Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


Super B****

    Got the MRI today.  I know I'm not an MD, but the dye slipping out of the joint is pretty easy to see with the athrogram and there's a pretty clear tear-looking-thingy on my scans (I got the CD to take with me).


    I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all!



    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    From the Internet.

      Got the MRI today.  I know I'm not an MD, but the dye slipping out of the joint is pretty easy to see with the athrogram and there's a pretty clear tear-looking-thingy on my scans (I got the CD to take with me).


      I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all!


      Oh geez, that completely sucks Sad Sorry to hear Oski.


      Refurbished Hip

        Got the MRI today.  I know I'm not an MD, but the dye slipping out of the joint is pretty easy to see with the athrogram and there's a pretty clear tear-looking-thingy on my scans (I got the CD to take with me).


        I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all!


        Ugh, ugh, ugh.  I'm sorry, Oski.    So assuming you're correct, what's the plan now?  Wait this one out to see if it gets worse or just go ahead and fix it?


        My MRI is scheduled for Tuesday late morning.

        Running is dumb.

        Hip Redux


          Ugh, ugh, ugh.  I'm sorry, Oski.    So assuming you're correct, what's the plan now?  Wait this one out to see if it gets worse or just go ahead and fix it?


          My MRI is scheduled for Tuesday late morning.


          I'm going to wait - for a couple of reasons.  First is I start  a new job in two weeks and I'm not sure they will be ok with me taking time off for a major surgery.    Second is that the pain really isn't that bad.  I am painfree like 75% of the time, and the other 25% can be managed with ibuprofen and rest at this point.   And I'm not really wanting to jump back into months of rehab anytime soon.


          Now, there may be stuff in the MRI that I missed that could change all that, the only part I can recognize is the tear in the labrum.


          If you're curious what that looks like, the red arrow is pointing to the tear.   The labrum should be a deep triangle on the left hand side of the joint, and the dye cuts across where the labrum should be in tact (it basically should be symmetrical with the black part on the right hand side):



            Sorry O.


            Refurbished Hip


              I'm going to wait - for a couple of reasons.  First is I start  a new job in two weeks and I'm not sure they will be ok with me taking time off for a major surgery.    Second is that the pain really isn't that bad.  I am painfree like 75% of the time, and the other 25% can be managed with ibuprofen and rest at this point.   And I'm not really wanting to jump back into months of rehab anytime soon.


              Totally understand.  If I wind up back in PT for this foot thing, I'm just going to laugh.  (I can already see the WTF look on her face too.  I told her I never wanted to see her in a professional setting again back in October.  LOL.)   And congrats on the new job!!!

              Running is dumb.

              Hip Redux


                Totally understand.  If I wind up back in PT for this foot thing, I'm just going to laugh.  (I can already see the WTF look on her face too.  I told her I never wanted to see her in a professional setting again back in October.  LOL.)   And congrats on the new job!!!


                It's the frequent flyer program you really don't want to be a part of!


                How long after the MRI til you see the doc?



                Refurbished Hip


                  It's the frequent flyer program you really don't want to be a part of!


                  How long after the MRI til you see the doc?


                  LOL, I know, right?  This will be MRI #3 for me in less than 3 years.  Ridiculous.


                  I'm not sure.  I hope they'll be able to tell me my results over the phone/via message like last time.

                  Running is dumb.

                  Hip Redux

                    So how long after falling should I expect my shoulder to be painful?   I can't lift my arm without pain and it's my right arm and this sucks.



                    Penguin Power!

                      So how long after falling should I expect my shoulder to be painful?   I can't lift my arm without pain and it's my right arm and this sucks.


                      Good luck with that... after a fall I had to do 3 months of physical therapy on my shoulder to be able to lift my arm above my head :-(  If it isn't better in a week go see someone about it, and for now take some NSAIDs to reduce the inflammation in the joint.

                      Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                        So how long after falling should I expect my shoulder to be painful?   I can't lift my arm without pain and it's my right arm and this sucks.




                          I think I was out for a week after falling a couple months ago. The impact sends a shockwave through your body, I was sore for days.


                            I have a scar on my elbow from my fall this month, after that dog tripped me. I'm pretty proud of it too. Aside from that, I'm healthy and should not be here. Sorry.


                            Oski, how did it happen?

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                            Hip Redux

                              Oski, how did it happen?


                              I'm a dumb ass?


                              (I tripped trail running.)



                                I'm going to revive this thread because damnit, I really miss running.


                                I know I don't have it nearly as bad as others that have posted on this thread before, in that my whole life isn't turned upside down or anything.  I've been dutifully swimming (avoiding ball-of-foot wall pushoffs) and biking (sliding my foot as far forward as I can so the ball isn't on the pedal) almost every day while downing my super-strong prescription NSAIDs and using a topical cream that was prescribed for me.  I'm switching between the aircast given to me and some metatarsal pads that I bought online (neither is perfect) to keep pressure off the ball of my foot.  Normally I get up once or twice per hour just to walk around while at work, and I'm avoiding that now, trying to keep walking to a minimum.  I purchased Altras to eventually run in (in the hopes of avoiding all this in the future, since it seems that squeezed toes were the initial problem), and I have been wearing them around day-to-day to allow my foot more room in the toebox and to further alleviate ball-of-foot pressure with the lower heel when I do have to walk.


                                So it just really frustrated me earlier today when I got up to use the restroom and WHAM, I could tell the the swelling on the bottom of my foot had flared up big-time.  I didn't even do anything to cause that, I had literally been pounding away at my keyboard all day!  I have an appointment with the podiatrist on Tuesday, and I originally thought (from the first appt two weeks prior) that with the meds and no running I would surely be healed up by then, but now I just can't foresee that.  Who knows, maybe things will really turn the corner soon, but I just don't feel optimistic.  That also means I will likely miss my FAVORITE race of whole year, a 5k on May 1.  I have already made peace with the fact that my elusive sub-22 is not going to happen at that race (over the winter I was really wanting it to happen at this race), but now I might have to DNS, which I have never done before. 


                                I know this will all eventually pass and I'll be running normally again at some point, but it feels really hopeless right now.  This swelling just does. not. want. to. go. away.


                                5k - 22:53  (May 2015)

                                10k - 50:00 (unofficial; part of 20k race, March 2015); 50:33 (official; July 2016)

                                HM - 1:48:40  (Apr. 2015)