


                                Ray - I treat the 15k distance more like the HM.  Since I mostly run 10k races, it's what works for me.  Hope the hamstring issue clears up for you soon, but don't push it.  They always seem to take longer to heal than you expect.


                                AZ - Enjoy the sunshine!


                                Fletch - Hamstring injuries suck.  As mentioned before, don't push it.  Give it the time it needs to heal completely or it may well come back to haunt again.


                                Art - Nice 13-mile training run!


                                Chantilly - 20 miles over the course of one day- amazing!  Can't wait till I retire and have the time to train more.


                                NH - 8 miles in snow must have been a good workout, regardless of pace.


                                Strength workout in the gym yesterday, then 3 quick miles pre-dawn this morning before work.  Dental surgery site is feeling much better, but looking forward to getting the sutures out tomorrow.


                                PRs:  9/1/2012 Disneyland 5K 27:08,  01/06/2013 Resolution 15K 1:30:17, 03/10/2013 San Diego HM 2:18:05, 04/19/2014 ACT! Today 10K  51:54