Beginners and Beyond


Walking harder than running? (Read 84 times)


    I am walking at a 15 minute mile currently. Maybe that is why I'm sore?


    You're sore because this is essentially a new activity for you.


    I am sore after I go bowling, once every 5 years, but it doesn't make it harder than running.


    Hip Redux

       I am sore after I go bowling, once every 5 years, but it doesn't make it harder than running.


      I went to the batting cages a while back.  My abs were so sore, it was hard to breathe. lol


      fro yo fanatic

        For me at least walking is harder than running.  I am recovering now from a foot injury sustained while walking on a rest day.  To be fair though, I was walking on a steep incline on the treadmill at a very brisk pace.  Then last year I had a high ankle sprain on the other foot from yoga.  The one and only injury I had from running was an ITB issue from a 15mile training run on a cambered surface while training for my first marathon.




          You're sore because this is essentially a new activity for you.


          I am sore after I go bowling, once every 5 years, but it doesn't make it harder than running.




          I am, for example, sore when I go to a concert and dance for a few continuous hours, and that is because I do not dance in the head-banging, jumping manner very often.  But my hilly 10-mile run I do pretty often?  It's a harder activity, but I am used to it.
