Beginners and Beyond


Saturday Race day! (Read 40 times)


    Hog - Great job!  Hope you'll post a RR.  Rest up and enjoy the eats.


    OFR  Great job on 3rd OA!  Damn teenagers these days.  The RD must have failed math and subtracted 0.1 versus added 0.1.  Regardless, that's great racing man!  Yeah, do another in Jan and get that sub-20 you can hang your hat on.


    Ginny - Nice run.  This weather is so hard to get right, dressing-wise.  Way to hang in there, but don't get sick!


    Cyberic - Happy early Birthday!  Is she trying to tell you something with that gift? 


    HC - Sorry you had navigational problems in the snow today.  Yeah, when there's snow on the ground with no footprints, it can be hard.  But think effort, not distance... 5.5 on snow is still a decent workout.


    Costal - Thanks!


    GC100k - Hope you're not coming down with the flu.  Way to get that run in today!  Rest up.


    zzyzx - Back of the leg started to hurt?  uh oh.  Better get ahead of that sucker and get it straightened away.  I've had a pain in the back of the leg for well over a year now. 


    Runshortii - I agree with LRB... good call.  Hope you got that 13 in!


    ROS - Glad I could put you to sleep.  Yes a 5K loop will do that to you.  


    Well, I blame the wine. Big grin (I had some at book club!)


      Ran the Swamp Stomp half marathon this morning. Unusually cold for SW Louisiana at 32F at start produced good running conditions. Improved my HM PR by 99 seconds to 1:57:39. Full RR in the Masters Forum.


      Well done!!!!

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Quickadder, congrats on the PR!


        After looking at my Garmin map and the Trailforks app, turns out the reason I have yet to find the trail is that I need to do some stream crossings. While I thought I was looking at the Gunpowder River, I was actually looking at a feeder to it. 


          Congrats on the race OFR. Short course, long course, cold, humidity, heat... the conditions are the same for everybody so a 3rd OA is always as good!


            Hog, awesome job!! I'd also love to read a RR.


            Berto, I'm still reading yours. My minions keep interrupting me, and well, now I'm drinking wine again. Big grin


            12 fucking miles done on the TM. Holy shiz, that was a mental slog! My coach had me doing a 1mi warmup, 4mi @ MP (I'm guessing), 3mi @ HMP, 2mi @ 10k pace, and 1mi @ 5k. Then a 1mi cool down. Damn hard workout. I probably could have finished strong (physically) but mentally I was just done and my wheels fell off. So I ended up doing my last pace mile at HMP. I had a progression run similar to this like a month ago and also bombed. And it was also on the TM. Coincidence, much? I think not. I need to get my butt outside, but it's so icy! Even Breaking Bad could not help my despair today.


            So, in celebration, I'm drinking Petit Petite (a syrah? a blend? Whatever, it's delicious.).




              12 fucking miles done on the TM. Holy shiz, that was a mental slog! My coach had me doing a 1mi warmup, 4mi @ MP (I'm guessing), 3mi @ HMP, 2mi @ 10k pace, and 1mi @ 5k. Then a 1mi cool down. Damn hard workout. I probably could have finished strong (physically) but mentally I was just done and my wheels fell off. So I ended up doing my last pace mile at HMP. I had a progression run similar to this like a month ago and also bombed. And it was also on the TM. Coincidence, much? I think not. I need to get my butt outside, but it's so icy! Even Breaking Bad could not help my despair today.


              This gives me motivation that I can get my 13 done on the TM after work



                This gives me motivation that I can get my 13 done on the TM after work


                You for sure can. Actually, during my run I thought that you'd be doing the same and that gave me motivation!


                  Also, 2 questions for you good folk:


                  1) I know we've talked about this before, but what are your favorite socks? (I should have taken notes when we discussed previously)

                  2) In your workout logs here, how do you customize the type of workout? I wanted to categorize it as a Progression run today but haven't been able to figure out how to add/edit categories). #kthxbye

                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    Also, 2 questions for you good folk:


                    1) I know we've talked about this before, but what are your favorite socks? (I should have taken notes when we discussed previously)

                    2) In your workout logs here, how do you customize the type of workout? I wanted to categorize it as a Progression run today but haven't been able to figure out how to add/edit categories). #kthxbye


                    1. Balegas



                      1. Balegas


                      Any particular variety?




                        I have a pair of ankle types (balegas) and they always slide down. Wondering if it's the particular variety or if Balegas in general hate me.


                          Back of the leg was more sore than pain. I hadn't done a long long elliptical in a while and I think it was just annoyed. It was fine on my run afterward and has been all day. I just didn't want to push it.

                          Half Crazy K 2.0



                            I have a pair of ankle types (balegas) and they always slide down. Wondering if it's the particular variety or if Balegas in general hate me.


                            I have a bunch of the Hidden Comforts:


                            I just got some of the Silvers:


                              Hog, awesome job!! I'd also love to read a RR.


                              Berto, I'm still reading yours. My minions keep interrupting me, and well, now I'm drinking wine again. Big grin


                              12 fucking miles done on the TM. Holy shiz, that was a mental slog! My coach had me doing a 1mi warmup, 4mi @ MP (I'm guessing), 3mi @ HMP, 2mi @ 10k pace, and 1mi @ 5k. Then a 1mi cool down. Damn hard workout. I probably could have finished strong (physically) but mentally I was just done and my wheels fell off. So I ended up doing my last pace mile at HMP. I had a progression run similar to this like a month ago and also bombed. And it was also on the TM. Coincidence, much? I think not. I need to get my butt outside, but it's so icy! Even Breaking Bad could not help my despair today.


                              So, in celebration, I'm drinking Petit Petite (a syrah? a blend? Whatever, it's delicious.).


                              That's a damn hard workout ROS!   No wonder you couldn't finish it! He/she trying to kill you??? I use to do similar workouts back in the day peaking before a Half, but not 10 miles of pace work! I'd do 8 in a 16, like 3mp,2Half,2-10K,1-5K, on the way back. If you cut down to 3,2,2,1, you could complete it, the rest easy. I mean, you are not doing 50MPW are you, or trying to bust a 1:30 half?


                                2) In your workout logs here, how do you customize the type of workout? I wanted to categorize it as a Progression run today but haven't been able to figure out how to add/edit categories). #kthxbye


                                Upper right of the RA Web page , click Options, then the botton-right "tile", Manage my activities. Click on "Run", and there you can customize, add, remove types of runs, and choose the color you want for the different types.
