Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES: Three Out of Seven Ain't Bad (Read 45 times)



    I've had a coffee. G-d, help me get through an hour on the TM.


      What up doe!


      I slept like a rock in the forest, it is not often that I do that.  As such, it leaves me only 45 minutes to get the hell outta here and do an hour on the belt myself.  Except in my case, the treadmill will need the help!


      Go figure

        Basya...Good morning!  Thanks for the start.  Did you see the last RW extolling the virtues of coffee?  It almost made me feel guilty for not being a coffee drinker.  Nice job on the hour TM session.


        LRB...Have fun on your belt.  I'm glad that I'm breaking that trend though and hitting the pavement myself.


        Good morning to everyone else.  I'm back to my normal routine of the early run.  Although slightly painful to get up and moving, it is nice to get the miles in.  I ended up with over 15 miles yesterday, 6+ at about 7:10, and then 8 more slower miles, but including 8x45 sec hills at my pace.  I was really feeling it on the hills, but I got through them pretty well.


        Today will probably be another double.  10 miles or so this morning, and then either over lunch or this evening 5x3min hills at 5k pace with the girl I'm training, for a total of about 8 miles.  We're supposed to get some significant snow (which I'll believe when I see), but I think I'll be able to get the second run in before it starts.


        Hope you all are able to get some good runs in.

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


          LRB...Have fun on your belt.  I'm glad that I'm breaking that trend though and hitting the pavement myself.


          Weekday outdoor runs are completely impractical for me what with all the snow and ice out there.  I am grateful to be able to get out to the park on the weekend where they maintain the paths, there are many runners who do not know about it and are essentially snowed in for the winter.


          I did not see the article regarding coffee but can affirm it is the shiz.  Why I am about to brew my own special cup right now!  

          Just B.S.

            Plan today is 6.5 miles after work. 2 outdoor runs in a row, what!!!!!!   We actually have some bare pavement

            For the first time in weeks.


            Having said that yet another storm coming tomorrow.. I mean its been 5 days since the

            Last one, longest stretch this winter so it should be expected Smile


            Off to work.


              Good morning everyone!


              Basya, hope your treadmill miles were good!


              LRB, same to you, lotta tm runners these days, I need to get one. Smile


              SIAR, great runs!  I got back on my morning routine today too, I've missed it.  There's just something about starting your day with a run that makes everything else fall into place.


              Beth, hope you have a great run outside!



              AFM, 6.78 easy recovery miles done this morning.


              From yesterday:


               You still have six weeks?  Plenty of time to get even faster!


              That's what I'm hoping, six weeks of solid running, no sickness and roll into my race feeling strong.


              D^2 - Ouch, tough call.  Maybe run the first 18-20 miles just fast enough to set yourself up for success, and then go for it if you feel that the BQ is within reach.   I have no doubt that you will turn in some excellent marathons in the future, well under the Boston cutoff.


              Hopefully I feel good enough to go out with the 3:15 pacer, and then pull ahead the last few miles.  Just have to see how the next six weeks go, but if it goes well, I think I'll be fine.  I've preemptively taken a few races off of my schedule this year so I can focus on a few goal races and my training.  I'll probably hold off on another full marathon till Shamrock next year.


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                11 miles after work, incl. 5 at tempo (15k to HM pace). Lots coffee will be needed because I didn't get the best of nights. SO snored like there was no tomorrow...  Still coughing and a runny nose, but no fever and no headache. That's a huge improvement!

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  Rick, enjoy your hour on the TM.


                  SIAR, have a great time doubling.


                  Beth, have a wonderful outdoor 6.5-miler.


                  Dave, bravo on the 6.78.


                  Lily, have an excellent eleven-miler.


                  My dad taught me all about coffee. It's one reason why I'm looking forward to my marathon trip in a few weeks. I'll be able to have a proper cup of Turkish coffee. That I don't have to make myself!


                  6.0 easy TM miles in 59:50. 9:59 pace.


                  delicate flower

                    'Morning!  Last night's 8 mile treadmill run turned into a 4 miler.  I just had ZERO energy and my legs had nothing, so I bailed.  Still shaking out the ski vacation, I gather.  I figure it'll take up to a week.  I'll try the treadmill again after work today.


