Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


Super B****

    Ah.  Yes, well, I have a tattoo planned for some point after my surgery.  


    See?  Supporting my theory. 

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog

    Will run for scenery.

      jjs - glad to hear the elbow is ok!  How's the AT?


      Still some soreness, but as long as I do my eccentric heel drops and go easy on the running, I rhink it's the "good kind" of soreness.  I guess I'll know in half a year or so 

      Stupid feet!

      Stupid elbow!


      Skirt Runner

        I haven't visited the forum in several weeks (I got really sick....and kept catching one thing on top of another....2 stomach viruses and a head cold turned laryngitis in less than a month....ugggghhhh). How is everyone here doing?

        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

        Singer who runs a smidge

          My knee is finally feeling a little better, knock on wood.  I'm repeating some of my original runner's knee exercises and I ordered a Roll Recovery R8 thingy with which I'm currently abusing my calves.  Hoping soon I can stop crying and cussing and move on to my quads and hamstrings.

          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


          Super B****

            I haven't visited the forum in several weeks (I got really sick....and kept catching one thing on top of another....2 stomach viruses and a head cold turned laryngitis in less than a month....ugggghhhh). How is everyone here doing?


            Thanks for passing the stomach mess along to me.  The past week has been... less than fun.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


            Healed Hammy

              I guess I can officially take myself of the list at this point.  Today I had my first run since November 1, 2013.  For those who may not recall, I tripped on a curb on the first run of my 3 week taper prior to the Philly marathon.  Tore my right hamstring, a complete annulment.  Two weeks later had surgery to reattach, crutches for 6 weeks.  I have been fully mobile and unrestricted since January.


              My downfall is PT.  Did not go to a single session.  Why pay a therapist to have me lay on a table and lift my leg with a 5lb weight on it.  I can do that myself.  Problem is like most runners, I neglect to strengthen my other muscle groups (note to self: cross train more this time).  Even so, with normal lifting, walking, carrying things, I believe my hamstring is at normal capacity.  I tore the tendon not the muscle to so I figured it was an easier return.


              Today it was 33deg out the door for a 3.2 mile run.  First mile at 9:11, last one at 8:15.... opps... probably should slow down.  Got to use my new Garmin heart rate monitor from my birthday last week for the first time.  HR was up to 160 but it did not feel difficult.  No pain or soreness yet in the hammy, calves are tight but it did feel good to get the heart moving.  No wind, got to see the sun crest the trees and deep breathe the cool spring air #soblessed (lol).  As a treat to myself; today is the first day of sign-ups for the Philly 2014 event, I missed the discount for the first 1,000 runners (that sold out in 4 hours starting midnight) but will sign up this month and target for a 3:40 and a BQ.


                Congrats, Fourouta5!   Sounds like your recovery is going beautifully!    Good luck as you start training for Philly!

                But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

                Hip Redux

                  Damn, that's impressive!  Way to graduate outta this thread, fourouta5.



                    For those who may not recall, I tripped on a curb on the first run of my 3 week taper prior to the Philly marathon.


                    I remember that, the heartache!  Make time for strength and stretching though.


                    Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                      Wow, how the time flies 4/5.  Though I can't imagine it did for you, it sure seems  like it on this side of the screen.


                      Glad to hear you're back up & running again!  Take it easy & don't do anything stupid.  (I'll repeat that to myself in the mirror tonight before my run)  



                        Fourouta5- Congrats on the run! You must feel awesome after taking so much time off. I'm up to 4 runs a week myself now. Some weeks less with cross-training. 10 weeks post-op. My longest run was 4 miles the other day at a 9:30 pace. I'll take it. All my runs are slow going, but most importantly is that I'm running. Speed is irrelevant to me right now. Having this injury has given me a whole new perspective on my running goals.


                        I agree with LRB. Definitely work on stretching and strengthening. I hate doing core work and my stretches, but know it has to be done.

                        Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

                        Love the Half

                          Fourouta5, congrats on getting back out there.


                          I'm officially adding myself to this list today.  I haven't run since March 25th with what I thought was a stress fracture.  I went to the orthopedist yesterday and he confirmed it - stress fracture of the left foot at the top of my 4th metatarsal.  So, I'm in a walking boot.  I can cycle and swim but I can't even use the elliptical.  Blech.  The good news is that I didn't have any goal races on the horizon.  The other bit of good news is that I was smart enough to quit running before the stress fracture turned into a real fracture.

                          Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                          Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                          Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


                            Sorry, LtH!   Hope you heal quickly!

                            But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.


                            Super B****

                              Remember how it feels to be strong and healthy and uninjured? ... yeah, me neither.


                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog

                              Hip Redux

                                Fourouta5, congrats on getting back out there.


                                I'm officially adding myself to this list today.  I haven't run since March 25th with what I thought was a stress fracture.  I went to the orthopedist yesterday and he confirmed it - stress fracture of the left foot at the top of my 4th metatarsal.  So, I'm in a walking boot.  I can cycle and swim but I can't even use the elliptical.  Blech.  The good news is that I didn't have any goal races on the horizon.  The other bit of good news is that I was smart enough to quit running before the stress fracture turned into a real fracture.


                                Well that sucks.


                                How long in the boot?