Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES: Gray hair is cool (Read 51 times)


    Until it's growing on you. 


      What's up team!


      I am heading to the track for some intervals which means I will likely have more gray hair when I return.  lol


      What is up with you today?

      Little Blue

        I don't normally post in the dailies, but your title pulled me in.


        Gray hair is fine unless it's growing out your ears.

          Good morning!!


          I've had a bit of gray on the sides for some time now, I say it makes me look distinguished. lol  Truth is, I don't care about the gray.  I do care about the ear and back hair though.  Why is it that it's ok to have hair on your chest, but not on your back?  We are so weird sometimes.


          9 miles done, nice and easy.  It's not the 14 that's on my plan, but I didn't want to push it with my calf, although it felt great, not even a peep this morning.  I'll double up later to keep the mileage up.


          Hope everyone has a great day!


          My running blog

          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



            Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. Have a great track workout.


            Dave, nice nine.


            Still RDing. I think I'll be OK to run tomorrow.


              I hope gray hair is cool, because I'm getting lots of it. My husband thinks with my long hair I'll look like Emmylou Harris. Somehow I doubt that, but I'll try to see through his rose-colored glasses and be very glad he wears them! Wink


              7.45 miles under the bright moon, but no shooting star sightings. Most of the run was with the group doing hill repeats, plus planks at the bottom of the hill a few times, and wall sits. Good workout!

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                Morning!  I have 11 with 8 at GMP on tap today.  I'll admit to plucking the stray gray hairs that I find, but soon enough I'm sure there will be too many to pluck!


                LRB- Time for some redemption for last week! Smile


                Little Blue- Hiya!


                D2- Glad the calf is cooperating.  And yeah, ear and back hair is 


                Basya- Glad you'll be running again soon!


                Step- Nice run!


                delicate flower

                  Good morning, fine folks of the internet!  And the rest of you too, I guess.  Well I was supposed to be part of a triathlon relay last night but the flakey chick that wanted a teammate bailed on the race.  So, no mountain bike race for me.  Oh well.  I took lots of good pics of DW instead.


                  Today is raining like a mofo.  It might be a treadmill day.  This would be TM day #3 in the last three months...a far cry from the Winter of Treadmill.


                  My hair is not completely grey, but I am trending in that direction.  My facial hair is also coming in grey if I don't shave.  I keep my hair very short.  I'm almost afraid of how grey it'd be if I let it grow out.  That's the thing least it's all there so I don't mind the grey.  If I let my hair grow out, it'd be a thick wavy mess.  



                    LOVED Guardians of the Galaxy. It didn't take itself seriously and had smart and fresh humour. More movies like that, please!


                    10 this morning and another 3 tonight to pad up my week. I probably will have to miss a run this weekend because we'll be driving all day to get back home. We're having a huge gazebo built off of our deck and it looks like it will be beautiful. Unfortunately, it will be ready just when our vacation ends, so we will have to wait til next year before we can enjoy it. Sigh... another dreary work year. If gray hair meant automatic retirement, I'd dye it that color in a flash.


                    More relaxing reading on the beach for me today. Have a great day, everyone!

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                      Good morning dailies.

                      Rocky and I hit the trails this morning for 9 miles, and I think I am done running the trails until after the marathon..... within the first half mile my foot caught a larger root and I went down landing on my right side, scraping my right elbow and probably bruising my outer leg but most of all my ego was crushed lol. To make things worse, within the last half mile my foot once again caught a tiny stump but luckily a tree broke my fall........ and just about broke my hand 

                      So, no more trails for me during this training.... I would go on a destructive rampage if I screwed up and wasn't able to run the marathon.

                      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                        Morning!  I have 11 with 8 at GMP on tap today.  I'll admit to plucking the stray gray hairs that I find, but soon enough I'm sure there will be too many to pluck!


                        LRB- Time for some redemption for last week! Smile


                        Little Blue- Hiya!


                        D2- Glad the calf is cooperating.  And yeah, ear and back hair is 


                        Basya- Glad you'll be running again soon!


                        Step- Nice run!


                        LMAO, oh dear Zel. It add character and proves you have wisdom. Stop plucking now, okay? Haha


                          I've been gray for years, but I'm a lot older than most of you. I can't stand the ear hair either!!!! I went for a casual bike ride yesterday as my leg is starting to feel much better. I may try an easy mile or so this weekend.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Gray hairs are so cool I dye my hair to cover them, ha.


                            Morning!  6 miles and PiYo tonight.



                              My kids used to tell me "You don't have gray hair, dad. It's white."  Anyway, there's plenty of it. Which is better than than the alternative.




                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                I am happy that I still have enough lighter blonde shades in my hair that I can't tell if there is any gray. I have one eyebrow hair that always comes in white. It gets plucked.