                    Looks like we'll be getting hammered with snow the next 3-4 days...a foot tomorrow and another foot by the end of the weekend.  And just as the rail trail was completely clear.  Figures.



                      Basya, will you be travelling by yourself? How long is the flight? And I was wondering, what is the time difference there? 7, 8 hours? I hope you will be arriving a few days before so you can recuperate for the race. If I were rich and didn't need to work (ah, to dream...), I'd fly this weekend for the Dead Sea HM. It looks like a nice course!

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                        Phil, enjoy serving time on the TM.


                        Lily, I'm not sure how long the flight will be. I'll book my tickets later this week. I've flown from Newark and Philadelphia to Tel Aviv; it took ten-and-a-half to eleven hours.There's a seven hour time difference between the east coast of the United States and Israel. I'll travel alone. I hope to land Tuesday or Wednesday before the marathon. There's a Dead Sea HM?!?!?


                          Morning all.

                          For the record, I never go a morning without coffee, but I never have it before a morning run - just like to get up & go. Except on weekends, when I have breakfast & coffee first thing, then usually go out 1-2 hrs later.


                          9 miles on the treadmill this morning, in brand new shoes. Another 3-6" of snow coming tonight, so the treadmill & I will continue to be great friends. Getting ready to drive to Cleveland for the day on business; hope I can get back before the snow comes.


                          Have a great day everyone.



                          Barking Mad To Run

                            I am tired today.   Kept dreaming last night about my time in Somalia and, as Springsteen sang, " wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head"...not fun.  Gail got worried  I was having some kind of attack, I was sweating so much, and finally shook me to wake me up, thank goodness, to get me out of a really bad time.  To paraphrase what LRB said yesterday, I could not get my brain to SHUT UP!   Probably end up going to bed earlier tonite.   After work, however, I plan on enjoying the day as it will be nearly 75 degrees here in San Antonio, with sunshine, and so I will get out there and get some miles in, maybe even do some hill running.  I have to enjoy this weather, we are like a spinning weather top here, for pete's sake, tomorrow we are back to the low 40s and by Thursday, freezing rain is predicted for San Antonio again.  Apparently, our city is just Mother Nature's experimental weather toy, as she can't seem to make up her damn mind about us being either warm or cold!


                            Basya, how you and others can spend all that time on a treadmill simply amazes me.  Where are you traveling to for your marathon?  Turkish coffee?  Strong stuff.  I don't drink coffee, but when I lived in Turkey, wow, could you smell that stuff when you were anywhere near it!


                            Glad you had a good night's sleep, LRB!  What's the secret?


                            SIAR, doubles again?  You are a glutton for punishment!  Congrats on your miles yesterday and good luck with your running today.   Hope you can get the miles in before the snow hits!


                            Wow, two days in a row, heat wave for you, Beth!  Enjoy!


                            Glad you are improving and feeling better, Lily.  Good luck with your running!  Sounds like you need some earplugs, that's what Gail does when I snore loudly.  We have a whole bottle of those disposable ones right near the bed, lol.


                            Sorry about the shaky legs, Phil.  Guess you're having to get back your 'running legs' versus your ski legs.  Wow, some storm coming your way!  Stay safe! Say hello to your lovely lady for me.


                            For the record, I never go a morning without coffee.  I'm the exact opposite, DaveP, I've never gone a morning with coffee!  Blech!   Hope the new shoes worked well for you!

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            Skirt Runner

                              Took cold medicine last night which caused me to oversleep my alarm. Ok fine, no gym this morning but I can go to the place where I swim and run on their treadmill after Homecare tonight. Packed up my gym stuff. And left my gym bag at home. Fail. I suppose I can always go home after work, change, and then go to my gym a block away. But I'm afraid once I get in the door I won't be leaving again because it will be after 9:00pm. I guess I'll see how I feel.

                              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Sounds like, subconsciously, your mind is telling your body to rest today, Kristin.


                                After finishing reading yesterday's thread, I vote for BQ for Dave also...and then BBQ rewards in San Antonio. 


                                Awwww....Bill Sinkin, of our San Antonio community, passed away.  He had a long life, died at 100 years old.   I got to know him a little bit over the last few years when I did some races that supported solar energy causes, and got to chat with him a bit. He was a great guy and had some very interesting stories to tell.  He will be missed in San Antonio.

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt