Beginners and Beyond

Sharing misery on the disabled list (Read 333 times)


Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

    Ahhhh, yes, standard issue.  You should have rec'd one of both as you entered this thread.  They are to help with the pain experienced by biological means.  They're called, "Perspective Changers".  


    On a serious note, I'm gonna go with the, "something's always hurting/aching" crowd and say that while my knee has stood up and both hips too, I can still say they're rarely "perfect".  I can still feel little aches & pains here & there directly reflective of their associated points of original injury.


    Party on, Wayne!



    Singer who runs a smidge

      I think my runner's knee is slowly getting better.  I'm not up to running yet, but it's definitely screaming at me less than it was last summer, for instance.  I'm crediting the Roll Recovery R8 (major knots in my calves are diminishing) and yoga (which stretches said calves and hamstrings, and presumably strengthens them and the quads).  Hoping maybe to start running again sometime in the next month or so?

      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


        Mmmm, mixed results here, eh? Sorry about the frustration, LTH.


        I had a great PT appointment this morning. She filmed me on an iPad while I ran on a treadmill. At my normal run, I'm heel striking a TON and hitting only 157 steps/minute, with a lot of bounce. She turned on a metronome and had me jam it up to the recommended 180 steps/minute, and lo and behold, midfoot strike and less bounce! She says my natural gait causes exactly the kind of problems I've been dealing with. So I'm supposed to gradually bring up my cadence and that should help. I love technology!

        Call me Ray (not Ishmael)

        Hip Redux

          That's pretty neat!  Was there an app that counted steps/minute?



            Nothing that cool. She counted herself, then set a metronome that was velcroed to the treadmill for me to run to.



            That's pretty neat!  Was there an app that counted steps/minute?

            Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


              My plan is to finish C25K, then do OHR, then switch to training for my October 10 mile. Now, I'm signed up for a July 4th half. The cutoff is 16 minute miles. I'll be in the midst of OHR. How crazy would it be for me to run/walk it?

              Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


              running is bad for you

                FYI Oski is out of surgery and word on the street is the dr was able to repair everything.


                So here we go: enter recovery mode!


                  Thanks for the update, MBC!


                  Welcome to life with a bionic hip, Oski!

                  But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

                  Will run for scenery.

                    Can't let this thread drop off the front page, can we ?


                    Oski, how's the recovery ?  Off the Vicodin ?  Doing jumping jacks yet ?


                    AFM, I'm at an all time low.  I DNS'd the Big Sur Marathon last month, which wasn't too big a let-down, but now I don't think I'm even going to be able to *walk* the Mt. Blanc Marathon, which was going to be my big deal event of the year.  I did a 12 mile hike last weekend and I'm still limping from AT pain.  So I'm feeling depressed and grumpy and frustrated and fat.  Is this the thread for that sort of thing ?

                    Stupid feet!

                    Stupid elbow!


                    Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                      Can't let this thread drop off the front page, can we ?


                      Oski, how's the recovery ?  Off the Vicodin ?  Doing jumping jacks yet ?


                      AFM, I'm at an all time low.  I DNS'd the Big Sur Marathon last month, which wasn't too big a let-down, but now I don't think I'm even going to be able to *walk* the Mt. Blanc Marathon, which was going to be my big deal event of the year.  I did a 12 mile hike last weekend and I'm still limping from AT pain.  So I'm feeling depressed and grumpy and frustrated and fat.  Is this the thread for that sort of thing ?


                      There is no better thread that I know of.


                      If it helps, I'll relay a couple things that I hope help......


                      First, I just finished a nice 24 mile bike ride today that is almost my daily average lately.  (4 months ago I didn't know *what* I'd be able to do)


                      Second, a couple nights ago I had a run that was pretty average to me (and still not quite as fast a pre injury) but apparently to an onlooker it was "fast" and they said it outloud watching me run by.  I told them it really wasn't but thanked them for saying so.


                      Again, just a few months ago I was *Mr. Doom & Gloom* thinking for sure I'd ruined my knee and possibly my hip and thought I'd never run again.....(or at least have a doctor tell me as much).


                      So come here, bitch, piss, whine & moan until you can't stand to hear it yourself and don't be surprised that about the time you're tired of hearing yourself, the problem part quits becoming a problem.



                        Aw, JJS. I'm sorry. I had to DNS a couple of races this winter, but nothing as big and beautiful as Big Sur. Next year?

                        Call me Ray (not Ishmael)


                          Obiebyke - if you aren't feeling any pain, coming back from injury, you should be able to increase your distance faster than you did when you were a complete newbie.  You aren't starting from scratch.  What distance were you doing before you got hurt?  If it was HM distance, you can probably get back to 9 or 10 miles in 6 weeks, especially if you are doing a walk/run mix.  That's enough to finish a half, if you take it easy.  Just don't push so hard you can't run after the race.


                            Thanks, Ginny. My plan is to give it a try. I did 6 miles of run/walk yesterday, felt great, and was well under 16 min/mile. I plan to get up to 10 miles run/walk and taper. If my body rebels, I'll bag it, but for now it's on!


                            Obiebyke - if you aren't feeling any pain, coming back from injury, you should be able to increase your distance faster than you did when you were a complete newbie.  You aren't starting from scratch.  What distance were you doing before you got hurt?  If it was HM distance, you can probably get back to 9 or 10 miles in 6 weeks, especially if you are doing a walk/run mix.  That's enough to finish a half, if you take it easy.  Just don't push so hard you can't run after the race.

                            Call me Ray (not Ishmael)

                            Hip Redux

                              Can't let this thread drop off the front page, can we ?


                              Oski, how's the recovery ?  Off the Vicodin ?  Doing jumping jacks yet ?


                              AFM, I'm at an all time low.  I DNS'd the Big Sur Marathon last month, which wasn't too big a let-down, but now I don't think I'm even going to be able to *walk* the Mt. Blanc Marathon, which was going to be my big deal event of the year.  I did a 12 mile hike last weekend and I'm still limping from AT pain.  So I'm feeling depressed and grumpy and frustrated and fat.  Is this the thread for that sort of thing ?


                              Sorry it's still giving you trouble. Sad You've been to a doctor right? Time for a second opinion?


                              Recovery is going OK.  Off vicodin but will be on crutches for a few more weeks so no jumping jacks lol


                              Singer who runs a smidge

                                Regular yoga has been helping my knee pain tremendously.  DH and I are going to walk this week and then try to restart C25k next week.  I am cautiously optimistic ...

                                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.