Beginners and Beyond

Hoppy Sundailies (Read 48 times)


     OH HAIL NAW, that would not fly in my house!


    Yeah I do not play that shit. My girls know to clean up after their raggedy ass kids or all hell is going to break loose. The problem is their clean and my clean often means that I end up cleaning after their raggedy ass kids like lily anyway. lol

    Little Blue

      5 miles, my longest run since 2/14.  Woo hoo!  I don't suppose that's enough to justify ESU, but I intend to later, anyway.  Feasting with the in-laws.


        Ah I'm the queen of sensitive shins - between all my shin splint incidents and how often I whack my legs on things without realizing it, I feel your pain!


        I just wish I could remember when the hell I did it. Like seeing the face of the criminal that robbed you. lol


        As it was, that shit hurt like hell the entire first mile, but as dumb runners are dumb (ergo they are called dumb runners), I kept pushing hoping it would lessen.  I am not sure that it did or if my tolerance just rose above it (rose above? Can I say that? ).


        Anyway, I compromised on the intended 12 and ran 8 instead, thus leaving me 8 miles short of my target for the week (I nixed a 4 mile run Thursday night due to fatigue).


        I am okay with it though and seem to be slowly returning to my old self again, emphasis on old.  


          Speaking of dumb runners being dumb, my big toe has been hurting for a while now.  Not enough for me to run less, just enough for it to be annoying.  I usually feel it pretty early in the run, but it doesn't seem to get worse- if anything it was worse at mile 4 than 15 yesterday.


          I feel it during the day when I'm not running, too, and am thinking that it's probably just one of those things and not even running related.  So I haven't done anything about it other than be annoyed.


            Speaking of dumb runners being dumb, my big toe has been hurting for a while now.  Not enough for me to run less, just enough for it to be annoying.  I usually feel it pretty early in the run, but it doesn't seem to get worse- if anything it was worse at mile 4 than 15 yesterday.


            I feel it during the day when I'm not running, too, and am thinking that it's probably just one of those things and not even running related.  So I haven't done anything about it other than be annoyed.


            There is always something. Two weeks ago, for me it was the mound of the big toe of my right foot. Last week, it was the top of my foot. I felt discomfort/pain there. Weird. First time I have anything there. For the past two days, it feels like my lower abs are too weak or something. That will go away too so something else can start bothering me.

            Of course, I don't  ever see a PT or a doc, no coach, no running club, don't roll, don't get massages, barely ever stretch, and don't cross train. In other words, I don't know what the heck I'm doing. So it's not really surprising I feel some discomfort/pain here and there.


               For the past two days, it feels like my lower abs are too weak or something.


              I have had that for the past two weeks. It kills me to sneeze, laugh hard or cough.  Nicole and I are at a complete loss as to what is causing it. My only guess is it has something to do with stride length but who knows.


              Former Bad Ass

                Speaking of dumb runners being dumb, my big toe has been hurting for a while now.  Not enough for me to run less, just enough for it to be annoying.  I usually feel it pretty early in the run, but it doesn't seem to get worse- if anything it was worse at mile 4 than 15 yesterday.


                I feel it during the day when I'm not running, too, and am thinking that it's probably just one of those things and not even running related.  So I haven't done anything about it other than be annoyed.


                Where is the pain, near the joint?  Could be what I have for years.  Hope it's nothing.


                Oh, Lily, sorry!


                ESU from the Chinese place.



                  16 miles this AM...schedule was completely off this week as we went to Zion over the last few days...prefer longer runs on saturdays...but great game last nite with kentucky and wisconsin....have a happy sunday and easter everyone!

                  marathon pr - 3:16



                    Where is the pain, near the joint?  Could be what I have for years.  Hope it's nothing.


                    Yeah, toe joint.  Been going on for a couple of months now I think.

                    Little Blue

                      Hate to tell all you  young'uns, but it gets worse.  Something always hurts.  If I'm lucky, they take turns.  OTOH, hurting lets me know I'm not dead.


                        ...prefer longer runs on saturdays...


                        I must be an alien because all of my running peeps here are the same. I thus get to run long alone on Sunday.


                        Former Bad Ass


                          Yeah, toe joint.  Been going on for a couple of months now I think.


                          Google hallux rigidus and see whether you have the symptoms.  If so, I've had it for 7 years.  PM me if it is and you have questions.  I would go to a podiatrist to get it checked just to find out what it is.



                          Former Bad Ass


                            I must be an alien because all of my running peeps here are the same. I thus get to run long alone on Sunday.


                            I don't get why people do a LR on Saturday when the race is a Sunday but if the race is a Saturday, it makes sense.  I cannot wake up at 6am on Saturday after a weekday from hell.



                               I don't get why people do a LR on Saturday when the race is a Sunday but if the race is a Saturday, it makes sense.


                              I did it back when training for the Charlevoix Marathon which was on a Saturday. These days, the day the race is on really does not matter to me anymore.  Sunday is my long run day mostly because I do speed on Saturday, unless life gets in the way and I have to switch it.


                              I guess evening runners could be a little more flexible and run long whenever they wanted, but alas, I am a morning runner and am thus relegated to the weekends for those type of things.

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                7 with 3 at HM pace.


                                I go back and forth with what day I do my longer runs. Since the time change, I've been doing them Friday & Sunday. In the fall, I tend to do them on Saturday afternoon since DH is occupied watching college football. Although the way his team has done the last few years, he has lost interest midway through the season.


                                Happylily, ugh on the house cleaning.


                                LRB, I think you could look really bad-ass if you show up to a race on a motorcycle.